Where did this year go? #Preptober #NaNoWrimo #NaNoLanta #amwriting

What the heck happened to 2019???


So, it’s about that time. If you are a writer, you may be prepping for #NaNoWriMo in roughly 2 weeks. The site is now merged between the main NaNoWriMo and #CampNaNoWriMo so there is only one location now. I haven’t poked around much yet, but plan to to sign up for NaNo before the end of the month. Come find me and let’s be friends. I think my original friends were wiped in the merge. 🙂 Link to me via my profile pic:


If you are in the Atlanta area–Heck, even if you aren’t in the area, and want to join #NaNoLanta, the regional group on #NaNoWriMo for Atlanta on Discord, visit the server here: https://discord.gg/pQMqMjW. There’s brainstorming shenanigans soon (6 pm EDT) today. Assuming work doesn’t spontaneously combust, I’ll be there.

So, sorry for not being around much this year. I’ve haven’t had much time to think, let along write, but I’ve been picking up social media a bit. Mostly Twitter, some Facebook, and occasionally Instagram/MeWe.

My flash fiction for Migration was published a couple of months ago. There’s an ebook (linked) and paperback versions. I also published Together in print over the summer. I dropped the price to $7.99, It’s still available on #KindleUnlimited for free or purchase for $1.99.

I was going to do a freebie for Halloween but didn’t make the cutoff (today!). If I can finish in a reasonable time before Halloween, I might publish it on Amazon for $0.99. We’ll see. It hasn’t been going well and I need to brainstorm some to get it going again.

I have a paranormal people of color novella that’s rapidly turning into a novel or a trilogy, I’m not sure which. I might work on it this NaNo to turn it into a novel. Not sure yet.

Now that I’ve realigned some things at work, I hope to have more time for writing, family, and the readers. I’m a reader myself, and I miss it when I’m so busy I don’t have time to read. Bad Eloreen, No Biscuit.

As always, I’ll be intermittently posting reviews, book blasts, and tours. Can you believe it’s been 7 years since I started this writing road? Perhaps I will do something next month. Keep in touch. You know where to find me.

Lot’s of things to update including a newsletter #musings #amwriting #publishing


So, lots of things have been going this month. I participated in #NaNoWriMo. I won’t win but I feel accomplished because I turned one story into a sequel. I’ll probably post about that next week.

The picture above was taken the Saturday I went to my first write-in for #NaNoLanta, the regional helpers for NaNo, at sunset. Not bad for a camera phone, right? You may have seen it on my Instagram or Facebook feed. I’m trying to be more sociable but for an introvert like me, it’s difficult. I’m working on it.

As I dropped into my blog to create this post, I realized my post from 11/23 announcing Together’s pre-order and release on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited didn’t have a title.

Oops. Missed that entirely.

I’ll blame it on the Thanksgiving Holidays and getting distracted by writing, publishing, and setting up a newsletter. *smile*

Together is the MMM Contemporary Menage short story I wrote for Beautiful Skin Anthology that the first edition was published at the end of August 2018. After three months, a few of the authors wanted to be taken out of the anthology and so a second edition is in the works. 50% of the proceeds will continue to be donated to the Sickly Cell research charity like the first edition and will be kept up in perpetuity. I’ll update with links for purchasing the eBook or print version of the new Anthology when I get them.


Here is my lovely cover from Emmy Ellis with Studioenp.

Buy Link


The Together eBook will go live on Saturday, December 1, 2018 and will be available on Kindle Unlimited. Eventually, I will get a paperback version added once I get it packaged. Stay tuned because I will be doing a limited sale for the story after it releases. Perhaps a contest for a free copy?

Speaking of newsletter, I have one now that will have exclusive content, free stuff, and notifications for my subscribers that will be in addition to the blog. The best part is if you sign up via the page below, you get a link to a free story in the eBook format of your choice.

Eloreen Moon’s Newsletter

If you have already subscribed, great! I look forward to interacting with everyone in a different way.

Today, I just submitted a 500-word flash fiction entry to Writers’ HQ From LGBTQ+ With Love contest. I didn’t find out about it until yesterday and the deadline is 11/30/2018 midnight GMT. Talk about submitting at the last minute. 🙂 It will be interesting to see if place for one of the prizes they offer. We’ll see how I do. I’m not expecting anything: I entered because it sounded like fun. If I win something, then it happens. If not, I have another flash fiction story. Hmmm, maybe I’ll compile them into a book and provide it as a freebie…

And now, I will leave you with a picture of one of the kittens that decided to live with the family a few months ago. He’s cute and warm on this cold day in Atlanta. 🙂 Can you believe he’s only 6-ish month’s old? Yeah, me neither. He’s not the biggest either.



#NaNoWriMo #amwriting what was I thinking?

So, I meant to post that I’m writing in NaNoWriMo this year before starting on the first. I intended to bog about my progress every day. I wanted to have a good flow of words and at least get around the average daily word count.

Not exactly how things went.

