It’s posted! Finally…

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It’s official.  I’m finally a published author. Yay, me!  8/25/2014 will live for all time.


It posted yesterday.  I looked, I swear.  Didn’t see it. 🙂


I have been having internet trouble so it’s possible it didn’t update.


Think you can find it? *big smile*


You do have to be a member to see read it.  You can also go here:  All of the posts prior to last week and current week will have ebooks for download.  To see the original descriptions and pictures, you will have to be a member of the group.  Go join.  It’s worth it. 😀


To celebrate my published author status, I’m giving away a $15 gift card (ARe, Amazon, B&N) to a lucky commentator on this post.  Post and let me know if you liked the story or not.  Let’s see if we can get more followers too.  If I can reach 100 followers by September 1st, I will give away an additional $15 gift card to the 100th follower…


Thanks, and good luck,




As an update (because I didn’t put a time limit originally), let’s say all commentators who post by the end of September (9/30/14 11:59p) will be eligible for the contest.  And I will extend the 100th follower additional contest to then as well. -Eloreen

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