.@pridepromo #BookBlast: What Happens At Christmas by Jay Northcote #LGBT #Contemporary #Amazon #Romance #Contest

Please welcome Jay Northcote to Moonbeams over Atlanta with a book blast for What Happens At Christmas! See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win an ecopy of the book!



Author Name: Jay Northcote
Book Name: What Happens At Christmas
Release Date: November 19, 2015
Pages or Words: 37,000 words (approximate)
Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance
Publisher: Jaybird Press
Cover Artist: Garrett Leigh




When two friends pose as boyfriends, could what happens at Christmas turn into something more?

Justin is recently and unhappily single. Christmas is coming, and he doesn’t want to face his ex alone at their office party. So Sean—Justin’s best mate and long-time secret crush—volunteers to go with him and pretend to be his new flame.

Sean has always lusted after Justin from afar, but there’s never been a good opportunity to ask him for more than friendship. Posing as Justin’s boyfriend isn’t a chore, and if Justin wants to rebound onto him, Sean’s more than willing. At the party pretence and reality blur, and a kiss on the dance floor leads to a night of passion.

In the aftermath, they both assume it was a one-time thing until fate intervenes. Stuck together in London over the holidays, they give in to temptation again. But what happens at Christmas stays at Christmas… right?

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.@pridepromo #BookBlast: Emerald: Good and Evil by M.D. Grimm #Fantasy #Romance #ReleaseDay #Contest

Please welcome M.D. Grimm to Moonbeams over Atlanta with a book blast for Emerald: Good and Evil! See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win an ecopy of the book!




Author Name: M.D. Grimm
Book Name: Emerald: Good and Evil
Series: The Stones of Power Book Five
(Series should be read in order for maximum enjoyment.)
Release Date: November 18, 2015
Pages or Words: 78,000 words
Categories: Fantasy, Fiction, Romance
Publisher: Torquere Press
Cover Artist: Kris Norris




Home. Family.

Those words often invoke a sense of love and comfort. But for the dark mage Morgorth, they mean hate and pain. As the seventh son of a seventh son, many believe Morgorth’s destiny is to become the Destroyer. His father embraced such a future and trained Morgorth through torture and fear to become his weapon. Morgorth managed to escape his father’s cruelty, but not the nightmares that still haunt him. For many years he’s lived with the stain of his father’s savagery, but now he must confront his nightmares head-on.

His father has found a stone of power.

Morgorth must return to his land of birth, to the memories he’s tried his entire life to suppress. Aishe is determined to help Morgorth defeat his inner demons, but he knows he might not be enough to save Morgorth from embracing his darkness. They know it will be a fight to the death and know Morgorth won’t be the same if he survives. With Aishe by his side, Morgorth hunts for his father, and finds answers to questions he never dared to ask—and must live with the truths they reveal.

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Jimmy’s Erotic Adventure in Time and Space Continuum by @periewolford #ReleaseDay #Amazon #SciFi #LGBT #Illustrated

Another new author in the Science Fiction/Gay arena. Please welcome Perie Wolford to Moonbeams over Atlanta. Today is release day for his new release Extraterrestrial Anthology.

Title: Jimmy’s Erotic Adventure In Time And Space Continuum (Episode 1)
Author: Perie Wolford
Length: 100 pages
Genre: Gay/SciFi

Release date: 11/16/2015


Jimmy the time-traveler, while trying to solve a time-riddle his late father left for him, gets accidentally flung back in time, to the year 1871, the days of the Wild West, landing squarely in the middle of a valley of death. He stumbles into a pack of gun-toting rustlers, who capture him. To Jimmy’s luck though, the youngest of the rustlers, Kit Fisher, is not like the rest of his folks.

Book Trailers:


Goodreads | Amazon



Author Bio

Perie Wolford is an optioned and produced screenwriter and published author.perie

His first feature-film movie Dark Harvest The Movie was shot in California by Emerging Artist Productions in 2011 and is now in post-production.