Started on the 3rd instead of the 1st. Never got around to that initial blog post. I’m sitting at 3120 words instead of about 6600. I have no motivation to get up to go to my computer. I could pull out my iPad but I really need a table or desk so my keyboard typing on it doesn’t cause the whole thing to drop. I’ve already cracked my screen (thanks cat) and had to replace the screen. There are other things but I’m not going to bore you with my problems. You’re welcome. 🙂

 It’s gotten to the point when I want someone to pee for me… Not physically possible but nice to dream about. 😀

Reviewing had been almost non-existent. Here or on RGR. Although, we have discussed a meet-up at some point. Tentatively planned for next year. I’ll post more once we finalize it. That’s part of the reason, I’m trying to write something to publish. Get some mad money in and try to pay for these conventions I want to go to.

I do continue to read and likely will review regularly again. If I could get the full time job to slow down, I’ll be happier. If you want to connect on NaNoWriMo.org, look for my name and the pic below.

I’m going to sign off now and read some more.

It’s been a surreal day, week, month, year…


#musings: 200 posts later… #Contest #Giveaway

Not a big milestone (RGR is over 1,000 posts now), but pretty spectacular for me. The idea of a blog to books, reading, reviews, and writing has continued to grow. Thank you for helping me along.

I have a contest going for #NaNoWriMo (not that I’ve done much writing there either, oh well) until the end of November here. Submit your comments there for a chance to win a $10 GC at a eRetailer of your choice (see post).  If I can get more than 10 unique people to comment for the giveaway there, then I’ll add another $10 GC in honor of today’s achievement of 200 posts on Moonbeams over Atlanta. 🙂 Must comment by the end of it’s deadline to qualify for the 2nd $10 giveaway.

I started writing about this same time 3 years ago so this is an extra anniversary for me. 🙂


Here’s hoping for another 3 years, published works, and another 200 posts.


#amwriting Really, I am. #NaNoWriMo 2015 #contest #giveaway

So NaNoWriMo is back again and I’m working on a sequel for Coil Me Up with Adan DePiaz. Don’t know if we’ll get to 50k words or not, but it’s nice to try. *smile* Day Three (because I was sick Day 1 and worked Day 2, but I did get some writing in) is going and I might write some tonight. Adan is working on the Prologue from one MC’s point of view, and I’m working from the other MC’s point of view. Should be interesting where the scenes will fit. Not unusual for me to write out of order. Heck Coil Me Up’s ending started first.

Interestingly, someone commented on one of my blog posts last week asking about a sequel to Charon’s Dilemma, the DRitC event story from 2014. I did respond that I considered doing a sequel for that story but probably not immediately. Have to get through the month of November, and probably December before I can think of other stories. I’m multitasking on too many things as it is now. Writing is actually something creative I can do to counteract some studying I need to do before the end of the month. So, yeah. It’s pretty packed since I also host posts for authors and promotional book tours, review (for two blogs no less), and still read for fun.

And that doesn’t even count the things I do with family, especially weekends. Did I mention I work remotely with my full-time job? Best. Thing. Ever.

While I’m off being creative, and in the spirit of publishing, I would like to propose a contest. Comment on this post for a $10 Gift Certificate to the eretailer of your choice (B&N, ARe, Bookstrand, Amazon) and answer the following question.  Would you like to read a sequel for Charon’s Dilemma, Platypus (from Discovery) and/or Coil Me Up?

And yeah, eventually I’ll get back to my blog story Elf Magic too. 🙂

Signing off.



EDIT: I should really put a time limit on these contests…. It will be chosen by Random.org and you have until the end of November (11/30/2015 11:59 PM EST)

Camp NaNoWriMo – April Challenge

Well, I signed up for the Camp NaNoWriMo April Challenge to finish Charon’s Dilemma, the MM Romance story prompt from the Goodreads group of the same name.  I officially have 7854 of 10000 words complete.  I still have more to write and then edits so it will likely be more than 10k words, but I’m happy.  It’s due May 1st and so I have one month to finish, edit, beta, and have a professional editor look at it.  Not bad for a first time. 🙂


Cover by Karrie Jax


I have a cover too. 🙂  It will be revealed here when I’m allowed.
4/14/2014 Update: Here is the cover!


I’ll be working on it today: some editing (because I can’t help it) and adding new scenes.  Only a few left to do and then some hard-core rewrites.  I’m giving myself a week to get into something presentable and then it’s off to betas.



Delayed NaNoWriMo followup

Well, Crap.

Had this whole thing planned out to finish #NaNoWriMo on my novel (of which I have most of 2 chapters and working on the third).

Then I got sick the second week of November. That lingered. For another two weeks.

Lo and behold, Thanksgiving was upon us with a trip to Florida and…working.

Yep, worked on Thanksgiving day. *thunks head on table*

Then I planned to write this follow-up beginning of December with talks of cross-blogging with Rhys Ford but then Erik’s surgery happened (see back posts on her blog) and she helped out with them. The cross-blogging didn’t happen, but we’ll see if we can get it going later…And work continued to explode when I got home.

