200 posts and counting… It’s February 2016! #Contest

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It’s already February in a new year… Beginning of February. Well, five days in. 🙂

Wow. 200 likes. Keep it up. 🙂 Maybe I should do a contest. Would everyone like that? Read on and see what you need to do…

Been working, mostly. The last week has been especially brutal. I have been editing a story for one submission call. I may or may not make it’s deadline, depending upon if I have time to finish it before the end of the month. If not, I will see about other places. Lots of publishing places out there… I found a couple more submission calls that my story might fit. That is nice. 🙂  Baby steps. Breathe. (I can never remember which spelling is which… I swear I sat here and deleted and added that last ‘e’ like 3 times. I’m a writer not a speller…)

Because of work, I haven’t done much with blog tours, reviewing, and other sundry stuff. Reading has fallen by the way side as well. I’m kind of unhappy about that…

Oh, if you like a bunch 300-word of shorts in the M/M Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal world, checkout my guest post for Romance A-Z and contest for Discovery with SJD Peterson’s Blog. It’s a paperback and contains my Platypus story I wrote for the QSP contest, so US only entries please.

Thank you for those that have visited and liked my blog, social media, etc recently. I try to post something once a week but I work full time and she’s a demanding diva. Someday, I’ll be as brave as TJ Klune and write full time. 🙂

And now… for bed. And turn around to work more tomorrow…today. Story of my life.


Oh, I mentioned a contest for getting 200 likes. Hrm. Sure. $10 Gift Certificate to the eRetailer of your choice (ARe, Amazon, B&N, BookStrand, Dreamspinners, Riptide, wherever GC are sold… I almost sound like a commercial or something. *grin*). Comment on this post with what you would like to do to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Even if you don’t celebrate, post a comment. Contest ends 2/15/2016 at 11:59 PM EST. I’ll announce the winner here and email within a couple of days. Random.org will choose the winner.

NOW I’m really done… (Note: I’ve extended the deadline because I forgot to sticky the post… Oops. BTW, ARe has a 50% off rebate sale going on now…)

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3 thoughts on “200 posts and counting… It’s February 2016! #Contest

  1. We tend to try and avoid eating out or going away that day/weekend, partly as I am not fond of all the craziness surrounding the day, so instead just watch a favorite film, eat in and spend some time together. Thank you for the giveaway chance <3

  2. Valentine is not a big day here but if i would celebrate this day i would love to go for a walk in the forest and after the walk go out to have a nice meal/diner. And maybe a good movie to end the day (Lord of the Rings).
    Thank you for the update and the giveaway chance.

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