Perie became a published author in 2014, with his debut novel PRESENCE. Following Presence was book 1 in SAM DORSEY series, which instantly sold over 5,000 copies. In 2015 Perie returned to science fiction with ENCOUNTER, a tribute to CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND. His next sci-fi book LIGHTS is available as Kindle edition 10/12/2015.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryFinds | YouTube


.@pridepromo #BlookBlast: Make Me by Brina Brady #LGBT #Contemporary #BDSM #Romance #CrimeFiction #Contest #Amazon @BrinaBrady

Please welcome Will Parkinson with Pride-Promotions to Moonbeams over Atlanta. MoA is a new host for them. For our first tour, we have Packmaster by Jess Buffett. Looks great! I’m a paranormal shifter reader myself. 🙂 It does have mpreg (male pregnancy) but I happen to be a huge fan. See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win a copy of the ebook!





CoverBK3 Make Me E-Book CoverAuthor Name: Brina Brady
Book Name: Make Me
Series: Rent Me, Book Three
(True series, books should be read in order)
Release Date: November 10, 2015
Pages or Words: 81,000 words
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, MM Romance, Romance
Publisher: Brina Brady
Cover Artist: Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design





Make Me (Rent Me Series #3)

Russian mobster Dmitri Dubrovsky and ex-rent boy Brennen are hiding out in the German woods with those closest to them, and not everyone is happy. Living in a small cabin took its toll on the married couple. Everyone’s safety is dependent on Dmitri, meaning he and Brennen don’t spend enough alone time.

Brennen with his sneaky self is finding his way back to his old tricks. The struggles that these two men go through bring out the best and the worst of each. Jealousy is still a big issue for both of them, but they manage to squeeze in some kinky and playful sex. There are some difficulties when they balance their Domestic Discipline Relationship in their marriage.

They find danger when a secret meeting in Amsterdam with a trusted source turns out to be a betrayal. A brother goes missing, leaving an additional burden on Dmitri’s shoulders.

Complications with a drug lord see them traveling to Mexico to sort the problem out, but when one problem is solved another arises when they return back home. Something that will change their lives forever. Can their marriage handle the change?


This is a Gay adult consensual story focused on themes of corporal discipline punishment and explicit sex with light elements of BDSM between adult men over the age of eighteen.

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.@pridepromo #BookBlast: Flesh Market by Kate Lowell #LGBT #Contemporary #Thriller #Romance #Contest

Please welcome Kate Lowell to Moonbeams over Atlanta with a release day book blast for Flesh Market! See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win a ebook copy of one of the recommended reads Kate used in her research for Flesh Market!


KL_FleshMarketAuthor Name: Kate Lowell
Book Name: Flesh Market
Series: None
Release Date: November 10, 2015
Pages or Words: 75,000 words (pre-edits)
Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Thriller
Publisher: Loose ID
Cover Artist: April Martinez





Special Agent Leo Gale is up a creek. A year and a half of deep cover is about to go up in flames. He needs help – something, someone to salvage the operation and save the lives of untold numbers of trafficked teenagers.

But he wasn’t expecting the partner they sent, or his own gut-punch of a response to the man.

Julian worked hard for that FBI Honors Internship. It was supposed to be a foot in the door. He’d never expected it to catapult him into the middle of a major undercover operation. Yet here he is, sleeping on a filthy mattress and using every trick in the book to avoid torture—and worse. He’s never felt so scared, or so alive, in his entire life, and he’s not sure if it’s the danger, or Leo, that’s making his heart race.

There’s no time to think about it, though. The operation is heating up, and Leo and Julian are running out of time and options. As choices become more difficult, they must find a way to take the traffickers down, or risk becoming just another set of organs for sale.

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Extraterrestrial Anthology by Perie Wolford #ReleaseDay #Amazon #SciFi #LGBT @periewolford

Another new author in the Science Fiction/Gay arena. Please welcome Perie Wolford to Moonbeams over Atlanta. Today is release day for his new release Extraterrestrial Anthology.

Title: Extraterrestrial Anthology
Author: Perie Wolford
Length: 315 pages
Genre: Gay/SciFi

Release date: 11/02/2015



In an attempt to prove it to the world that crop circles are man-made and aliens don’t really exist, Ricky and his team of young enthusiasts (including one particular enthusiast, Josh, who is hopelessly in love with Ricky) start falsifying the phenomenon by creating their own crop circles. Their endeavors prove successful, pretty much so, but only until the day when Ricky sees his unique circle design replicated throughout the country by the force unknown.

