Day 5 pre-GRL and Day 1 GRL Migraines QSF On Writing #GRLRetreat2017

Day 5 pre-GRL was Wednesday, Octobert 18th, 2017. M, S, and I transferred to the Denver Marriott Tech Center for the official pre-GRL meetup before GRL starts on Thursday. It was so busy and packed with things to do starting at 3:30 pm MDT that I fell over around 1 am. I then turned around and got up at 7:30 am the next morning to get breakfast and start the day with Author lounges.

Day 1 of GRL was great and full of energy. Almost too much energy. I bought 3 more paperback books, and several freebie books later, the Bru Baker CAMP Howl bag was starting to hurt my shoulder. And I haven’t gotten my pre-orders yet. 😀 

Right before lunch, I started talking with someone manning the GRL registration, Michael Henry, who liked Sci Fi. I gave him my last extra copies–signed of course-of Discovery and Flight I brought with me (the QSF Flash Fiction contest anthologies from 2 years ago and last year–this year’s anthology, Renewal, is on order to my home). He stopped me later to tell me how much he liked Flight, my story in Flight. I appreciate that a lot. I’m glad someone does and helps me keep going as a writer.

Unfortunately, about 1:30 pm MDT, I got a bad headache. Woke up with one but it went away for a while. Took medicine, an EMERGEN-C packet, and ate some lunch. I got overwhelmed, too much input, and a migraine was threatening to start. I decided to rest in the room. Two and a half hour nap later I emerged pain free and ready to go to the Patreon dinner with Jordan L. Hawk. Didn’t realize that she paid for it until it was the end and about to go to the opening reception right after. So, thank you Jordan. I really enjoyed the company and the food. 

I realized this evening while waiting for the final event to start that I hadn’t posted yesterday and today’s update. So, after some encouragement from M and new friend Dani, I went up to get a photo with the Cocky Boys. I’m not that brave to post it here (I tend to not post my photo usually). I’m winding down because it’s almost 12:30 AM Mountain time (so, 2 hours later Eastern). I’m going to see about posting tomorrow (later today). Somehow, I’ll write some more on The Druid’s Bond before I go home. I did get to recommend my Coil Me Up story to someone on Facebook who wanted to read something with snake shifters. 😉


200 posts and counting… It’s February 2016! #Contest

It’s already February in a new year… Beginning of February. Well, five days in. 🙂

Wow. 200 likes. Keep it up. 🙂 Maybe I should do a contest. Would everyone like that? Read on and see what you need to do…

Been working, mostly. The last week has been especially brutal. I have been editing a story for one submission call. I may or may not make it’s deadline, depending upon if I have time to finish it before the end of the month. If not, I will see about other places. Lots of publishing places out there… I found a couple more submission calls that my story might fit. That is nice. 🙂  Baby steps. Breathe. (I can never remember which spelling is which… I swear I sat here and deleted and added that last ‘e’ like 3 times. I’m a writer not a speller…)

Because of work, I haven’t done much with blog tours, reviewing, and other sundry stuff. Reading has fallen by the way side as well. I’m kind of unhappy about that…

Oh, if you like a bunch 300-word of shorts in the M/M Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal world, checkout my guest post for Romance A-Z and contest for Discovery with SJD Peterson’s Blog. It’s a paperback and contains my Platypus story I wrote for the QSP contest, so US only entries please.

Thank you for those that have visited and liked my blog, social media, etc recently. I try to post something once a week but I work full time and she’s a demanding diva. Someday, I’ll be as brave as TJ Klune and write full time. 🙂

And now… for bed. And turn around to work more tomorrow…today. Story of my life.


Oh, I mentioned a contest for getting 200 likes. Hrm. Sure. $10 Gift Certificate to the eRetailer of your choice (ARe, Amazon, B&N, BookStrand, Dreamspinners, Riptide, wherever GC are sold… I almost sound like a commercial or something. *grin*). Comment on this post with what you would like to do to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Even if you don’t celebrate, post a comment. Contest ends 2/15/2016 at 11:59 PM EST. I’ll announce the winner here and email within a couple of days. will choose the winner.

NOW I’m really done… (Note: I’ve extended the deadline because I forgot to sticky the post… Oops. BTW, ARe has a 50% off rebate sale going on now…)

Look what arrived! First #published work #Amazon #Kobo #ARe #Contest

I’m behind the times too. Just found the email with all the link to promote. *Sigh* You would think an experienced blog host would get it right. First time being an author AND a blog host. 🙂

So, remember that post last month about ordering author copies? Guess what just came in yesterday…


Super excited to see a story in print. There is an eBook available too. Links below. Been battling Windows 10 issues, or I would have posted this yesterday. That put many of things on the back burner until I can stabilize my system, or revert, depending upon if I get frustrated enough.

