Camp NaNoWriMo – April Challenge

Well, I signed up for the Camp NaNoWriMo April Challenge to finish Charon’s Dilemma, the MM Romance story prompt from the Goodreads group of the same name.  I officially have 7854 of 10000 words complete.  I still have more to write and then edits so it will likely be more than 10k words, but I’m happy.  It’s due May 1st and so I have one month to finish, edit, beta, and have a professional editor look at it.  Not bad for a first time. 🙂


Cover by Karrie Jax


I have a cover too. 🙂  It will be revealed here when I’m allowed.
4/14/2014 Update: Here is the cover!


I’ll be working on it today: some editing (because I can’t help it) and adding new scenes.  Only a few left to do and then some hard-core rewrites.  I’m giving myself a week to get into something presentable and then it’s off to betas.



Rainbow Gold Reviews Blog is now live!

Come one come all!


Celebration continues through the month of April at the Facebook page:


I have a new author page as well:



Eloreen Moon gives 9.5/10 pots of gold for Rhys Ford’s Dirty Deeds (Cole McGinnis 4)

My review for Rhys Ford’s Dirty Deeds on Rainbow Gold Reviews.