@BipBopBooks Presents ‘The Heist’ by Adriana Kraft #Giveaway #Book Tour

Please welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta the book tour for The Heist a new romantic suspense title from author Adriana Kraft and organized by Bippity Boppity Book.  Please read on to see all about the book, and don’t forget to enter the tour-wide giveaway where you could win the Grand prize, a download of Cassie’s Hope, a $10 GC, swag, and a cover flat signed by Adriana Kraft and cover model Scott Nova or one of  Ten second prizes: swag & the signed cover flat.  Please be sure to check out the other tour stops – each excerpt stop is unique, and there are a few reviews posted as well.




“Do you think The Three Maids are still in the area?” Kara asked.

“No reason not to—yet,” Ted responded. “And if I’m right, the thieves are probably as eager to find out what we’re up to as we are to find them. They won’t try to move the paintings until they think they can do so without anyone noticing. So we take our operations into silent mode.”

Kara made a show of zipping her lips.

“We’ll share what we need to with staff, board members and so on, but not everything. Somehow we have to flush the thieves out, to make them more fearful or overly confident until they make a mistake.”

“Sounds like a game of cat and mouse.”

“That may not be far off.” He grinned devilishly. “We may have to come up with a thing or two to throw them off guard.”


“Don’t know. Maybe it’ll come to me while I’m eating banana cream pie.”

“Depends on where you’re eating it,” Kara huffed. “If I’m serving it to you personally, you’d better not be thinking about anything or anyone but me.”

Ted lapped his tongue at her. “You can count on that. Did you dream about serving a piece of banana cream pie to me personally last night?”

She felt her cheeks flush.

“Good,” he said with satisfaction. “That picture kept me awake much of the night. I may want more than one piece.”

“We’d better get back to work,” Kara chuckled, “or I won’t be able to leave in time to make a pie.”

“Unless my memory is failing me, eating you is quite pleasurable even without pie.”


The Heist

by Adriana Kraft

Publisher: B&B Publishing
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Pages: 240
Heat rating: Three Flames
See the Book at Goodreads
Purchase Now at:  Amazon

About the Book:

A heist? A murder? It’s villain’s choice.

A special-order art theft?

Tedious, but seamless – until small town museum director Kara Daniels calls in the experts. Furious her favorite trio of priceless impressionist paintings has been stolen from its traveling exhibit on her watch, Kara is determined to save not only the paintings, but her future in the art world. She’ll stop at nothing to entrap the thief.

Ted Springs knows the underbelly of the criminal world a little closer than he might like—but he’s turned it to good advantage, first as a police officer, and now as detective for the Upper Midwest Arts Council. His job? To guarantee the security of the valuable paintings in the Council’s traveling exhibits.

Heat sizzles when Ted and Kara collide—can they work together, before it’s too late?


What people are saying:

Five stars at Goodreads
: “The sex is hot and I loved the phone sex scenes. Never did I expect the ending. It was brilliant. The Heist is a winner!” Sheila G.
Five stars at Amazon: “Very hot…engaging, entertaining, funny and serious, well written and extremely enjoyable to read.” Donna H.


Grand prize is a download of Cassie’s Hope by Adriana Kraft, a $10 GC, swag, and a cover flat signed by author and cover model Scott Nova.
Ten second prizes winners will get swag & the signed cover flat
Ends 7/31/2014

a Rafflecopter giveaway



About the Author:

Adriana Kraft is the pen name for a husband/wife team writing sizzling romantic suspense and erotic romance. The award-winning pair has published over thirty romance novels and novellas to outstanding reviews. Romantic pairings include straight m/f, lesbian, bisexual, ménage and polyamory, in both contemporary and paranormal settings.

Find and Follow at:  Website ♦ Blog ♦ Facebook ♦ Twitter ♦ Goodreads ♦ Shelfari


*CONTEST ALERT* Sensuous Promo’s Presents: Book Tour for Darkest Magic by Eva Lefoy

Welcome to Sensuous Promo’s Darkest Magic Tour.

Witches vs. Weres – who’s stronger?

Witches or weres – who would you pick to win in a battle? I’ve read enough Urban Fantasy that I’ve seen it done both ways. Sometimes the werewolf overpowers the witch and other times, the witch lays waste to the shifter. Both are equally convincing outcomes. In a battle to the death, who would you pick to win?

