Hello everyone. Well, I’ve gone and pulled the trigger to migrate my blog to my self-hosted WordPress site last month. I will have more options there, including setting up a commerce site to self publish my books and possibly reorganize the blog. Will it complete this year? Not sure, but that is the goal.
This will be my last post on my WordPress.com site. Within a week or so, the blog.eloreenmoon.com URL will point to https://eloreenmoon.com.
I’m still re-learning everything and plan to be more active this year in writing and all the things as an author and blogger. I’m going to attempt to pick up reviewing more as well as that is what I started with over 10 years ago and I would like to return to that periodically. Hard to believe I’ve been blogging that long. I might return to reviewing Rainbow Gold Reviews as well, at least partially. 2024 is full of goals and I hope to accomplish more this year. 🙂
Speaking of reviews, once my blog URL is live, I will be posting a review for a book with a new-to-me author that I read in one sitting and can’t wait for more. It will be the first post on the new site and I can’t wait to share with you on it. Feel free to subscribe to the blog on the new site should you wish to continue following my journey and see the review. I plan to setup a Newsletter again and will invite my previous subscribers here to it. It will be a double opt in so if you no longer want to follow, feel free to ignore or opt out to remove yourself my my list.