#amwriting editing … and ordered author copies of newly published work

Lots of stuff going on, despite talking about it.

I’m not a talker in general, it’s that whole introvert thing. 🙂

Turned in my Love is an Open Road story with the lovely Adan DePiaz and have an editor assigned. Just waiting on the first round of editing to come back. I think it will be a really good story. Not sure how others will take on my snake shifters but it will be fun even if you don’t like snakes in general. Have a cover and will post here when it releases over at the M/M Romance group discussion page on Goodreads.com.

Doing the #CampNaNoWriMo writing event with marginal success. The Druid’s Bond is coming along and I hope to finish it. Just saw @Dreamspinner send out a tweet yesterday about submissions. Considering this particular story was inspired by a call for submission for holiday stories 3 years ago, I might submit it–if I can write the rest and edit/proof it. 😉

I’ve ordered a few copies of the QueerSciFi 2nd Annual FlashFiction anthology print book at a special rate for the authors in the anthology. When released to the public, it will be $9.99 plus shipping, I think. I’ll post more info and the link to order when I get it.

Work… is still work. There’s a lot of it. Family is family too. Lot’s of stuff to do tomorrow and then they are back in school in a couple of weeks. Time is going fast. Not too long and I’ll have my one year anniversay with the job. Yay! I survived another year!

Getting sleepy, finally. Another day, another dollar.