But maybe the question isn’t that simple. A single battle doesn’t always win the war and in the battle between good and evil – between good magic and bad magic – winning the battle just means you live to fight another day. Because if there’s anything fairy tales have shown us, it’s that the battle between good and evil takes many forms and is ongoing. A never-ending war that must be waged continually, else the world slides into darkness and mankind loses his light.

Didn’t that sound poetic? * grins *

In Darkest Flowers, my new Beyond Fairytales release from Decadent Publishing, the battle between good and evil is alive and well. Our hero is a beta wolf named Nik and he’s firmly on the good side. But his alpha’s mate, Petrina is secretly an evil witch. Nik must protect the pack from her, his alpha, and his love interest Caroline. He gets help from a good witch and her husband, a dwarf. Unbeknownst to Nik and Caroline, the good witch and the dwarf are protectors of the forest. They, like many fairy tale characters, are no strangers to the concept of good and evil. In the end, when the good side wins and the evil witch is run off, we know in our hearts that the victory is only temporary. Nik and his new mate must stay vigilant, lest the witches win the next round!

For more on Darkest Magic, see below.

Thanks for reading!



EXCERPT: The dwarf lectures Nik on good vs. evil


Nik towered over the dwarf, his arms crossed just under his chest.

“It’s not like that,” Otis said. “Evil never fully disappears. Even children know that much. What I’m telling you is true. One day, Petrina or another witch like her will rear her head and cause havoc.”

“How does that relate to me?” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Caroline emerge from the tree house heading their way. His heart galloped at the sight of her. Inside, his wolf cried for more mating time. Down, boy.

“The forest needs a protector and Estrella and I want to retire.” He dug the blue bag from within the folds of his velvet green jacket. Holding it out toward Nik, he continued. “Take this and use it. It will give you all the power you need to do the job.”

“You mean you want me to become a dwarf?”

Otis snorted. “Of course not. I was born a dwarf, you jackass.”

Caroline came to stand beside him and his nerves settled. Having her near meant he could relax a little and focus on the subject at hand. Sort of. Her fingertips grazed the skin on his shoulder and, embarrassingly, his cock started to harden. Having it right at Otis’s eye level might prove hazardous. He cleared his throat and thought about tofu. “Look, Otis, as beta of a full grown pack of wolves, I have a lot of responsibility already. Why would I want to take on more?”

Otis didn’t seem the least bit bothered by his question. Lifting his chin, he said his next words looking at Caroline, though they were clearly directed at Nik. “Because of her.”

Copyright © Eva Lefoy


Nik Epperstein’s alpha lost his mate two years ago and took an evil witch as his new bride. Ever since then, Eli’s leadership has become violent, bordering on insane. When Eli attacks him, Nik’s healing powers mysteriously vanish. He can’t defend himself, nor protect the wolf he secretly loves. Only through the help of a foul-mouthed witch and an overly-dramatic dwarf will he save her – but their assistance comes at a price.

Caroline has tried for two years to lure Nik into her bed and can’t understand his hesitation.  After all, she senses their mating bond loud and clear. Then Nik disappears. She confronts her father who tells her Nik is dead, and she’s next on his chopping block.  Without Nik to protect her, she flees the pack and is kidnapped by a man half her size.

Reunited at last, the young wolves have one last chance to ignite their bond. But love must wait when battle looms. Eli and his wife attack, and aren’t above using dirty tricks to win. If Nik and Caroline survive the battle, the dwarf and his wife will require them to make a promise that will change their lives forever…


Author Bio and Contact:

Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.

Author Links: Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook Page | Pinterest

Purchase Links Decadent Publishing | ARe | AmazonAmazon UK



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Masquerade Tours: Blog Tour and Review “Gaybash” by David Jay Collins #GYBTour Contest!

GB Tour Button
Link to Tour Schedule: 
Welcome to Masquerade Tours Gaybash Blog Tour!
Keep reading: Giveaway at the end!
Gaybash 3D
Title: Gaybash
Author: David Jay Collins
Publication Date: May 28, 2014
Genre: LGBT Fiction

Matt Tompkins, a reserved gay man, has always played by the rules and has created a comfortable but unfulfilling life for himself. When his bold best friend Greg reaps unexpected rewards for standing up for himself in a very public display, Matt’s jealousy leads him to risk everything when he’s confronted by two attackers. Determined to be more like Greg, a split-second reaction brings astonishing changes to Matt’s life–for better and for worse.

