April is Autism Awareness Month – RJ Scott’s Blog Hop

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Thank you Karrie Jax for the wonderful picture she made for me because just plain text would be boring. 🙂

I became a part of RJ’s blog hop because I, too, know of people, both children and adults, with some form of Autism.  It is a spectrum condition and for each individual person, it is different.  I don’t like that it is sometimes called a “disease” because it is not.  Not really.  It is just something different that has happened to the brain. As long as you understand that they see the world differently, you can talk, play and work with them just fine.  While I’m not autistic, I too, understand what it feels to be a little different as I am a shy, introverted person and large crowds tend to make me nervous in enclosed spaces.

I am giving away a $10 Gift Certificate to All Romance eBooks, Amazon, or B&N (winner’s choice).  To enter, comment on this post if you have something you’ve struggled with, you know someone with autism, or something similar.  Contest will end at 11:59 pm EDT 4/15/2014 and a randomly chosen commentator (random.org) will win within the next day.  Please leave your email so you can be contacted.

Contest is closed:

Please congratulate H.B. who is my winner of the Autism Blog Hop contest for a $10 gift certficate to ARe!

Here is the link to RJ’s Blog Hop

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19 thoughts on “April is Autism Awareness Month – RJ Scott’s Blog Hop

  1. thanks for your wonderful post. my father when he was alive had aspbergers. it took him till the age of 50 to find that out. for years he wondered what was wrong with him for he KNEW and so did the rest of the family something was different about him but the didn’t know what. it wasn’t until my brother and i came along and were diagnosed with learning disabilities and add that he began to wonder if he had the same esp when he was told that what we had was hereditary. with help from a psychologist he learned that he had aspbergers. it did help relieve the sense of him feeling stupid esp when he learned how it manifests itself but he always wished he had known earlier. i did sympathize with how my dad felt b/c i know how hard it IS to struggle socially and in school due to my own issues but i have always been glad my dad did get the answers he needed

  2. Great post. I suffer from anxiety issues and have for a long time. It is great to see posts about struggling with issues and that it doesn’t make you any different than anyone else.

  3. I’m fairly introverted myself, and I haven’t seen much to destigmatize that personality trait (except maybe Susan Cain’s QUIET). Thanks for the post!

  4. Thanks for sharing your insight. I too am very introverted, and so many people do not understand what that really means. I can’t imagine how hard it is for autistic children/adults.

  5. I’m just like you. I’m extremely shy and I don’t ever want to interact with anyone and when I do it take a toll on me. When I find myself having to talk to someone (i.e. my boss, call the doctor office or school, etc) I get really nervous and have to pep talk myself for 3+ days before I have the guts to do it.

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

    • I’m not overly fond of talking to people on the phone either. The only reason I put up with it is I have been in a variety of customer service positions for the better part of 20 years. 🙂 I have “work mode” and then I have “not work” mode. Since I have problems with lots of people in one area, I tend to have to hide and do alone things, like read…or write. 🙂

  6. Everyone is different, colour of your hair, eyes ect. Just because we not all the same this doesn’t mean anyone should be treated differently.
    I am enjoying reading all the posts on this blog hop. I have learned so much that I didn’t know. Thank you 🙂
    geetracy1170 (at) gmail (dot) com

  7. I don’t personally know anyone with autism, though I have a few family members with mental disabilities. For a time, I thought my nephew may have it because he showed some symptoms but they were probably just related to his disability. I think it’s great that you’re highlighting this on your blog 🙂 nidabland@msn.com

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