With everything going on politically early November, NaNoWriMo recent issues, and the full time job, this month has been surprisingly productive on the writing front. I’ve been working on editing one story I did almost 10 years ago with the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.com Love is an Open Road event. The other is a new story called, tentatively, As of Yeti.
Coil Me Up Updates
To the left is the cover of Coil Me Up that Adan DePiaz assisted me with finishing the story so it would be published on time for the free M/M Romance group Do it in the Closet events’ anthology publications that year. I contacted Adan earlier this year and asked if they were interested in doing revision and republishing, with the intent on possibly writing a sequel. They were not interested in the writing space anymore with life taking them in a different direction. Life has a tendency to go in ways not expected for sure. I can’t say much to that since since publishing my contemporary romance in 2018, I’ve been hunkered down with Real Life™ family and work. There hasn’t been much time to edit existing stories, let along finish new ones.
I’m working on revising the story for publishing a second edition with the intent to write a sequel I had started to frame out when Adan and I had finished the first version of Coil Me Up in 2015. It will be republished under my name solely but I’m still thankful to Adan for the assistance at the time. I wish them good luck and maybe some time in the future they will revisit writing again. If they do, I would love to collaborate with them then. 🙂
I still like this cover but it probably needs a refresh. Perhaps the next cover artist will keep some of the elements. We’ll see.
I plan to update the story, do a little more background additions, and prep the setup better for the sequel. Perhaps it will turn into a trilogy or a series. I will have to see how the muse goes.
As of Yeti New Story
Also with Adan, we had outlined, somewhat, a MM romance with a Yeti and a human. Since Adan is not writing anymore, they gave me permission to run with it.
I’m working on daily updates to both stories 100 words a day each. I’ve had some local in-person events with Pandalanta writing group on Discord a couple of weekends this month: Street Hop Slumber party overnight last weekend and MARTA Hop the weekend before. I have my replacement Apple MacBook Pro 2019 new-to-me laptop I got around mid-year and I have been itching to write again since. It was a low level itch until November 6th happened.
I took 3 days to wallow and then I decided that I needed to just do it and make time to write and edit. I’ve been intending on doing updates/new stories, with a second edition of Together that will include the epilogue I wrote for a blog tour I did five years ago. That’s also on my plate to do but Coil Me Up and As of Yeti are on the forefront to complete.
Additional notes
As mentioned earlier this year, I moved my blog to self hosting, started doing more blog tour/review posts and now I’m going to do more direct posts as well. Maybe I’ll get my act together about a separate newsletter. For now, I’ve got all of my social together in one place on linktr.ee/eloreenmoon, including Bluesky and the ability to follow my posts here as I publish them. I don’t quite have my blog’s social sharing setup for Bluesky yet, but they are working on a custom icon for it and I should get that updated soon. Just have to fix a minor error updating Pages and go from there.
Speaking of Pages, I have updated them to make them more current. I periodically update as changes are made, like the consolidated social media location. I did start a Twitch account but I’m still on the fence about posting videos. I’m not a video kind of person. Introverts unite! -wink-
I don’t have a Patreon contest subscription for readers either for the same reason, although I have been considering it the last few years. I think I needed to get the motivation/desire/drive/muse back in order to make it worth it for readers. Again, we’ll see. If there are readers who would like to subscribe to exclusive content, feel free to let me know in comments or other social media ways.
I’ve also considered publishing the last 10ish years of flash fiction stories in one volume with new content as well. Still noodling that since the last piece in 2023 had to wait 12 months for the rights to it to revert back to me. Since Queer Sci Fi didn’t do another contest this year, it has been over 12 months and likely prime to gather that together. I’ll have to think on that some more too.
Well, let me get back to my writing. Perhaps early next year, you might see some new books published. 😉
~Eloreen Moon