Set in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood, Gaybash explores the boundaries of love and friendship and the unintended consequences of wanting to be somebody else.

I’m a big fan of M/M, especially M/M Romance.  This is not a romance, although there are a few hopeful elements of love scattered throughout the story. Only a few, but they kept me going.  Despite it not being a romance, I did enjoy it.
It was  hard to get into in the beginning.  Some of the descriptions seemed two dimensional.  But as I read through it, I cried with sorrow at times, and was amused at a few places when humor happened.  There was a lot of pain to be had, so be warned if you are the faint of heart.  I did skim through some of the build-up for Matt’s character.  Then I slowed down and re-read parts so I didn’t miss anything.  It’s intense, but you need read through it.  Don’t skip it because it seems like it doesn’t need to be there.  There might be some things that could have been a little less wordy but overall, all the story needed to be described as it was done.
While it’s a fictional story, it does provide a realistic approach to a young, gay man’s life as he works through his own character and personality issues along with being gay.  Ultimately, it’s so that he can be happy with himself in his own skin. It’s not your average LGBT fiction. While it’s not a Happy Ever After story, it does have somewhat of a Happy For Now.  And that makes me happy.  I’m glad I got to read it.  It was a little bit out of my comfort zone but an enjoyable read.
With this, I give Gaybash a 4 out of 5 stars.
Buy Links

Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  iTunes

authorAuthor Bio

David Collins lives and works in Chicago. Gaybash is his first novel.

Social Media Links
Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  YouTube
Giveaway: There is a giveaway for this tour. A $15 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or a Book Depository shopping spree of the same value.




I looked up and it’s suddenly mid-July…

OK.  This post will have some bad language so turn away if you are offended.


No? Good.




I’m merrily going along, setting up a blog tour for next week after finishing what I hope is the last round of proof reads for Charon’s Dilemma (soon to be published any day now) on the M/M Romance Group Love’s Landscape Don’t Read in the Closet event on goodreads.com when I realize that I haven’t posted anything much since the beginning of July.  [If you don’t know what I’m talking about regarding the event, read my archives under writing. 🙂 If you do realize what this means, get excited for me.  I’ll be published! YAY!]


Here’s the cover.



Ok.  Shameless plug done.

Go read it.  You know you want to.

I’ll update with the link as soon as it posts.

To continue.

I figured I should probably write an update or something.  No… nobody wants those… (insert sarcasm here). Then I’m going to finish updating my blog. 🙂

So, what I forgot to say on my July 1st post was that I had signed up to do the July Camp NaNoWriMo event.   And it’s mid-July and I haven’t written anything for it.  I was supposed to work on Space Love, the first novel I started writing.  As you can tell… it didn’t happen.  Now, I may get some gumption going and write some before the end of the month, but it isn’t looking good—at all.  Maybe I’ll get to it, maybe I won’t.  You can tell that I’m not upset about this, right? Right.


Yeah, I wanted to work on it but I’ve been looking for a day job and that has been taking up a tremendous amount of energy.  Couple that with family stuff and… yeah, I’m not in the right head space to work on it.  I have been thinking about it though. That’s good, right?

Right. Anyhow.  On with the musing.

I think I’m about mused out actually.  I did get a spark of a potential story line from a random Harlequin cover with three cops on it (yes, I still read those… hey, what can I say? I like Romance.  I don’t mind what kind. *smile* Although, MM Romance is my favorite. *big grin*) with them either being friends or brothers.  I haven’t really gotten farther than just that.  Although, I’m leaning more towards friends who went through academy together.  Or something like that.

Now that I’ve written that down, I can remember to put it into my notes program.  Evernote is your friend.

And it’s done.  Yay!

I think I’m getting a little more random than I want to deal with at the moment… on to dinner!



Muse Charmer PR: Blog Tour “Shoulder Pads and Flannel” by Jo Ramsey

Shoulder Pads and Flannel CoverHigh school football star Guillermo Garcia can count himself among the popular kids—for now. Although he secretly dates Evan Granger, who is openly gay and badly bullied for it, Guillermo doesn’t dare let his teammates, classmates, or close-knit family learn about his sexuality.
But Guillermo witnessed an attack on Evan, and now the school bullies plan to out Guillermo in retaliation. In their small town, word spreads rapidly, so Guillermo must make a quick choice—come out now on his own or risk having someone else do it for him.

Contemporary LGBT Fiction, Published by Harmony Ink, an imprint of Dreamspinner Press

Purchase direct from the publisher.

