It’s done and submitted! My LOR story has been sent.

After 2 months delay, taking on a co-author, and lots of late nights, Adan and I have finally finish Coil Me Up, the Love’s an Open Road submission for the Don’t Read in the Closet event over at Goodreads in the M/M Romance Group. Yay!

I could sleep for a week.

Now, I just have to go to work.


Life moves on.

On another note, I will be participating with the July #CampNaNoWriMo for another WIP that I hope to finish, or at least make a good dent into it, starting…tomorrow. *thunks head on desk* No rest for the weary. 🙂

Stay tuned for when Coil Me Up will be released and more musings on my progress with my Camp writing. And maybe I’ll restart my blog story too…


@SensuousPromos #BlogTour Win a $25 gift card + Writing Tips – Gambling on a Dream by @sara_w_ellwood #ContemporaryRomance

Welcome to the final stop of Sara Walter Elwood’s Book Tour for Gambling on a Dream! There are several stops on this tour so please be sure to check all of the below listed stops in the coming days. Plus every stop that you leave a comment at gains you one entry to win an Amazon or Barnes & Noble $25 gift card.  Until then, Sara shares with us the tricks of the perfect story setting!


Is Getting the Setting Right Important?

Does an author’s or a movie’s geographical setting ever distract you? It does me when it isn’t right. Case in point: the History Channel’s miniseries Texas Rising. For the most part this dramatization of the Texas Revolution is okay. I don’t like some of the historical inaccuracies—Like Emily West being at the Alamo and that she is from New Orleans. She was actually an indentured servant from Connecticut, who worked at a hotel at Morgan Point and was kidnapped by General Santa Anna… But I digress. I can live with these sorts of things, because as an author, I understand taking a certain amount of liberties with the truth to make a story more entertaining.

However, if the setting is completely wrong, it bothers me. Texas Rising was filmed in Durango, Mexico, which is a mountainous, dry area of west-central part of the country.  The thing that bugs me the most is that the part of Texas where the revolution occurred was in the Golf Coastal Plain. This area is not mountainous. There are not cacti and arid lands outside Victoria, Texas, or any at the Alamo. If anyone has ever visited San Antonio, you know this area of Texas is a hot subtropical area that is known for its humidity. Same goes for the area where the Battle of San Jacinto occurred, which is in present day Harris County. If you’ve ever gone to Houston, you know it is hot and humid in the summer.

So, why do I bring this up during my blog tour for my latest release, Gambling On A Dream? I strived to make sure I get, not only my geography right, but also the weather in my Texas settings. The Colton Gamblers series takes place in the same geographical area as Bosque County, which is mostly flat, with some rolling hills, stands of trees (hence the name which is Spanish for woods/forest) and grasslands. The temperatures are hot and typically humid.

I’ve been told by people who live in Texas, I get my settings right, which is something I’m happy about. J



Gambling On A Dream

Gambling On A Dream

Colton Gamblers Book 3 by Sara Walter Ellwood

June 9, 2015

With Everything At Stake…

It’s been years since Sheriff Dawn Madison said goodbye to Texas Ranger Wyatt McPherson. She’s closed the door on the heartache of her past. But when the sleepy town of Colton, Texas, is rocked by a series of shocking murders, Dawn has no choice but to trust the man who broke her heart if she wants to protect the ones she loves…

All Bets Are Off

Four years have passed. But Wyatt hasn’t forgotten the bold, Native American beauty who stole his heart . . . and broke it. Losing her and the life they had hoped to share left him an empty shell of himself. But if he wants to stop the deranged killer terrorizing the innocent kids of Colton, he’ll have to let Dawn back into his life. It’s a risk he’s willing to take, even if heartache is all he takes home…



When the door closed with a resounding click behind her brother, Dawn pounded a fist onto the table with enough force to rattle their coffee mugs. “Dammit, who is he protecting?”

Wyatt glanced back at the door. Her older brother Talon had always had it rough, but no worse than Dawn and their younger brother. Sure, being one of Jock Blackwell’s ill-begotten sons wasn’t something he’d wish on a rabid coyote. However, Tom Madison had treated Talon like a son all his life, even giving him a third of his ranch when he retired.