That’s what happens when you work full-time while trying to start this thing called writing…for the last year. I hadn’t breathed until right before Christmas, then Christmas become its own Susan Mac Nicol drama coordinating extended families and friends across the month among my household (3 adults, two teenagers with a godson off to his Dad, and a step-daughter, who’s about to turn 18…in a pear tree). Did I mention that I live a Christmas song?

So. I didn’t finish NaNoWriMo this year. I was really disappointed. I have three active WIPs and none of them are finished. I have notes for a couple more and I’m itching to finish my short story so I can say I’ve finished something.  Several publishers have opened for submissions, and I intend to submit it somewhere because self-publishing is not happening until I get my domain set up.

Oh, I have one if those too. I intend to link up my blog here to it as well. Just haven’t gotten there yet.  There’s a reason I stopped web designing 15 years ago…

Crap. Have to learn the new stuff now long enough to get the domain hosted and linked. Yay me…

I can almost turn this into a song. 🙂

Sigh. And I’m writing this on my phone because I’m too lazy to get on a computer.

And yes…welcome to my stream of conscious.

Back to NaNo…

I wish I could have participated more with it. I got a good start but respiratory issue requiring two doctors visits and a change of medication will do that to you. Going out of town, working, AND partially sick didn’t help either. Hopefully, I’ll have things planned better next year.

Thank you for those that encouraged me to write especially the Atlanta NaNo chat room.  Good luck and you’ll see me back again next year. Hopefully, with something published by then.

Be on the look out for a review on the first day of the new year. My New Year’s resolution will be writing more.

I plan to write more on this blog too. We’ll see how that goes. 🙂

20140417 Update: I, apparently, need an editor for my own posts too.  Someone should poke me if they see proofreading mistakes on my posts. *grin*


News and NaNoWriMo


NYC Pigeons

Pigeons in Central Park, NYC

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, I think I will have to not finish this year’s #NaNoWriMo as I have had cascading failures most of the month.  Between work, being sick for better part of 2 weeks, and more work; I’m not going to complete my story. 🙁

Makes me sad.  

I had such high hopes.  Well, I will be hosted on another author’s blog, Tiramisu and she here, sometime next month and will talk about trials and tribulations for a first-time NaNoWriMo writer.  Dates and topics to be confirmed once I confirm with the author.  Keep your eyes pealed and I will post when it will happen.

On that note, there has not been a lot of comments except for links to other blogs.  I will have to rerun the contest at a later date.  Maybe when I get Space Love finished.  🙂  Thanks for those that have followed and I hope you keep following.  I plan to post a free writing sometime soon as soon as I get my act together.  Full time employment and writing are not best friends.

And for the news portions of this post, I have purchased my own domain: eloreenmoon.com.  Now, the technical fun of linking everything and getting the domain hosted.  Luckily, I have a domain host.  I just need to get it setup there.  Soon, hopefully before the end of the year, I will have this blog attached to blog. eloreenmoon.com.  Be on the lookout for announcements.

I thought a picture would be good today.  The picture is from a business trip in June 2013 to New York City, NY.


FiveOnFriday – NaNoWriMo – Day 8

What a busy week.  I’m multitasking with this so it will be amazingly short. 🙂

  1.  Review on blog tour for In Liam’s Wake.  Complete.  Have more interest with other authors wanting to blog hop.  Probably will host some starting in December/January.  More to come.
  2.  On-the-fly work presentation. Complete.
  3.  Another random presentation semi work-related.  Complete. (Did I mention I wish presentations counted to #NaNoWriMo?)
  4. NaNoWriMo story writing.  Not so much.  With work, writing has taken a back seat this week.  The hazards of working full-time. Luckily, I had a large word count in the beginning.  I love it when I’m proactive about something.
  5. And last but not least, more work tomorrow.  I see a theme here… *sigh* Somewhere in there, I will get to write again.

In the meantime, thank you for all of the followers on twitter.  Please feel free to follow on other social networks like Facebook, Goggle+, and Tumblr.  I just setup a Pinterest page last week, so check it out.  Should be pinterest.com/eloreenm. I’ll update links to them from my About page as I remember.

Have faith that your writing for NaNoWriMo will be completed, and most of all: HAVE FUN!



NaNoWriMo Day 1 – Friday List

1.  If you haven’t already, submit a contact form or comment to my NaNoWriMo Musings and a Contest! post and win a copy of my  NaNoWriMo novel when published and a $10 Gift Card.  You can also just go to my blog and it’s pinned to the top.

2. Almost 8000 words for Space Love, my m/m genre Science Fiction Romance. Yay!  Here is hoping for many more words to come.

3. #NaNoWriMo profile filled out and running, mostly.  Still learning the lay of the land.

4. Remind myself to finish friday lists…on Friday. 🙂

5. Look for review of In Liam’s Wake: The Makeshift Soldier by Ashlyn Forge on 11/5/13 here on my blog.  5 Stars.