.@pridepromo #BlookBlast: Make Me by Brina Brady #LGBT #Contemporary #BDSM #Romance #CrimeFiction #Contest #Amazon @BrinaBrady

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Please welcome Will Parkinson with Pride-Promotions to Moonbeams over Atlanta. MoA is a new host for them. For our first tour, we have Packmaster by Jess Buffett. Looks great! I’m a paranormal shifter reader myself. 🙂 It does have mpreg (male pregnancy) but I happen to be a huge fan. See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win a copy of the ebook!





CoverBK3 Make Me E-Book CoverAuthor Name: Brina Brady
Book Name: Make Me
Series: Rent Me, Book Three
(True series, books should be read in order)
Release Date: November 10, 2015
Pages or Words: 81,000 words
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, MM Romance, Romance
Publisher: Brina Brady
Cover Artist: Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design





Make Me (Rent Me Series #3)

Russian mobster Dmitri Dubrovsky and ex-rent boy Brennen are hiding out in the German woods with those closest to them, and not everyone is happy. Living in a small cabin took its toll on the married couple. Everyone’s safety is dependent on Dmitri, meaning he and Brennen don’t spend enough alone time.

Brennen with his sneaky self is finding his way back to his old tricks. The struggles that these two men go through bring out the best and the worst of each. Jealousy is still a big issue for both of them, but they manage to squeeze in some kinky and playful sex. There are some difficulties when they balance their Domestic Discipline Relationship in their marriage.

They find danger when a secret meeting in Amsterdam with a trusted source turns out to be a betrayal. A brother goes missing, leaving an additional burden on Dmitri’s shoulders.

Complications with a drug lord see them traveling to Mexico to sort the problem out, but when one problem is solved another arises when they return back home. Something that will change their lives forever. Can their marriage handle the change?


This is a Gay adult consensual story focused on themes of corporal discipline punishment and explicit sex with light elements of BDSM between adult men over the age of eighteen.

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.@pridepromo #BookBlast: Flesh Market by Kate Lowell #LGBT #Contemporary #Thriller #Romance #Contest

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Please welcome Kate Lowell to Moonbeams over Atlanta with a release day book blast for Flesh Market! See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win a ebook copy of one of the recommended reads Kate used in her research for Flesh Market!


KL_FleshMarketAuthor Name: Kate Lowell
Book Name: Flesh Market
Series: None
Release Date: November 10, 2015
Pages or Words: 75,000 words (pre-edits)
Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Thriller
Publisher: Loose ID
Cover Artist: April Martinez





Special Agent Leo Gale is up a creek. A year and a half of deep cover is about to go up in flames. He needs help – something, someone to salvage the operation and save the lives of untold numbers of trafficked teenagers.

But he wasn’t expecting the partner they sent, or his own gut-punch of a response to the man.

Julian worked hard for that FBI Honors Internship. It was supposed to be a foot in the door. He’d never expected it to catapult him into the middle of a major undercover operation. Yet here he is, sleeping on a filthy mattress and using every trick in the book to avoid torture—and worse. He’s never felt so scared, or so alive, in his entire life, and he’s not sure if it’s the danger, or Leo, that’s making his heart race.

There’s no time to think about it, though. The operation is heating up, and Leo and Julian are running out of time and options. As choices become more difficult, they must find a way to take the traffickers down, or risk becoming just another set of organs for sale.

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.@masqtours #TRPromo ‘Tragic Renewal’ by Marlina Williams #Romance #Suspense #PreOrder

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She’s forced to confront shocking betrayal and fresh loss…
To Be Published: November 11, 2015
Genre: Romantic Suspense

When Harper’s life is twisted by divorce and the death of her best friend she must make changes or fall deeper into a pit of dark despair.

Harper is dealing with her recent divorce from a cheating husband and drowning her heartache in food, wine, and sleeping pills. While she is still struggling with the divorce, her best friend, Cara, is killed in a horrible drunk driving crash. Cara’s girlfriend and the drunk driver also died, leaving no one behind to pay for a drunken blunder that took innocent lives. The entire crash and its horrific aftermath were caught on dash-cam and released to the world by an unscrupulous secretary at the police department.

Harper receives a call about Cara’s will a few weeks after the crash. In the will Cara leaves Harper all of her belongings along with a farm, an Akita dog, and two horses. The farm is on the verge of becoming a u-pick fruit farm. Harper must decide if she can live Cara’s dream in her memory and help a depressed dog coping with the absence of his mistress. As Harper settles into her new unexpected life she learns to let go of the past and begins planning a better future.

When the life she left behind shows up at her front door, she’s forced to confront shocking betrayal and fresh loss.

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#amwriting Really, I am. #NaNoWriMo 2015 #contest #giveaway

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So NaNoWriMo is back again and I’m working on a sequel for Coil Me Up with Adan DePiaz. Don’t know if we’ll get to 50k words or not, but it’s nice to try. *smile* Day Three (because I was sick Day 1 and worked Day 2, but I did get some writing in) is going and I might write some tonight. Adan is working on the Prologue from one MC’s point of view, and I’m working from the other MC’s point of view. Should be interesting where the scenes will fit. Not unusual for me to write out of order. Heck Coil Me Up’s ending started first.

Interestingly, someone commented on one of my blog posts last week asking about a sequel to Charon’s Dilemma, the DRitC event story from 2014. I did respond that I considered doing a sequel for that story but probably not immediately. Have to get through the month of November, and probably December before I can think of other stories. I’m multitasking on too many things as it is now. Writing is actually something creative I can do to counteract some studying I need to do before the end of the month. So, yeah. It’s pretty packed since I also host posts for authors and promotional book tours, review (for two blogs no less), and still read for fun.