Talon had changed, and not for the better. His problems didn’t come from how he was raised, or even the occasional bullying. He was a troublemaker, and nothing would have changed him.

He sat in the chair Talon had vacated. “Or the question could be what is he hiding?”

She ran her hands over her dark hair to the tight bun at the base of her skull. With jerky movements, she pulled out the band holding the twisted braid captive. As she ran her fingers through the long mass of raven silk, heat coursed through him at the memories of all that hair covering him like a blanket while they’d made love. When she bent over the table and scratched her scalp in pure frustration, all he could think about was her hair hanging down her back to brush and tickle his thighs as she rode him–her favorite position–to orgasm.

The erection was fast and furious and nearly had him groaning. Thank God, he was sitting. He forced his numbed mind to focus on the case.

“We have to find someone else who may have seen or knows something.” She glanced across the table at him and straightened. If there was ever the perfect picture of a beautiful Indian maiden, it was Dawn with her hair down. Had she ever had the stuff cut? He swallowed hard and shifted in his chair as his jeans strangled his cock. How long had it been since he’d had sex? He couldn’t remember, but refused to believe he hadn’t been with someone since Dawn.

With swift, practiced motions, she broke the trance he was under by daftly braiding her hair and wrapping it into a bagel-sized knot at the back of her head. She snapped the hair band over the bun.

He cleared his throat. “When are we talking to Chris’s friends?” His voice came out sounding a bit husky, even to his ears.

She stood, taking their coffee cups with her, and refilled them. After she dumped that god-awful crap pretending to be creamer into hers, she handed him a mug of black joe. Sipping her coffee from the extra-large, bright green mug he’d given to her for her thirtieth birthday, she returned to her chair.

“Hendricks and Kennedy are getting a list, but according to Julie, he didn’t have many friends in Colton.”

“How about Justin Vaughn? He’s always been a known dealer. Maybe he knows something.” He sipped his coffee.

She smiled, and he almost choked as he swallowed the hot, bitter brew. “Haven’t thought of him. We should talk to him. They’re about the same age. Vaughn’s working over at his uncle’s farm and garden market.”

He set his mug on the table and glanced at his watch. “I can’t today.”

“Hot date?”

Grinning, he stood. “No. I’m buying the Estrada Ranch.”

Her dark eyes widened. “Really? I heard Luis and Stella were thinking of moving to New Mexico, but I didn’t know it was a done deal. I figured it would go to either Jose or Mary,” she said, referring to the Estradas’ son and daughter. “How long has their place been up for sale? I haven’t seen a sign in their yard.”

He shrugged and reached for his hat where it sat on the edge of the table. “Luis and Stella told Mom and Dad they planned to sell the place a couple of weeks ago while playing Bingo at the firehouse. When they told me, I called the Estradas and made an offer. It never officially made it on the market. I’ve been looking for a small ranch.”

“We’ll be neighbors when you settle in there.” She cocked her head to the side. “I never knew you wanted to be a rancher.”

“You never cared about a lot of things I wanted.” His bitterness surprised even him.

She stood and picked up her mug, leaving his where it sat. As she headed for the door, she nodded toward it. “We have a policy around here. We clean up after ourselves. Something I seem to remember you have a hard time with.”


Purchase Links:

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | iTunes


About Sara:

Although Sara Walter Ellwood has long ago left the farm for the glamour of the big town, she draws on her experiences growing up on a small hobby farm in West Central Pennsylvania to write her contemporary westerns. She’s been married to her college sweetheart for over 20 years, and they have two teenagers and one very spoiled rescue cat named Penny. She longs to visit the places she writes about and jokes she’s a cowgirl at heart stuck in Pennsylvania suburbia. Sara Walter Ellwood is a multi-published and international Amazon bestselling author of the anthology set Cowboy Up. She also publishes paranormal romantic suspense under the pen name Cera duBois.


