#amediting and #amwriting Attempt for publication of a WIP #musings

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*taps the microphone*

*nervously starts*

I’m considering submitting to a publisher a story I had been writing off and on (mostly off) since 2012 as story falls within the Special Submission story request they want for 2016. That’s kind of cool. My story was inspired by a different submission call but I didn’t finish it in time. Maybe they will accept it, maybe the won’t. But it would be fun to try. If I get it in early enough, maybe they will publish in January… nah, I’m not going to be that lucky. 🙂

Sigh. #panicbeginsnow

It just got real. Now I have to research contracts, guidelines, and edit my story so it fits the maximum word count. And maybe email questions, like can it be slightly over the maximum… *head thunk on desk*

Never done this before so this will be a learning experience. I had been waffling on self publishing versus going with a publishing house for awhile now. Then I saw a tweet on this particular publishing house call and it struck a cord in me. Probably will self publish some stories but if it fits, or I get inspired by a submission call, yeah, going to try. The worse that they can do is say no, right? Then it might be polished enough to send to another publishing house. It will be painful if they reject it, but then I can say I tried and then try again. Maybe I can finish a couple of others I’ve got kicking around…

I read the particulars on the special call, and then went back to my story to see if it would fit the theme. Pretty good, I think so. Holy crap, I already had the maximum word count. When did I do that? Oh, last modified date: July 2015… I  must have had an inspiration moment because I thought I had last worked on it in Feb.  🙂 Tells you how much I remembered writing an extra 3k words this summer…

So, I started editing it today to try to scrunch it down a bit without loosing the story. Ending had to be redone since it wasn’t really an ending… and then I made it longer. Back to the beginning and go through it with a fine tooth comb. And finish my gift exchange secret santa purchasing…and research a bit. And I have to have a blurb, and a summary, and an editor.  That’s probably too many and’s. Ugh. I have some beta readers I’m going to send to. Should be interesting what they say. I’ll keep everyone posted.

I’m going to start back on other works in progress too. Not sure when, or how they will get finished. But my (early) New Year’s resolution will be to write more. If I get published, all the better. If this doesn’t work, I’ll at least have experience. And maybe another story will. 🙂 Wish me luck everyone.

Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, Happy Channakah, and Happy Holidays everyone.

*squeals a bit as she turns off the microphone* Darn things.


**edited note: I love finding random characters because my cat is laying his head on the keyboard AFTER I publish. Sorry about that.*

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