Purchase from Amazon.com

Purchase from Omnilit

Visit the author’s website.

Twitter: @JoRamseyYA
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JoRamseyAuthor

Author Interview

1) What do you do to celebrate a new book contract?

A fist pump in the air, followed by telling whoever in my household will listen that I have a new contract.

2) What is your zodiac sign? Do you feel it is an accurate description of you?

Cancer, and yes.

3) What is your favorite season? Why?

Spring. New beginnings, more daylight hours, and the weather gets warmer without being unbearable.

4) What is your favorite part about writing (drafting, editing, plotting, promoting, etc)?

Writing the first draft, because even though I brainstorm before I start, I don’t always know how the characters are going to get where I think they’re going, and sometimes they don’t end up there anyway.

5) Any addictions (chocolate, coffee, tv shows, collectibles, shoes, etc.)?

Does writing count?

6) Favorite type of food?

I can’t decide between pepperoni pizza and scallion pancake.

musecharmerpr_blogtourbadge_smThis blog tour is sponsored and run by Muse Charmer PR, providing superhero promotion for your book. Learn more and check out all the tour stops by visiting http://www.promoyourmuse.com

Muse Charmer PR: Blog Tour: “Abducted” by Adera Orfanelli

1. How did you get the idea for this book?

This book was actually written a long time ago, and then unearthed and polished (quite a bit). However, I wanted to play with the science fiction trope of being abducted by aliens. Instead of the “grey men” doing experiments, I wanted something different. What if the abduction led to a hunky man and a new life?

2. Why do you write science fiction?

I write science fiction because I love the unknown and the possibility of what might be out there. I’m fascinated by space (and weather, among other scientific things), and the belief that we might not be alone.

3. Why should readers pick up this story?

It’s fun. While there are some issues, such as the loss of a friend and starting over, to be dealt with, most of all I wanted Abducted to be a great escape.

4. Who is your favorite science fiction author?

I can’t really count a single favorite. I love David Weber, Elizabeth Moon, Tanya Huff, and Anne McCaffrey.

5. What is your favorite thing about outer space?

I love the stars. I love looking up and seeing all these constellations (man-made) and knowing that they are comprised of stars so vast and distant from each other that it takes hundreds or thousands of years for their light to reach us. We really are looking at a snapshot of history when we look at the night sky.


Abducted_AderaOrfanelli_coverlgGetting abducted by a hunky android wasn’t on Jacey’s list of things to do to try and reclaim her life after the death of her best friend and the loss of their business. But when her car crashes during a storm, she’s saved not by any rescue vehicle, but by Aiden Starsek, the Lord of BelaZed who informs her that he must have a wife or face deactivation. Jacey blames herself for her friend’s death. If she can stop another one, even if it means giving up everything she’s ever known, she will.

Aidan knows Deactivation Day nears and unless he’s able to find a human to love him he’ll die.. Unable to find love on his own planet, he discovers the beautiful Jacey on her own world, Earth. Her beauty entices him. Her compassion humbles him. And though in bed their passion is insatiable, he fears that it won’t turn to love in time to save his life. Only her love will save him, not just from Deactivation Day, but also from himself.

Erotic SF Romance, Published by Loose Id

Purchase direct from the publisher.

Visit the author’s website.

Twitter: @aderaorfanelli

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aderaorfanelli



Enter using the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.


musecharmerpr_blogtourbadge_smThis blog tour is sponsored and run by Muse Charmer PR, providing superhero promotion for your book. Learn more and enter a special contest by visiting http://www.promoyourmuse.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Where has the time gone?

So, it’s July 1st: Halfway through 2014.  Whoa…what?


Where did the time go?  Oh, yeah.  Life has been kicking me in the butt.


So, a status update.  I’ve finished round two of edits for the Love’s Landscapes writing event with M/M Romance group on Goodreads.com.  After proofreaders take a gander at it, it should be published to the group.  As soon as I know, I’ll let everyone know. 🙂


I’ve been doing blog tours when internet works, looking for a day job, and generally dealing with things in my life.  I have not been around much but hope to in the second half of this year.


I’ve been reviewing more, well, as much as I can but that has been put on the back burner somewhat because of other things.  Once they resolve, things should get better.  Hopefully, in the next couple of months.


This too shall pass.


On that note, and deciding I’m a little disjointed today, I will sign off saying…


Welcome to July! 🙂
