NaNoWriMo Day 4

I did a few more words since Friday, but not a lot.  Weekends are hard with family and other things having to do then.  Add to that my iPad is still doing odd things, and I’m getting slightly overwhelmed.  I have work stuff to do. I have reviews to do.  And all of this in the next couple of days. *bangs head on desk*


So, what does any good aspiring author do?  Procrastinate.  :0


NaNoWriMo 2013


Yeah, I’m doomed.  Now, to beat my iPad into submission so maybe I can write some more…

NaNoWriMo Day 1 – Friday List

1.  If you haven’t already, submit a contact form or comment to my NaNoWriMo Musings and a Contest! post and win a copy of my  NaNoWriMo novel when published and a $10 Gift Card.  You can also just go to my blog and it’s pinned to the top.

2. Almost 8000 words for Space Love, my m/m genre Science Fiction Romance. Yay!  Here is hoping for many more words to come.

3. #NaNoWriMo profile filled out and running, mostly.  Still learning the lay of the land.

4. Remind myself to finish friday lists…on Friday. 🙂

5. Look for review of In Liam’s Wake: The Makeshift Soldier by Ashlyn Forge on 11/5/13 here on my blog.  5 Stars.