Midway #CampNaNoWriMo #amwriting #musings #LGBTQ #review

I’m still writing. Honest. I know I said I would do an update earlier in the month but the month got away from me.

Work has been interesting. I say that a lot. Then I lost internet yesterday. Grrr. Seems some animal wanted to chew through the phone wire and phone company had to come out and lay a temp wire to fix. Sigh. The line will get buried next week.

I’ve got almost 5k of words. w00t!!

Goal is 10k. Might be higher. Not sure as it will depend on the characters and what they want to say. Then editing, maybe a beta read or two, then to my new editor. 🙂 it will be published in an anthology this year. Not sure when yet. I’ll keep you posted on progress.

I have an ARC review I need to post. MMMM (yes, four guys) ménage and it’s mpreg. My favorites. Be on the look out for that this weekend now that I have internet back.

What else? I’m drawing a blank. There was something else… Oh well. I guess I’ll do an update post once I remember what it was.