Author Links:

WebsiteBlog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



Gambling On A Secret, Book 1 and Gambling On A Heart, Book 2


For other links and book information check out my website page:





Win an Amazon or Barnes & Noble $25 gift card

Don’t forget to leave your comment below and visit the other stops in the tour to increase your chances of winning! 

June 20th –

June 21st –

June 22nd –

June 23rd –

June 24th –

June 25th –

June 26th –

June 27th –

June 28th –

June 29th –

June 30th –

Audiobook Giveaway: Hook, Line, & Sinker #audiobook #gayromance #giveaway

And #audible giveaway!

Woot! #published I got in!

Just a short note that my submission to Queer Sci Fi’s 2nd Annual Flash Fiction contest as been accepted as part of the upcoming anthology. Winners will be announced soon, next week probably.

However, I #amwriting and hope to have my LOR submission ready here soon. Here’s hoping.


‘Where There’s Smoke’ by Nico Jaye #LGBT #Review

I’m back over at Rainbow Gold Reviews!

@MyFamHrtBookRvw #BookTour “Star Crossed Shifters” by @catibbitts #Paranormal #Romance #Contest




TITLE – Star Crossed Shifters
SERIES – Pepper Valley Shifters (#4)
AUTHOR – C.A. Tibbitts
GENRE – Paranormal romance (18+)
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 50k
PUBLISHER – C.A. Tibbitts
COVER ARTIST – C.A. Tibbitts

Star Crossed Shifters - Book Cover


Nick Caputo is a wolf shifter, and the new clan enforcer. He knows with every fiber of his being that Violet Tago (a shifter that can’t shift) is his mate. One kiss. One simple taste and she’ll be his.

Since arriving in Pepper Valley, Violet has ignored any burgeoning attraction for Nick, and instead crushes big time on her brother’s best friend, Brody.

Brody Westwood, also a wolf shifter, has never thought twice about his best friend’s kid sister. The fact is, he wants nothing to do with any supernatural being. After seeing his best friend, Griffin, fall in love, marry, and have children, Brody decides it’s time to settle down with a family of his own. When a new curvacous beauty shows up in town, the attraction practically crackles the air between them. But Leah Cross isn’t human…or a shifter.

Two couples with undeniable attraction. Under the Colorado sky, they are Star Crossed Shifters.



