@MyFamHrtBookRvw #BookTour “Star Crossed Shifters” by @catibbitts #Paranormal #Romance #Contest

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TITLE – Star Crossed Shifters
SERIES – Pepper Valley Shifters (#4)
AUTHOR – C.A. Tibbitts
GENRE – Paranormal romance (18+)
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 50k
PUBLISHER – C.A. Tibbitts
COVER ARTIST – C.A. Tibbitts

Star Crossed Shifters - Book Cover


Nick Caputo is a wolf shifter, and the new clan enforcer. He knows with every fiber of his being that Violet Tago (a shifter that can’t shift) is his mate. One kiss. One simple taste and she’ll be his.

Since arriving in Pepper Valley, Violet has ignored any burgeoning attraction for Nick, and instead crushes big time on her brother’s best friend, Brody.

Brody Westwood, also a wolf shifter, has never thought twice about his best friend’s kid sister. The fact is, he wants nothing to do with any supernatural being. After seeing his best friend, Griffin, fall in love, marry, and have children, Brody decides it’s time to settle down with a family of his own. When a new curvacous beauty shows up in town, the attraction practically crackles the air between them. But Leah Cross isn’t human…or a shifter.

Two couples with undeniable attraction. Under the Colorado sky, they are Star Crossed Shifters.



Star Crossed Shifters - Teaser 2



Pepper Valley Shifters

A Shifter Christmas, #0, A Short Story Prequel (in Mystical Xmas Box Set)
Shifted for Love, #1 (August, 2014)
Healing A Shifter, #2 (October, 2014)
Twice Fated Shifter, #2.5 (in Mystical New Love Box Set)
Shifter Under Cover, #3 (February, 2015)
~~~Star Crossed Shifters #4 (2015) ~~~

Multi-ethnic couple in passionate embrace and undressing each other during sexual foreplay - High Contrast Black and White


She watched him glance around the living room before his eyes settled on hers again. Her panties dampened. She backed up against the door, her palms flat against the cold metal, and he stalked her, trapping her in place with his arms on either side of her head. Her heartbeat sped up as his eyes flashed yellow for one short moment, and she knew his wolf was close to the surface.

“Leah, I’m going to kiss you. After that, I’m going to lick your pussy until you come, and then I’ll flip you over and take you like my wolf demands.”

She whimpered at his words, her panties now thoroughly soaked. “‘Kay,” was all she managed to say before his lips descended on hers, hard and unyielding. She opened for his probing tongue and a shock coursed through her body, curling her toes, as she tasted him. He tasted of peppermint and coffee, but underneath that, home.


NOTE: Pepper Valley Shifters age at a much slower rate than humans.


Name:  Nick (Nicholas) Caputo

Age: 30-something

Height:  5’9″

Eyes:  dark blue-gray

Hair:  Brown

Typical shift:  wolf


Employment:  Manager at Great Scotts Bar & Grill, clan enforcer

Since laying eyes on Violet Tago a few years back, he knew she was his fated mate.  The only problem – she only has eyes for Brody Westwood.


Name:  Brody Westwood

Age: 61

Height: 6’4″

Eyes:  piercing blue

Hair:  Blonde

Typical shift:  wolf

Employment: auto/motorcycle mechanic

A veteran from Vietnam, Brody is ready to settle down with a family of his own after seeing his best friend, Griffin Tago, marry, mate, and become a father.  He has no interest in Griffin’s baby sister, or any other shifter or paranormal being.  But Fate has waylaid Brody’s plans for a human mate.


Name:  Violet Marie Tago


Height: 5’7″

Eyes: Brown

Hair: black

can’t shift

Employment: yoga instructor

Violet has had a crush on Brody Westwood from day 1, after finding her brother after a 40+ year estrangement.  So why is Nick so convinced that she should date him?  And why does she spend most of her spare time hanging out with Nick?

CA Tibbetts - Button

An Oklahoma native, C.A. Tibbitts resides with her husband.

Writing has always been her passion, and she hopes to continue writing for many years to come in the paranormal romance genre, as well as other romance genres.

She loves to hear from her readers, and deeply appreciates honest reviews.



Star Crossed Shifters - Teaser 4



$5 Amazon gift card
1 set of Pepper Valley Shifters books 1-3 (does not include anthologies)
1 autographed paperback Pepper Valley Shifters book of your choice (international)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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