This is a blog hop from the Marketing for Romance Writers Book Hooks Blog Hop promotion that happens on Wednesdays. Since this weekly Blog Hop coincides with the last day that the Together eBook is free on Amazon, I thought I would participate. If you have Kindle Unlimited, it’s free to borrow as well. There is also a paperback format if you would prefer to hold it in your hand. Below is an excerpt from the story. Enjoy!
I’d returned to Atlanta the month prior to meeting up with El and En again that sunny day a week ago. I needed to do the final touches on the youth center I’d helped create before the official opening the following week. Angela Carter, my best friend from college, followed me, helping with my new software creation business and the volunteer work I did including the LGBTQ+ youths the center focused on. I’d gone out on my own as a game designer consultant about a year ago when flexibility and opportunity landed in my lap. The financial aspect wasn’t too shabby either. The game I’d helped create then would release soon, and preorders were looking promising. I had other software projects in the works, but the game was the first where I was part of the full cycle. I was pleased with my stable finances, but my thoughts went back to El and En. I had kept my contact with them to the bare minimum since their marriage weekend. Enough contact that I hadn’t quite disappeared off the face of the planet, but not as much as I’d had when I’d gone away for college.
“You are such a coward, Vicky boy.” Angela startled me out of my musings.
Considering we were meeting up for the post mortem on the fundraiser for said youth center she partnered with me, it was a wonder I had forgotten where I was.
“I know,” I agreed with her.
Angela and I had briefly dated while at college. She in her tailored, tan skirt suit—a six-foot, blonde-haired Amazonian woman with legs for miles and a heart of gold—to my introverted, brooding, and muscled sport-jacket-and-slacks self. While I was attracted enough to go on a few dates, my heart belonged to my men, and our dating relationship never went further. She had wheedled the story out of me not too long after our second date over drinks at a bar, and we had been friends and business partners since.
She stepped away from the conference table in the office we rented in Midtown. Since that was where we’d opened the center, it was the best location to have it all. I had a place not two blocks from both the center and the office. The commute was great.
From Together by Eloreen Moon © 2018
Purchase links:
- Amazon US eBook
- Amazon US print
- Amazon UK
- Available worldwide on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

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Welcome to MFRW Book Hooks, Eloreen!
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