Star Crossed Shifters - Teaser 2



Pepper Valley Shifters

A Shifter Christmas, #0, A Short Story Prequel (in Mystical Xmas Box Set)
Shifted for Love, #1 (August, 2014)
Healing A Shifter, #2 (October, 2014)
Twice Fated Shifter, #2.5 (in Mystical New Love Box Set)
Shifter Under Cover, #3 (February, 2015)
~~~Star Crossed Shifters #4 (2015) ~~~

Multi-ethnic couple in passionate embrace and undressing each other during sexual foreplay - High Contrast Black and White


She watched him glance around the living room before his eyes settled on hers again. Her panties dampened. She backed up against the door, her palms flat against the cold metal, and he stalked her, trapping her in place with his arms on either side of her head. Her heartbeat sped up as his eyes flashed yellow for one short moment, and she knew his wolf was close to the surface.

“Leah, I’m going to kiss you. After that, I’m going to lick your pussy until you come, and then I’ll flip you over and take you like my wolf demands.”

She whimpered at his words, her panties now thoroughly soaked. “‘Kay,” was all she managed to say before his lips descended on hers, hard and unyielding. She opened for his probing tongue and a shock coursed through her body, curling her toes, as she tasted him. He tasted of peppermint and coffee, but underneath that, home.


NOTE: Pepper Valley Shifters age at a much slower rate than humans.


Name:  Nick (Nicholas) Caputo

Age: 30-something

Height:  5’9″

Eyes:  dark blue-gray

Hair:  Brown

Typical shift:  wolf


Employment:  Manager at Great Scotts Bar & Grill, clan enforcer

Since laying eyes on Violet Tago a few years back, he knew she was his fated mate.  The only problem – she only has eyes for Brody Westwood.


Name:  Brody Westwood

Age: 61

Height: 6’4″

Eyes:  piercing blue

Hair:  Blonde

Typical shift:  wolf

Employment: auto/motorcycle mechanic

A veteran from Vietnam, Brody is ready to settle down with a family of his own after seeing his best friend, Griffin Tago, marry, mate, and become a father.  He has no interest in Griffin’s baby sister, or any other shifter or paranormal being.  But Fate has waylaid Brody’s plans for a human mate.


Name:  Violet Marie Tago


Height: 5’7″

Eyes: Brown

Hair: black

can’t shift

Employment: yoga instructor

Violet has had a crush on Brody Westwood from day 1, after finding her brother after a 40+ year estrangement.  So why is Nick so convinced that she should date him?  And why does she spend most of her spare time hanging out with Nick?

CA Tibbetts - Button

An Oklahoma native, C.A. Tibbitts resides with her husband.

Writing has always been her passion, and she hopes to continue writing for many years to come in the paranormal romance genre, as well as other romance genres.

She loves to hear from her readers, and deeply appreciates honest reviews.



Star Crossed Shifters - Teaser 4



$5 Amazon gift card
1 set of Pepper Valley Shifters books 1-3 (does not include anthologies)
1 autographed paperback Pepper Valley Shifters book of your choice (international)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This tour has been organized & hosted by

#amwriting LOR Story change


It’s been a year since January. I did get that Flash Fiction Contest over at Queer Sci Fi. We’ll see how that turns out.

I haven’t finished my LOR story with the M/M Romance Group at yet. But I did get someone to help me finish it. 🙂

I would like to welcome Adan DePiaz. She will co-write the story that will come out this summer. Probably will publish later summer, early fall at this point, in the Love is an Open Road event topic. I’ll post the title and a little blurb after we get it finished and submitted. The posted stories are here.

You must be a member to read the stories until they post it to the website.

Now, I’m not feeling so well. I think I might curl up with a good story or two and see if I can get some shut-eye.


Eloreen Moon

@Eyes_on_Books #BookTour: “Love Cubed” by @Author_E_LeFey #LGBT #Romance #Excerpt #Review @Wayward_Ink_Pub

Love Cubed Blog Tour


Welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta, Eddy LeFey! This is a review book tour and there is a contest, so read on! A copy of the book was provided for the purpose of this review.


Title: Love Cubed

Author: Eddy LeFey

Length: novel

Genre: gay romance, contemporary, new adult, menage, MMM


Three very different young men meet at St-Frederick’s University.

Francis, haunted by his past and seeking a new life.

Andrew, the introverted football jock.

And Sebastian, the charismatic and confident hockey star.

Francis, wary and troubled, didn’t count on meeting anyone he could care for.

Andrew, closeted and lonely, didn’t think anything would matter more than his football career.

And Sebastian, content to float from conquest to conquest, never believed he’d meet someone who could hold his interest.

An encounter with a journalist causes consequences for all three.

Will they be able to take what they need from one another in order to cope?

Book Trailer


Buy Links

WIPAmazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon DE | ARe | B&N


Prizes: 1 x $20 WIP Gift Card and 1 x ebook copy of Love Cubed

The Review:

4 Stars


I saw the title for Love Cubed and was intrigued by it. I had to read more. It’s a ménage with jocks. Despite not being a follower of Sports-type events personally, I love to read about mm hockey players, football players, and swimmers finding love.

I’m all about three men together. That solidified it for me.