Coming home for summer break, two film school students, Bradley and Tag, decide to shoot a staged UFO encounter video, one that could potentially generate a lot of attention and a lot of clicks on YouTube. Unexpectedly for both of them, during the filming they accidentally discover a real alien presence in the dark waters near their coastal home town.

Book Trailers:

Goodreads | Amazon



Another rifle shot resounded and the barking of dogs followed it. It sounded like the pack of Sullivan’s dogs was smaller now, probably two or three old raggedy bitches died since the last time the gang was here. Now only about three or four dogs were barking, but they were all Dobermans, vicious as hell. Even the three of them could rip a person to shreds, which was probably even worse than a gun shot.

Josh started moving towards where the guys were hiding, moving fast, but trying to keep as low as possible.

Yet another rifle shot ripped through the silence.

“I’m gonna make you regret you ever came here, freaks! Destroying my crops, do you think this is funny?” Sullivan shouted, raging against the stupid youth. This time he was probably right. Coming here was indeed a stupid idea. Everyone on the team knew it, but they went along with it for the cause and because Ricky’s unusual determination made them believe that they could probably make it this time. They sure were wrong.

“Do you think it’s a game?” he shouted again.

Josh made it to where Emily and Ricky were sitting. He joined them, but that was probably pointless; together or apart, they were screwed all the same.

“Shit, guys! Shit!” Josh whispered, distinctly hearing the rustle of dogs running through the wheat somewhere not far away from here really, really not far away.

Ricky commanded in a loud whisper, “Keep quiet!”

Author Bio

Perie Wolford is an optioned and produced screenwriter and published author.perie

His first feature-film movie Dark Harvest The Movie was shot in California by Emerging Artist Productions in 2011 and is now in post-production.

Perie became a published author in 2014, with his debut novel PRESENCE. Following Presence was book 1 in SAM DORSEY series, which instantly sold over 5,000 copies. In 2015 Perie returned to science fiction with ENCOUNTER, a tribute to CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND. His next sci-fi book LIGHTS is available as Kindle edition 10/12/2015.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryFinds | YouTube


.@pridepromo presents: Packmaster by Jess Buffett #LGBT #Paranormal #Fantasy #Romance #Contest #Amazon @JessBuffett

Please welcome Will Parkinson with Pride-Promotions to Moonbeams over Atlanta. MoA is a new host for them. For our first tour, we have Packmaster by Jess Buffett. Looks great! I’m a paranormal shifter reader myself. 🙂 It does have mpreg (male pregnancy) but I happen to be a huge fan. See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win a copy of the ebook!






Author Name: Jess Buffett
Book Name: Packmaster
Series: Full Moon Rising, Book One
Release Date: October 16, 2015
Pages or Words: 20,710 words
Categories: Fantasy, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance
Publisher: Jess Buffett
Cover Artist: Jess Buffett




Kyan had never known true kindness, or what it felt like to be completely entranced by one person…until he met Blaise. When his life spins out of control, and a whole new world is opened up to him, he finds that the only human being he can turn to, may not even be human at all.

Blaise has spent months trying to figure out the best way to approach his shy and nervous mate. As the Packmaster in the small town of Rowan Oak, he isn’t used to having to show restraint or patience. When he finally makes his move a turn of events involving a forgotten note, a disappearing mate, and trouble with a group of hunters leads to disastrous results.

When Blaise finally catches up to Kyan, what he finds and the answers he gets are nothing like what he had been expecting. Will the pair be able to straighten out their misunderstandings and find the happiness they both long for, or will the Packmaster lose the only thing he has ever had to fight for?

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.@Totally_Bound 5 Star #Review of “Then Came Cal” by Lee Barrows #LGBT @PridePublishing

I’ve started reviewing for #TotallyBound and #PridePublishing so you will see my reviews there as well. Here is the first book from them received in exchange for an honest review.


