Where has the time gone?

So, it’s July 1st: Halfway through 2014.  Whoa…what?


Where did the time go?  Oh, yeah.  Life has been kicking me in the butt.


So, a status update.  I’ve finished round two of edits for the Love’s Landscapes writing event with M/M Romance group on Goodreads.com.  After proofreaders take a gander at it, it should be published to the group.  As soon as I know, I’ll let everyone know. 🙂


I’ve been doing blog tours when internet works, looking for a day job, and generally dealing with things in my life.  I have not been around much but hope to in the second half of this year.


I’ve been reviewing more, well, as much as I can but that has been put on the back burner somewhat because of other things.  Once they resolve, things should get better.  Hopefully, in the next couple of months.


This too shall pass.


On that note, and deciding I’m a little disjointed today, I will sign off saying…


Welcome to July! 🙂
