-waves- I should have posted this yesterday. Oh well. The life of living with a forgetful brain. I’ve been coping so far with likely undiagnosed ADHD.
Together is free on Amazon for a limited time: July 1st – 5th, 2023. If you have Kindle Unlimited, it’s free to borrow as well.

I’ve been mulling in the back of my mind to re-edit and add the epilogue I wrote for a blog tour I did a few years later. It’s been a thing to get started. There are several stories that I would like to republish and some that I would like to finish. With the holiday weekend (ish, still have to work at the Day Job tomorrow, but I have the 4th of July off), perhaps I can start on something. Story of a writer’s life. -smile-
Have a happy 4th of July US readers!