The Review:


5 Stars


There were two sorties this week that I thought about reading for review. A MM Suspense or this cute Contemporary. I wasn’t feeling it for a hip-wading mystery/suspense so I choose Then Came Cal by Lee Barrows.  I hadn’t read Lee before and the blurb sounded great, so I went with it.

We meet Sean Hutchins getting laid off from his job in California, the one he had since graduating, only to discover his roommate and sometimes lover that he thought he wanted to go to the next step in their relationship getting it on in their bed– and not with him. He quickly leaves and seeks his best friend, Cassie, and running into Cal, her visiting brother from New York, on the worse day of his life. He’d rather not talk to him as he’s had a suppressed crush on him since meeting the years before, but in his dazed state he discovers he still has feelings for him. Cal discovers more to Sean in his interactions, and his heartstrings are tugged in a direction he didn’t think he wanted past the normal hook-ups and one-night stands.

As I said when I started, this cute little story was just what I was looking for. I was particularly drawn to Cal as he worked out his feelings and possessiveness for someone he only thought about as his little sister’s best friend, helping Sean where he could and getting to know him in the process.  Sean’s heart opens up to the possibility of Cal liking him when Cal continues to help him get his life back together. While I liked Sean’s character, I didn’t really connect to him as much as I connected to Cal. He was a sweet one but somewhat down on himself, yet still was strong in Cal’s eyes. I liked seeing the different points of views between Sean and Cal, with a little bit of Cassie thrown in. It’s a fast, true love, and the happy ending is satisfying. The sex scenes were not numerous but nicely done. It’s a short read, only about a hundred pages (depending upon your eReader) and that was the perfect length for this story. Overall, I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to more stories from Lee.

With this, I give Then Came Cal 5 stars.



Book Links:

Goodreads | PridePublishing

5 Star #Review of “Sloe Ride” (Sinners 4) by Rhys Ford #ReleaseDay #LGBT

Yes! Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes Rhys Ford back for another review in the Sinners series: Book 4 – Sloe Ride which releases today! I will be at DragonCon, so I will only be here in spirit (the power of scheduling posts, especially for a one-woman blogger like me). However, I have the app, so go ahead and comment and reblog. I’ll make sure to approve. 😉


The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review back in late July.  Thank you for the opportunity. True story: I received a couple of Rhys’ stories in advance for review so far. I’ve been a bit behind this last year or so because of a variety of reasons. Figuring I was going to have to read a couple back story books, I was pleasantly surprised that I am in fact, caught up. (I have a database that tells me what I’ve read and not read.) And I was supposed to review Tequila Mockingbird. Crap, did I review it? Shoot. (Goes searching for post. Sure enough, published June 2014.) So I reread Tequila and started in on Sloe Ride.

5 Stars


As expected, Sloe Ride continues the saga of the rock band started in Sinner’s Gin and it’s re-formation with new band members. And we get Quinn’s story. 🙂 I’ve been looking forward to this all series.

Quinn Morgan is my favorite supporting character through out the series. He’s a little quirky, a lot of fun, and coddled by the Morgan family. As the title implies, it is a slow ride to watch Rafe Andrade return to Quinn after years being a drug addict, general bad-boy bassist, and all around typical reason a lot of rock stars die young. Rafe had a spectacular falling out with his former band due to unusual circumstances and ultimately resulted in him getting off the drugs. There is plenty of angst on both sides but Quinn begins to rely on Rafe and help lead him to his own dreams.

I did end up reading it one sitting. Go figure. I typically do that with Rhys’ books. So, be prepared for that hanky because there are parts that will make you cry (well, they made me cry), and have enough time to read it in one sitting. You won’t want to put it down.

With this, I give Sloe Ride 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

Goodreads Dreamspinner

#NewRelease ‘Discovering Delilah’ by Melissa Foster #Spotlight #LGBT #NewAdult #Discounts

Releasing on July 9th, 2015



HARBORSIDE NIGHTS is a sexy, hot, and evocatively real New Adult Romance series that follows a group of friends who have known one another for years as “summer” friends, and now come together after college to build their lives. They’re tough, edgy, and accepting–most of the time. Catching Cassidy is written in the loving, raw, and emotional voice readers have come to love by New York Times & USA Today bestselling, award-winning author Melissa Foster.