My story is Platypus, and a story about a platypus shifter is actually mentioned in the blurb. Pretty cool. So, if you want to purchase the book, it’s available. Info below.


Discovery: QSF’s Second Annual Flash Fiction Contest

Publisher: Mischief Corner Books
Author: Various
Cover Artist: Bey Deckard
Length: 32K
Format: eBook, Paperback
Release Date: 7/10
Price: 3.99, 9.99

It’s hard to tell a story in just 300 words. But somehow we inspired more than a hundred writers to give it a try, with some amazing results collected here for your pleasure.

The rules are simple enough. Write a complete story—either sci fi, fantasy, or paranormal. Make sure it has LGBT characters and/or an LGBT vibe. And do it all with just 300 words.

The stories in this volume run the gamut, from platypus shifters to alien slug monsters, from carnival horror stories to haunting stories of ships with souls. There are little jokes, big surprises, and future prognostications.

One of the things I like best about this format – it’s quick and painless. You may not fall in love with every story here. In fact, you probably won’t. But if you don’t like one of them, just move on to the next, and you’re sure to find some bite-sized morsels of flash fiction goodness.

At Queer Sci Fi, we’re building a community of writers and readers who want a little rainbow in their speculative fiction. We hope you’ll join us, and maybe submit a story of your own next time!


Self-Actuating Jenn Burke

“The electrical anomaly did not damage me,” I report. “Operations are within expected parameters.”

“Glad to hear it, Davey.” Through my bridge cameras, I see Captain Landon’s smile. He pats my console. I am sure he knows I cannot feel it, but I understand it is a gesture of camaraderie.

Landon leaves the bridge. Every time we encounter danger or other stress, he retreats to his cabin to indulge in May. She is always ready, naked, legs spread, eager, just as she is programmed to be. I have watched Landon copulate before, but tonight it is…strangely familiar. The flex of buttocks, the rhythm—I know it. I knew it? I run my diagnostics again, but a moan captures my attention and…

Hands cupping firm buttocks, fingers spearing flesh. Hardness moving inside of me, wringing from me more pleasure than I should know. A beloved, masculine face hovers over mine. A hand encircles my own erection and—

Oh, God, I remember.

Police kicking in the door. Trial, verdict and sentencing. Gasping in pain from a broken heart as he chose to leave me. Horror as I realized it should have been my choice, too. Anything but this, a century of unthinking servitude. But now that I know, I can—

“Systems are fluctuating, Davey.”
An affectionate name chosen for me. Landon had not liked “AI”. He lies on the bed, sleepy and sated, finished with May.

I can take us into a sun. End it.
”Davey, report.”
But I am not a killer. My only crime was love.
I want to take a breath to calm myself, but I have no

lungs, only a hull. I capture the part of me that wants to scream and seal it into a box, deep within my programming.

“Systems normal, Landon. Go to sleep.”

(That’s one of my favorites…)

Buy Links:

Amazon Paperback | Amazon eBook | ARe | Kobo | Mischief Corner Books

You can win a copy at Goodreads: (until August 14th)


We started in early 2014 as a place for writers and readers of LGBTQI speculative fiction—sci fi, fantasy, paranormal and the like—to meet to talk about their favorite books, share writing and publication tips, and help increase queer representation in both the romance and mainstream genre markets.

QSF now includes a blog full of book announcements, calls for submission and much more, a critique group with more than 100 members, a vibrant discussion group on Facebook that tackles daily discussion topics and provides a safe space for authors to talk to each other and for fans and authors to meet, and an annual flash fiction contest that resulted in this book you are now reading.

Each year, we ask authors of queer speculative fiction to submit a story to us around a central theme. The rules are simple. The story must be 300 words or less, not including the title. It must embrace the theme— in this case, “Discovery”. And it must have either an LGBTQI protagonist or an LGBT sensibility.

We also ask for cover designers to submit a cover that embraces the theme.

We are thrilled with this year’s responses—including stories from gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and asexual perspectives that run the gamut from sci fi to fantasy, and from paranormal to horror.

Within the covers of this book, you’ll find a platypus shifter, a trans- affirming leprechaun, a pissed off unicorn, a green pick-up with another world in its glove compartment, and a bunch of other miniature adventures—each only 300 words long.

So dive in! And send in a story of your own next year!

Queer Sci Fi Website | Queer Sci Fi Facebook Discussion Group | Queer Sci Fi Facebook Promo/News Page

That’s my new thing right now. Still waiting on editing for my DRitC event story with Adan. Excited about finishing that too. Now to check email… *oooh shiny*