I had a month to read it. I said to myself, “I can do this.” For many that follow me here and on social media, I’ve had a heck of a year and this year is shaping up to be just as… interesting. 3 days ago I realized I hadn’t even started it and my post is on Monday. Crap. So, being my multitasking self, I read it last night while doing other things.

I had to finish it, and in the wee hours one day before my scheduled post day, I managed it.

I loved it.  There were some point of view changes that I had to re-read a couple of times to catch who was talking/thinking. I like POV changes, but they were paragraph by paragraph changes in the early chapters, so a little different writing style that was difficult follow initially. There were a lot of description–rather than action. Since some of it was catching up with other secondary characters, it felt normal for the story. A misplaced period at the end of one sentence, but otherwise proofing/grammar was good. Loved Sebastian, Andrew, and Francis. Their growth, their rising love, and how they were woven together were great. Polyamory is hard to write well, and Eddy did a great job of building the characters, including several secondary characters to give it realism. It was easier later in the book, and hard to put down, which is why I managed to read it one sitting. 🙂 Being a mathematics geek, I did enjoy the reference. I will definitely have to look for more works.

With this, I give Love Cubed 4 stars.

Eloreen Moon


Francis was feeling hungry after a full day of sports, but he was also anxious to see if he could spot the photographer, who he now remembered was some kind of journalist for the National Herald. However, he didn’t want to spoil the camaraderie that had developed between him and the others—Andrew and Sebastian especially—so he decided to leave the photographer thing alone for now. He was enjoying the praise Andrew and Sebastian were pouring onto him, and the closeness. It felt good. Suddenly, he heard a shout. Someone was shouting a name he hadn’t heard in a long time. He panicked. He got loose from Andrew and he ran. He wouldn’t stop until he was safe in his room. He knew now he should never have left it.

Sebastian and Andrew saw John and Heather talking to the photographer guy, and tried to distract Francis from noticing him. Andrew put his arm around Francis, guiding him away. They would have succeeded if it weren’t for Francis hearing someone shouting. It wasn’t even his name, but all of a sudden, Francis bolted. Andrew’s and Sebastian’s instincts were telling them to run after him. However, they both stopped abruptly and turned back to the photographer when they heard John yell, “Are you telling us our Francis is really Robert Katz? The Robert Katz?”

Everyone had heard of Robert Katz. It was a scandal involving a young high school student from a very prestigious private school who had broken a sexual abuse ring involving a teacher. The accused had committed suicide. This caused a backlash toward the accuser, Robert Katz, who had then been bullied and harassed, accused of making up the whole thing. It culminated in Robert being physically abused by fellow students who were trying to torture the truth out of him. Charges had been laid. People had been found guilty and sentenced. An inquiry was started. There was a publication ban throughout the trials and the inquiry. No one was to publish pictures of Robert, to ensure he could at least try to live a normal life.

Andrew stomped his way to the journalist, followed closely by Sebastian. “That was Francis Hollingsworth who just ran off. Are you saying that he is really Robert Katz? You have proof?”

Denis sighed. “I didn’t mean for this to get out just yet, not like this. I should not have shouted his name. I could be fired for this. I know what Robert Katz looks like because I saw him at the trials. His full name is Robert Francis Katz. His mother’s maiden name is Hollingsworth. It’s him. I need to talk to him.”

Heather was the one who put a hand out to stop him. “You aren’t going anywhere near him. He didn’t deserve to be outed like this.” Heather turned to Sebastian and Andrew. “You two need to go to Francis. He’s probably locked himself in his room. God knows what he’ll do. He needs to know that people care about him—that he’s loved—before he does something stupid to himself. You both need to go and tell him how you each feel about him. Be honest with him and with yourselves for once. Do it. Now!

Stunned, bewildered, and spurred on by the urgency of the situation, Andrew and Sebastian ran in the dorm’s direction.

About the authorEddy LeFey

Eddie LeFey started reading m/m romance fanfiction a few years ago. At one point, during a crucial point in the soap opera storyline of his favorite gay couple, the story went on hiatus. He needed a fix and decided to write his own version of what he wished would happen. Friends wanted to read it, so he plucked up his courage. Pressing the submission button was nerve-wracking, but he did it. People liked it. He wrote a few more.

Up until that point Eddy had tried his hand at writing many times. The delete button was his friend, as was starting over, and over, and over, but he could no longer do that if he wanted people to read his works.

A few of his writing friends decided to create original stories, and feeling brave, Eddy did the same. The stories were shared among a select few. They encouraged him to submit one of them. Low and behold, it is now being published.

Eddy lives in Canada with his husband Ken and his cat Oscar Wild. He is busy writing many more stories.

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