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Today is a first for Moonbeams over Atlanta. I had not done an interview before because it looked hard to do. Once I did some research, I had a hard time limiting the questions to just 10! I thought it especially fortuitous to help with this blog tour because the release day is my birthday. Please give a warm welcome to Draven St. James as we talk about her upcoming release of Fused by Fire, book 3 of the Firehouse Six series, on May 20, 2014.
Tell us a little about yourself, Draven:
-I’m a born and raised Oregonian. I’ve traveled extensively in search of mischief and mayhem to fill my books. My ventures have been quite successful in inspiring a wealth of stories both sexy and humorous. It gives me a great excuse to do some crazy stuff in the name of research. Of course at the end of the day, coffee within reach, laptop at the ready is where I find my peace.
What draws you to the M/M romance genre?
-I find that I feel more of a connection to the male characters. Female characters are amazing, but they don’t inspire a love story for me.
This is book 3 in the Firehouse Six series. Does that mean that there will only be 6 books?
-Not necessarily. I haven’t decided the exact length of the series yet. However, with each book I find myself adding new characters that I fall in love with. Then of course they have to have their own story. Just wait until you meet Wren.
Did you do research for your series? If so, how much research do you do?
-I do research for each series. For the Firehouse Six series I actually know firemen in my area so I spent a lot of time interviewing and getting to know them. Not just their jobs but the kind of men that they are beneath those sexy bunker pants.
Do you work to an outline or plot (a “Plotter”), or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you (a “Panster”)?
-I generally plot out the barebones of my story lines, but I admit that sometimes I wander off track. When I’m working out a scene and getting to know my characters I, at times, realize that changes have to be made. Changes that mesh with a character’s personality and how they go from point A to point B.
On average, how long does it take you to write a book in general, and Fused by Fire, in specific?
-It can take me anywhere between three weeks to two months to write a first draft. Granted, that does not include all the editing. It took me about a month to write the first draft of Fused by Fire.
Do you ever get the dreaded Writer’s Block? If so, how did you get through it?
-I do get Writer’s Block. However, I’m generally working on multiple books at the same time, so when one muse is slacking off, I just go work on another story.
Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?
-I let ideas stew, but generally when I start a book, not a day goes by that I don’t at least poke at it.
I’ve been seeing a lot of people doing “trailer’s” for books. What do you think of them?
-My book, Covert Delivery from the Eostre’s Baskets collection through Loose Id, was part of a book trailer. I find the idea of them fun and unique. They definitely have the potential to draw people in and perhaps wet their appetite for more.
What random fact about yourself that no one knows about?
-Up until my early teens I lived in a small town in Eastern Oregon. What does that mean? It means I can ride horses, rope cattle, and I love sleeping under the stars.
As a not-yet-published writer myself, what advice would you give to aspiring writers?
-Don’t let other people tell you that writing can only be “just a hobby”. Try to write every day, even if it is only a couple of sentences that don’t go in a book.
And that concludes our interview with Draven St. James! Thank you Draven for the lovely interview.
Be sure to be on the look out for the release of Fused by Fire. I know I will. I love firefighters in stories myself so I’ve added it to my Goodreads.com To Be Read (TBR) list. Links for the series at the publisher and Goodreads along with the link to the book’s Goodreads profile are below the book’s blurb.
Fused by Fire Blurb (Firehouse Six 3)
Michael prides himself on being the man that everyone can depend on until one of his firefighters is severely wounded on the job. Will he be allowed to process the situation alone? Not when a loud and persistent Simon Winters shows up on his doorstep. The man hasn’t met a boundary he didn’t skip across.
Simon has had the biggest crush on Lieutenant Firefighter, Michael Donovan since the first day he saw him. Which just happened to be at an interview for a job to work as a firefighter. Before his desire to lick the gruff older man from head to toe affects his work, Simon transfers over to being a paramedic. Just when he’s begun to build a life that doesn’t include hot shower fantasies of Michael, the object of his angst is thrust into his path.
All too quickly, Simon begins to barrel through Michael’s defenses and dig up the desires Michael has fought so hard to hide. As passions flare out of control, tragedies collide from every side. Michael’s struggle to keep Simon at a distance starts to crumble beneath the weight of the secrets that Simon is hiding. Will Michael be able to protect Simon when he needs it the most or will he lose Simon forever?
Release Date: 5/20/2014
Fused by Fire on Goodreads | Firehouse Six Series on Goodreads | Firehouse Six Series by the Publisher
Simon knocked on his door. “Hey, all done out here. Want to come check my skills? We can play sexy maid and naughty boss.”
Michael bit back a groan, shocked by the words. He’d really love to do that. Did the man know how much his offer tortured him? When did Simon become an overt flirt?
With a fortifying breath, he opened the door and stopped short. Simon stood directly in front of him with a mischievous smile on his face.
“I found something.” Simon nibbled on his lush bottom lip.
Michael racked his brain for what Simon might have discovered that would warrant such a teasing expression.
Simon’s lips curved into a huge grin as he produced a half-empty bottle of lube from behind his back.
“Shit,” Michael muttered.
“Yeah, I was vacuuming out the couch cushions, and imagine my surprise.” Simon arched a brow. “Did you buy this at a wholesale supermarket?”
Michael’s face heated. Not because Simon had his lube, but because the last couple of times he’d used it, images of Simon in the firehouse showers had slipped unbidden into his thoughts.
He reached out to grab it, but Simon held it away from him.
“Tsk-tsk. Now, where do you hide your…material?” Simon brushed past Michael and into the bedroom.
Michael watched from the doorway as Simon rummaged through the drawers on both nightstands before coming away with a strip of condoms.
“Oh.” Simon’s face fell. He glanced from the bed to Michael, and his face reddened. With a loudly exhaled breath, he moved past Michael and walked back out into the living room. Michael followed along, only to be brought up short when Simon turned to dangle the condoms in front of Michael. “I guess you don’t need any additional inspiration.”
Michael finally managed to shake himself out of his frozen state. He snatched the condoms and lube away and tossed them on the couch. Simon just kept pushing and pushing, burrowing his way into all the crevices of Michael’s life.
Michael stepped forward and grabbed Simon by his shoulders. “Why are you really here?” he snarled.
“Because you’ve locked yourself away?” Simon whispered and gazed at him with eyes filled with concern.
That look stabbed into Michael. “And you care why?”
“Because…” Simon shrugged, dislodging Michael’s hold, and then cupped Michael’s face with a trembling hand. “What happened wasn’t your fault, and you needed someone to come and shove that truth into your face.”
“You picked the short straw?” Michael hated that Simon’s hand on his cheek brought him more comfort than anything else had. Just like at the hospital.
Simon shook his head, and his gaze fell to Michael’s lips. His hand came down to brush against the edge of Michael’s bottom lip. A pink flush rose along Simon’s cheeks.
Michael felt that innocent touch like a jolt through his body. He tilted Simon’s face up, and the sensual invitation in his eyes shocked and inflamed him.
He didn’t have the energy to fight against what he wanted, and right now that was Simon. With a groan of defeat, he smashed his lips to Simon’s and took the sweet oblivion that Simon offered. Simon melted into him, and a shudder worked its way through Michael’s body. Michael grasped the backs of Simon’s thighs and jerked until Simon jumped up and wrapped his legs around Michael’s waist.
Brief astonishment that they were really kissing filtered through Michael’s head as he stumbled back to sit on the couch. He traced his tongue along Simon’s bottom lip and thrust inside.
Copyright © Draven St. James
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