One day away and I will be in Denver #GRLRetreat2017

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GRL Retreat and Denver here I come!

It’s been awhile since I posted. Sorry about that. Work has been insane the last several months. I haven’t had much time to read much less write. It was only last week that I tuned into Facebook in preparation for this trip.

Trip you said? What’s this GRL thing?

That’s where I’m going. My first time, and first Romance retreat/conference of the book kind. I go to DragonCon every year for the last 6 years, and occasionally do day passes to others around Atlanta. But this is my first book convergence and the ability to meet the authors, bloggers, and yes, even the Rainbow Gold Reviews crew that I’ve worked with for the last 3 years in the LGBTQ book genre. I’ve been reading primarily MM for 6 years, writing sporadically for 5 years, and blogged about it for 4ish years–WordPress tells me when I have an anniversary but I can’t think of when I started this mess unless I look it up. I’ll figure that out later. πŸ˜‰

I didn’t know about GRL until it was here in Atlanta several years ago RIGHT BEFORE it was to happen. Could take the time to attend then. Sigh.

By the Gods I’m going now. πŸ™‚

I’m meeting up with two of my co-conspirators on RGR, MTSnow and Marc Fleischhauer, and we’re renting a house from tomorrow until the 18th where we transfer to the host hotel the Retreat is at in the Denver Tech Center.

This is also the first time I will be anywhere as Eloreen Moon. πŸ™‚ That’s kind of scary and exciting on it’s own.

As you know Eloreen is my pen name because I work in a conservative industry: legal technology. I keep this part of my life separate from Real Life (TM) because it’s easier that way. Will I come out to work? Probably not. I don’t even talk about my polyamorous family life except in bare-minimum words. If asked directly, and I feel safe, I will probably explain but I definitely don’t volunteer.

I’m an introvert with aspirations of writing full time (not there yet; maybe in the next five years, and definitely when I retire). Now, if I can only get the part time writing going, I’ll be golden. *smile*

I’m hoping this retreat will allow me to work on some of the WIPs I’ve had going for a really long time and just need some scenes fleshed out and editing done. The publishing world for LGBTQ genre writing has been churning with publisher and retailers dropping like flies in recent years and a lot of authors going self publishing. I’m hoping to get my act together and prepare to launch myself this coming year. We’ll see. First, I need to finish some stuff. That’s one of the goals this vacation.

The others are to meet authors and have a great time. I look forward to meeting those that will be there. Come hug me and say helloΒ  if you are there. I’d love to meet people who read my blog. πŸ™‚ Just make sure you let me know before the hug part. Stealth hugging may get you decked if I’m startled.


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