I’m on a roll and blog moving #musings #amwriting #brainstorming #bloggingworldproblems


Found this image on the internet. Not using a typewriter but a computer, but I thought it was cool. Yes, I’m writing now, as I and my co-author have time. We’re working on that story I posted about at the end of January. Not for the original submission but to submit to either a publisher or on our own when we’re done. We had a productive evening. Got some words written, a scene redone, and brainstormed a couple more chapters.

Unfortunately, I’ve been in pain for the better part of a couple of weeks, so a lot of things are going slowly. Thank goodness that work slowed a little last week so I could catch up on some of my non-billable stuff, and get looked at for all of the issues I have had. Got lots of dental issues that I’m working on this month with most of it dealt with by the beginning of March. Going to have to take some days off as they involve surgery. Not fun going under the knife twice. Last time I had roof-of-the-mouth surgery was when I was a teen revealing an impacted tooth for braces. The irony is not lost on me that one of the surgeries is to correct an abscess behind the same tooth… I’m getting old. Sigh. šŸ™‚ But, I’m getting excited about writing more, so I’ll take it. Just have a few Real Life bumps along the way. Isn’t that how it always works out?

Looks like I’ll finish up some thoughts and a scene and then go take a pain pill and go to bed again. I took a nap earlier which is probably why I’m vertical now. Partners went to a friends party this evening so I expect they won’t be home until late. I will like be asleep, or wish I was, by then. Stupid pain.

I have some ideas bouncing around for another WIP my co-author and I were working on last year, or maybe the year before? Time has a tendency to slip by me when I work too much. Here’s hoping it don’t slam me again. I want to have time to finish a project. šŸ˜€ I plan to be more involved in writing. Next week will be signing up for GRL 2018, I hope. I plan on road-tripping to Virginia in October. If anyone in the area wants a ride we can work something out. Not sure what car I’m driving but likely a Prius. I do plan on bringing some books back…

Well, I’m going to sign off for the night. I’m going to try to update more often here. Note: I will be moving this blog from WordPress to my web hosted WordPress site eventually. For those that follow me, you will probably have to re-follow but I will keep everyone posted so you can jump on that when the time comes. This is so I can manage everything in one place and that https://www.eloreenmoon.com/ actually stays and I don’t pay to redirect. šŸ™‚ Anybody out there a WordPress guru and an help me move my blog? Cheaply? Struggling writer here. I’ve got most of it transferred with the free tools but having issues still, and haven’t had time to look into it again. Heck, I could use a webmaster as I need to do up my eloreenmoon.com website too. I figured I can deal with that after my blog moves. Anyway, contact me (social media, the blog contact form, or comment a contact here) if you can help or point me to tools that could work. WordPress and blog technology is driving me crazy. I’ve tried a couple but both sides (my domain host and WordPress) want money if they do it. Which, I’m leaning towards being fine with paying for it, but I don’t have it yet and I’d rather not pay WordPress. Maybe when some royalties come in. šŸ˜‰ At least that is the plan this year.

OK, I’m really going to stop babbling. Here’s to a new writing year and getting things accomplished.

