It’s out! Coil Me Up has been published.

Get caught up in Real Life and Adan’s and my story on MM Romance Group Love is an Open Road event gets posted. 🙂

It’s located here. You must be a member of the MM Romance Group on to view.

Also, you can go to to download an EPUB, MOBI, or PDF.

Let us know what you think by posting comments there or here. Also, please rate it on Goodreads. We’re thinking about a sequel and wanted to know if there is interest.

Thanks everyone for sticking around.

-Eloreen and Adan

It’s done and submitted! My LOR story has been sent.

After 2 months delay, taking on a co-author, and lots of late nights, Adan and I have finally finish Coil Me Up, the Love’s an Open Road submission for the Don’t Read in the Closet event over at Goodreads in the M/M Romance Group. Yay!

I could sleep for a week.

Now, I just have to go to work.


Life moves on.

On another note, I will be participating with the July #CampNaNoWriMo for another WIP that I hope to finish, or at least make a good dent into it, starting…tomorrow. *thunks head on desk* No rest for the weary. 🙂

Stay tuned for when Coil Me Up will be released and more musings on my progress with my Camp writing. And maybe I’ll restart my blog story too…


#amwriting LOR Story change


It’s been a year since January. I did get that Flash Fiction Contest over at Queer Sci Fi. We’ll see how that turns out.

I haven’t finished my LOR story with the M/M Romance Group at yet. But I did get someone to help me finish it. 🙂

I would like to welcome Adan DePiaz. She will co-write the story that will come out this summer. Probably will publish later summer, early fall at this point, in the Love is an Open Road event topic. I’ll post the title and a little blurb after we get it finished and submitted. The posted stories are here.

You must be a member to read the stories until they post it to the website.

Now, I’m not feeling so well. I think I might curl up with a good story or two and see if I can get some shut-eye.


Eloreen Moon

A short message #amwriting

Well, this is a short, quick post that I am writing again.

Good news is that I will probably get back to my blog story.

Bad news is that it might not be until after May 1st when my deadline for the M/M Romance Group Don’t Read in the Closet Even on called Love is an Open Road will be submitted.  Well, I might be a little late in submitting since I have vacation planned for the end of April/beginning of May.  We’ll see. 🙂

So, if you don’t see me around except for Blog Tours and the like, you know why.

I told you it was short.


It’s posted! Finally…

It’s official.  I’m finally a published author. Yay, me!  8/25/2014 will live for all time.


It posted yesterday.  I looked, I swear.  Didn’t see it. 🙂


I have been having internet trouble so it’s possible it didn’t update.


Think you can find it? *big smile*


You do have to be a member to see read it.  You can also go here:  All of the posts prior to last week and current week will have ebooks for download.  To see the original descriptions and pictures, you will have to be a member of the group.  Go join.  It’s worth it. 😀


To celebrate my published author status, I’m giving away a $15 gift card (ARe, Amazon, B&N) to a lucky commentator on this post.  Post and let me know if you liked the story or not.  Let’s see if we can get more followers too.  If I can reach 100 followers by September 1st, I will give away an additional $15 gift card to the 100th follower…


Thanks, and good luck,




As an update (because I didn’t put a time limit originally), let’s say all commentators who post by the end of September (9/30/14 11:59p) will be eligible for the contest.  And I will extend the 100th follower additional contest to then as well. -Eloreen

Love’s Landscape Event on M/M Romance Group at




Hello and welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta for the new followers.  Thank you to those that have been following.

My Love’s Landscape story, Charon’s Dilemma, is starting the editing process with an editor assigned to provide feedback to me from the annual Don’t Read in the Closet Event sponsored by M/M Romance Group in  However, the group has started the Love’s Landscapes postings of the first of the stories yesterday.  When totaled, and if all authors submit, there will be 212 stories available.

Best of all: It’s Free!

To see them as they release, join the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.  The Love’s Landscape link above will get you to the folder where they are all at.  Later this summer (maybe fall), the eBook versions and the Anthologies will release.

When mine releases, I will post it here for easy access.  Again, you have to be a member (and 18+ to join) to view them before they go the general populous.

Go read.  I will be.


And now…for an update

I’m writing.  I’m writing another story.  It will be a short story. 1288 words so far and I just got it a couple of days ago. 🙂 I’m glad when a plan comes together.  Short writing deadline but I think I can make it.  It’s flowing pretty good when I have a chance to write.  Maybe I will tonight.  Who knows? Maybe I’ll get it to a series…but not before I finish it for Love’s Landscapes.


Love’s Landscapes? What’s that? I picked up a prompt from the MM Romance Group Love’s Landscapes Event over at group area (  You  must be a member to see it.  I also wrote a prompt and it was picked up by a lovely author and I can’t wait to see what she does with it.


Below is the first draft of the description of the pictures and the prompt, so you can see what I have to work with.  It will be fun.  If you do go and look at the pictures, let me know if I did the picture descriptions justice.


Photo 1: A tall, good-looking man with short, roman-cut hair, piercing eyes of indeterminate color, and high cheekbones in an oval, masculine face with pouty lips is walking towards the viewer. He wears a gold crown tilted back with two red stones visible on front.  He has a brown, thigh-length fur coat with a black fur collar, a dark brown scarf, and leopard-patterned gloves.  His long black pants partially cover the top of his silver-studded black boots.


Photo 2: A golden-tanned man with black pants hanging hip level in a black background is facing away from the viewer.  He has short, straight, ginger hair with brown and gold highlights and a muscular back without a shirt.  His left hand clutches a long silver sword at the hilt near the left side of his head, across his broad shoulders, and cut off from the picture to his right with his right arm hanging down.



Dear Author,

As Crown Prince to the human nation, I could have anyone I choose but to end the war between the humans and the griffons, I must marry the youngest son of the Griffon King. The night before I’m to be married, I meet a man who captures my attention at first glance but before I can talk to him, he disappears. How am I supposed to marry someone I’ve never met when I’ve finally found someone who’s captured my interest? But I suppose it’s for the best because no matter what, I’m determined to end this war… I just hope my betrothed is someone I can grow fond of…


[Name removed for privacy. Go see the pictures :)]

P.S. I want this to be similar to a classic fairy tale (without the evil woman trope) in a historical fantasy setting with shapeshifters that turn into griffons and where arranged marriage of same-sex couples is the norm. Sweet but no sex although sexual tension is allowed. That means kisses are okay but no frottage, BJs, handjobs, etc. No cheating, sharing, menage or open relationships and please don’t make the Crown Prince a slut! I would like him to be standoffish and uninterested in every man but his love interest. HEA is a must. Thank you for putting up with my demands!! ^_^