Welcome to the Moonbeams over Atlanta stop for Defiant: Noble Passions # 5 by Sabrina York. Welcome back, Sabrina! This tour stop makes it my 100th post on Moonbeams over Atlanta. To celebrate, Moonbeams over Atlanta will have a contest that is not a tour contest. Look at the end of the post for instructions on how to enter. This is part of a blast tour with BippityBoppityBook, so be sure to check out the other tour stops to read exclusive excerpts and see what others thought about the book with their review.
Sabrina York Noble Passions, Book 5 Erotic Regency Romance Publishing 28 July 2014 175 Pages Ellora’s Cave See it on Goodreads See the series at Goodreads
About the Book:
When rakish Ned falls in with the wrong crowd, his brother decides to send him to the Continent for “seasoning”. For Sophia, this just won’t do. She’s loved Ned for ages—and also longed for adventure. She runs away from her boring suitors and disguises herself as a cabin boy on the Defiant, the ship sailing Ned to Italy.
Ned knows he’s not good enough for Sophia, but once they’re on the Defiant, he can’t stop himself from touching her, tasting her, loving her. Not when a wild tempest and a band of ruthless pirates threaten them. Not when every look from her gives him such pleasure. And certainly not when she comes, warm and wild and willing, to his bed.
If they survive their voyage, Sophia’s brother might kill him, but it will have been worth every moment and every hot, sweet kiss.
“No? What do you mean, no?”
Ewan St. Andrews glowered at her across the broad expanse of his desk, but Sophia didn’t let it weaken her resolve. She tipped her chin at an intransigent angle and shrugged. “No. It’s a simple word.”
“Well why the hell not?” A bellow.
Her brother only bellowed when he wanted to intimidate people. Sophia refused to be intimidated, especially by the likes of him, and certainly not on this issue. And oh, he’d tried to bully her. Dragging her into his study, sitting on the far side of his imposing desk. Making her perch in this narrow, uncomfortable chair as though she were one of his minions called to task over some minor infraction.
No. She would not be intimidated.
“He’s handsome.” Ewan turned to his wife, who stood across the room, dandling little Will on her hip. “Isn’t he handsome, Violet?”
“Very handsome, darling.”
Sophia waved her hand. “Pish.”
“And he’s rich. I had Colin look into it. No prancing popinjay without a farthing.”
“Money is not important.”
Ewan’s brow darkened. “You have no idea what you’re saying, Sophia. Money is everything, especially when you don’t have it.”
“And I said, pish.”
“It’s been four years. Four seasons. You’re twenty. Nearly on the shelf. You’ve had twenty-four proposals.”
Twenty-seven, actually. She hadn’t told him about the three who had gone down on bended knee before her when no one was around.
“You’ve said no to them all. Why?”
“I didn’t see it.”
“It? What it?” Ewan raked his fingers through his hair as he did when he was at wit’s end. He raked his fingers through his hair a lot around her.
She shrugged again. “You know. The look.”
His lips flapped, rather like a trout. “The look? What look?”
Sophia tipped her head to the side. “The look I see in your eyes. When you so much as glance at Violet.” His brow beetled and his attention skimmed to his wife. That look flared. Doting and warm. Absolute love. Not the mere flicker of attraction because she was pretty, or the avaricious gleam because her brother was a wealthy and powerful man. But love. For her and her alone. “Yes,” she whispered. “That one.”
“This is absurd. Heinrich is a fucking prince for fuck’s sake.”
“Ewan! Language.” Violet set her free hand over Will’s tiny shell-like ear.
As though Will hadn’t heard that word before.
Sophia wrinkled her nose. “He’s an Austrian prince.” Some obscure little burg in the Alps. She’d rather move to the wilds of India. Africa, perhaps. The colonies? A little thrill trickled through her at the thought. What an adventure that would be. She’d never had an adventure. Not a real one. Oh, how she’d love to—
Ewan stood in a rush, tipping over his chair. He paced the room. It made Sophia dizzy to watch. “You used to be docile. You used to be obedient. Whatever happened to that girl?”
She blinked. When had she ever been docile or obedient? Had he even been paying attention?
© 2014 Sabrina York / Ellora’s Cave Publishing, LLC
About the Author:
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, writes naked erotic fiction for fans who like it hot, hard and balls-to-the-wall, and erotic romance and fantasy for readers who prefer a slow burn to passion. An award winning author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers, her titles range from sweet & sexy erotic romance to BDSM to erotic horror.
Moonbeams over Atlanta Blog Contest
To celebrate Moonbeams over Atlanta Blog’s 100th Blog post, I am giving away a $10 GC to All Romance eBooks, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, winner’s choice.
To enter, comment on this post only which excerpt from Sabrina’s tour you like the best.
I’ll pick a winner via random.org.
Contest ends 8/13/2014 at 11:59 PM EST (Eastern) and I will pick within 24-48 hours.
Below is the link to see the rest of the tour. Good luck!
Oh no! I have to pick my favorite excerpt? I loved this book! I am pretty sure they will all be favorites in one way or another. For instance, this is fun excerpt because Sophie is wondering who Ewan was talking about. “You used to be docile. You used to be obedient. Whatever happened to that girl?” I could just see her eyes rolling. Sabrina does such a wonderful job with this kind of thing.
BTW congrats on 100 reviews! Outstanding!
Thank you!
Pingback: Defiant: Noble Passions # 5 by Sabrina York | BippityBoppityBook.com
Thank you for posting today!
You are very welcome.
Elorren, Thanks for hosting today! And congrats on your amazing milestone! It is always a pleasure being here!!
Thank you! Sabrina. It’s a pleasure hosting.
love Sabrina York and congrats on 100
Thank you. I thought having a contest would be a perfect way to celebrate such a milestone.
Thank you mcentmel!
mcentmel: you are the winner of the contest! Please send me an email to eloreenmoon@gmail.com with your choice of Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or All Romance eBooks, and I will send you your $10 Gift Card! Congrats! Thank you for everyone who came out this week.
Woo Hoo! Congrats!!!
I love the except from this page the best, It was my absolutely favorite part of the book
Thank you Sara!!! I am so glad you enjoyed it!
As suspected, I liked the excerpt on Read More Romance too. This is where Sophia Fiona (love that name) starts her seduction of our hapless hero, Ned. Lovely twist to the story that really made for me.
Moonbeams over Atlanta is my favorite.
Thanks for the chance!
Okay, I lied. I do have a favorite. The excerpt that I Am Indeed has! And if someone gets the one right after that – well the two together are magnificent! Poor Ned, trying to be so strong and noble in spite of Sophia’s wondering hands. It is just too precious! Love it! Now that being said, the other excerpts are still wonderful too! The entire book is!
Favorites are overrated, Pansy! Feel free to like them all.
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