oh wow… Sorry for the radio silence #musings

I’m so sorry. I just realized I haven’t posted in… Over two months. It has been a rather busy time. Work ramped up so much that I was doing an average of 14 hour days for way too long. To the point that I’ve been eating, breathing, and not sleeping work. It has slowed down this last couple of days, so I’m thankful. 

A lot of things have happened since my last update. I didn’t finish #NaNoWriMo (obviously). The holidays were rough but nice to stay home for a break at Christmas and New Year’s. Last year of celebrity deaths from when I grew up which made it more poignant than expected. Sadly, it also heralded the start of a political presidency that culminated in the inauguration today of one of the most controversial candidates in modern times. I didn’t watch. I generally don’t because I can’t literally sit through them. I don’t watch TV much in the first place; add politics to it and I’m done. I was on Facebook but didn’t stay very long. 

I have been itching to write, but no time to be had. By the time I started having time, I couldn’t sit any more because that position was causing my muscles to spam and start to seize. I need another massage. I might schedule one in the next couple of weeks before I leave on my cruise in February. I’ll probably will be away to prepare for that since I have been on a cruise since I was a young adult. Boy, things have changed…

With the cruise vacation, I hope to relax enough that I can write again. It should be interesting. I might post pictures if I can ever find my darn camera…

I’m going to rest now. Maybe take some Advil to relax those pesky muscles, so I don’t hurt any more. And dinner. Dinner is good.
