Camp NaNoWriMo – April Challenge

Well, I signed up for the Camp NaNoWriMo April Challenge to finish Charon’s Dilemma, the MM Romance story prompt from the Goodreads group of the same name.  I officially have 7854 of 10000 words complete.  I still have more to write and then edits so it will likely be more than 10k words, but I’m happy.  It’s due May 1st and so I have one month to finish, edit, beta, and have a professional editor look at it.  Not bad for a first time. 🙂


Cover by Karrie Jax


I have a cover too. 🙂  It will be revealed here when I’m allowed.
4/14/2014 Update: Here is the cover!


I’ll be working on it today: some editing (because I can’t help it) and adding new scenes.  Only a few left to do and then some hard-core rewrites.  I’m giving myself a week to get into something presentable and then it’s off to betas.

