Preparations for #NaNoWriMo

1. Signed up for Check.

2. Finish filing out profile. Working

3. Kick my iPad’s butt. Check. Check. *bang head on desk*

4. Prepare for Review for a recent novel I read. Check.

5. Write said Review. Working.

6. Consider date and content for being a guest on another’s author’s blog. Working (date now content later).

7. Wait on instructions for blog tour starting next week. Check.

8. Itching to write. Definitively Check.

9. Happy that I’m doing this. Absolutely Check.

10. Scared to death that I won’t finish anything. Double check.

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NaNoWriMo Musings and a Contest!

Sat down to home-made chili, a Mike’s hard lemonade (strawberry), and will finish beta reading a story tonight.  I hope.

I’ve noodled a couple of my stories off and on over the last month or so in between working full-time.  And now I start to see #nanowrimo preparation starting for some of my G+ friends.  Holy crap! When did November get here?

It’s a bittersweet time for me as I started writing almost a year ago.  So I wondered, what should I do to launch a year of writing?  On November 9th, 2012, I started writing a single story that had clamored in my head previously, and with the encouragement of other authors.  I now have that same story with several chapters, two short stories that are almost complete, and a few more that I have started notes on.  I would like to finish a novel, or several shorter stories, as a salute to persevering despite a layoff, teenagers, a new job, and getting older.  We will not discuss my age.  Consider me 29. 🙂

I would like to celebrate my year of writing by giving away a copy of the story, or stories, I finish next month and when it publishes (not if, when) and a $10 gift card to your favorite online eBook store (All Romance eBooks, Totally Bound [formerly Total-E-Bound], Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Bookstrand) to buy your next book.  I plan to update my progress on here Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.  I like talking to new people and hopefully, this will get me off the ground and running to finally get off my duff and get published.  Whether it will be with a publishing house, or I publish on my own, I don’t know.  But, that is the fun as I now have a goal.  My writings, so far, are in MM science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance genres.  Others might be in menage, contemporary and probably will expand to GBLT.  The sky is the limit.  So, if you like those, leave a comment here and at the end of November, I will randomly pick with an online random number generator.  Make sure to leave your email address so I can contact you for your $10 GC and send you the final version of the story that I finish in November.  Be aware that my story may be awhile since I’m sure there will be several rounds of edits to finish, random distractions, and finding a way to publish it.  You have my permission to repost this contest and/or otherwise spread across the internet.  The more the merrier.  Please make sure to link to this specific post so that all comments can be counted.  I’m only going to count the ones made here.  🙂

Thank you for “listening” to me ramble and come help me celebrate.  Teasers to follow!