After the death of her parents on the day of her college graduation, Delilah Armstrong thought she could finally follow her heart and come out to her closest friends, but the guilt of going against her parents’ beliefs haunts her. The feelings she has for her best friend, Ashley, are stronger than anything she’s felt before, but Delilah has never even kissed a girl, and fear stops her at every turn.

Ashley Carver promised herself that she would never again date another girl who wasn’t out, but that was before she met intoxicatingly sweet and sexy Delilah.

When another girl offers to teach Delilah the ropes, it changes Delilah’s whole world and gives her the courage to go after the only girl she really wants. But coming out isn’t as easy as Delilah imagined, and moving past her parents’ death and the feelings of guilt she is left with is even harder. The intense passion between Ashley and Delilah is too strong to deny, but coming together means risking everything.

Discovering Delilah is an edgy, evocative, romantic story of friendship, family, and the courage to love.

Buy it now links:
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Reduced to 0.99 from 4.99
10th – 14th July
Destined for Love by Melissa Foster
***DESTINED TO LOVE is a BRONZE MEDAL WINNER in the Readers’ Favorite Awards – Romance Sizzle Category***
DESTINED FOR LOVE is the fifth book in the Love in Bloom series (The Snow Sisters, The Braden, & The Remingtons), and the 2nd book in The BradensWhile Destined for Love can be read as a stand-alone novel, for even more reading enjoyment you may want to read the LOVE IN BLOOM series in series order.

Love hot cowboys? 

Rex Braden is wealthy, hard working, and fiercely loyal. Sweat at his brow, he works the family ranch by day, then kicks back at night with part time lovers who require nothing more than his physical presence a few times each week. But that was before. Before Jade Johnson, the daughter of the man his father has been feuding with for over forty years, moves back into town.

After ditching a horrific relationship–and her veterinary practice in the process–Jade Johnson returns to the safety of her small hometown and finally finds her footing. That is…until her horse is injured and Rex Braden comes to her rescue. The last thing she needs is a bull-headed, too-handsome-for-his-own-good Braden complicating her life.

Despite the angry family history, sparks fly between Rex and Jade, and attitudes follow. Fifteen years of stifled, forbidden love stirs a surge of passion too strong for either to deny–and the rebel in each of them rears its powerful head. Loyalties are tested, and relationships are strained. Rex and Jade are about to find out if true love really can conquer all.

Buy it now links:
About Melissa Foster
mel author photo headshot400

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes contemporary romance, new adult, contemporary women’s fiction, suspense, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page.

“You can always rely on Melissa Foster to deliver a story that’s fresh, emotional and entertaining. Make sure you have all night, because once you start you won’t want to stop reading. Every book’s a winner!” New York Times Bestseller Brenda Novak

“What sets Melissa Foster apart are her compelling characters who you care about… desperately. This  is psychological suspense at its most chilling. I dare you to read the first chapter and not be hooked.”  International bestseller, M.J. Rose

“Melissa Foster is an up and coming star…she belongs in the ranks with the absolute best with Chasing Amanda and Megan’s Way.. Foster writes page turners and we can hardly wait to turn the pages of her next book.”  Yahoo Contributor

“Melissa Foster is as kind as she is successful. With her experience, Melissa is the best advocate for writing, publishing and marketing. Hands down.” – Rebecca Berto, Editor

“Melissa Foster is a touchstone for the indie publishing community.” —Ashley Barron, The Priyas

Foster’s latest novel is in the same league as books written by such authors as Nicholas Sparks, Jennifer Weiner, and Kristin Hannah.”–Author Carrie Green

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes contemporary romance, new adult, contemporary women’s fiction, suspense, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the  World Literary Café and Fostering Success. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on  Fostering Success. Melissa has been published in Calgary’s Child Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Women Business Owners magazine.

Melissa hosts an Aspiring Authors contest for children and has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Melissa lives in Maryland with her family.

Visit Melissa on social media. Melissa enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups, and welcomes an invitation to your event.

Melissa Foster Online Contacts