And that doesn’t even count the things I do with family, especially weekends. Did I mention I work remotely with my full-time job? Best. Thing. Ever.

While I’m off being creative, and in the spirit of publishing, I would like to propose a contest. Comment on this post for a $10 Gift Certificate to the eretailer of your choice (B&N, ARe, Bookstrand, Amazon) and answer the following question.  Would you like to read a sequel for Charon’s Dilemma, Platypus (from Discovery) and/or Coil Me Up?

And yeah, eventually I’ll get back to my blog story Elf Magic too. 🙂

Signing off.



EDIT: I should really put a time limit on these contests…. It will be chosen by Random.org and you have until the end of November (11/30/2015 11:59 PM EST)

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Extraterrestrial Anthology by Perie Wolford #ReleaseDay #Amazon #SciFi #LGBT @periewolford

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Another new author in the Science Fiction/Gay arena. Please welcome Perie Wolford to Moonbeams over Atlanta. Today is release day for his new release Extraterrestrial Anthology.

Title: Extraterrestrial Anthology
Author: Perie Wolford
Length: 315 pages
Genre: Gay/SciFi

Release date: 11/02/2015



In an attempt to prove it to the world that crop circles are man-made and aliens don’t really exist, Ricky and his team of young enthusiasts (including one particular enthusiast, Josh, who is hopelessly in love with Ricky) start falsifying the phenomenon by creating their own crop circles. Their endeavors prove successful, pretty much so, but only until the day when Ricky sees his unique circle design replicated throughout the country by the force unknown.

Coming home for summer break, two film school students, Bradley and Tag, decide to shoot a staged UFO encounter video, one that could potentially generate a lot of attention and a lot of clicks on YouTube. Unexpectedly for both of them, during the filming they accidentally discover a real alien presence in the dark waters near their coastal home town.

Book Trailers:

Goodreads | Amazon



Another rifle shot resounded and the barking of dogs followed it. It sounded like the pack of Sullivan’s dogs was smaller now, probably two or three old raggedy bitches died since the last time the gang was here. Now only about three or four dogs were barking, but they were all Dobermans, vicious as hell. Even the three of them could rip a person to shreds, which was probably even worse than a gun shot.

Josh started moving towards where the guys were hiding, moving fast, but trying to keep as low as possible.

Yet another rifle shot ripped through the silence.

“I’m gonna make you regret you ever came here, freaks! Destroying my crops, do you think this is funny?” Sullivan shouted, raging against the stupid youth. This time he was probably right. Coming here was indeed a stupid idea. Everyone on the team knew it, but they went along with it for the cause and because Ricky’s unusual determination made them believe that they could probably make it this time. They sure were wrong.

“Do you think it’s a game?” he shouted again.

Josh made it to where Emily and Ricky were sitting. He joined them, but that was probably pointless; together or apart, they were screwed all the same.

“Shit, guys! Shit!” Josh whispered, distinctly hearing the rustle of dogs running through the wheat somewhere not far away from here really, really not far away.

Ricky commanded in a loud whisper, “Keep quiet!”

Author Bio

Perie Wolford is an optioned and produced screenwriter and published author.perie

His first feature-film movie Dark Harvest The Movie was shot in California by Emerging Artist Productions in 2011 and is now in post-production.

Perie became a published author in 2014, with his debut novel PRESENCE. Following Presence was book 1 in SAM DORSEY series, which instantly sold over 5,000 copies. In 2015 Perie returned to science fiction with ENCOUNTER, a tribute to CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND. His next sci-fi book LIGHTS is available as Kindle edition 10/12/2015.

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5 Star #Review ‘D.N.A.’ by Alex Hurst #ScienceFiction #Amazon

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Here is the review I promised from the release day post. I’m slowly catching up on my reviews. 🙂 Blurb, purchase information, and author info at the end of the review.


The Review:

5 Stars



So, I ran across this from the author requesting blog space.  It was intriguing because of the “science” for a full-skin transplant that involves nanonites and synthetic tissue, resulting in a little bit more than expected when Alta, the main character, was given technology to save her life.  It’s short and has funny parts, and makes you want to read the rest. The illustrations are wonderful and I can’t wait to see more of them as well. D.N.A is a little different in that it’s an illustrated story and not a comic. You don’t see that everyday. It does read a little bit like a comic–I like that, but it doesn’t distract from the words or the illustrations. I read it on my Nook Color, just fine.

Alta has a symbiotic relationship with the AI, called Digital Nanocell Accelerator, or D.N.A, for short, that controls her nanoCell skin. She is elevated to an almost superhero power of a Chameleon. It’s an unique way for someone to gain paranormal capabilities. Definitely a must read for the Science Fiction fan. While there was not romance in this story, there were hints that there might be some in future installments. It was still fun to read, and look forward to more.

With this, I give D.N.A. 5 stars.



The story chronicles the adventures of Alta Williams, a woman of a future where genetics dictate quality of life and scientific discovery advances at an inconceivable rate. Alta is known to the media as the Human Doll, the first successful case of a full nanoCell organ transplant.

Alta appreciates the technology around her: without it, a chemical fire would have killed her in her early twenties. Though the fire destroyed her extracellular matrix, scientists from the medical behemoth nanoTech were able to replace her ruined skin with their patented nanoCell material, giving her a second lease on life.

However, with nanotechnology now advanced enough to alter the human genome, and a company determined to capitalize – and control – the endeavor, it is up to Alta to expose their plans.

And she’s not alone.

Helping her every step of the way is D.N.A., the Digital Nanocell Accelerator, a self-learning computer program charged with telling synthetic cells which tissue they should build. D.N.A. fuses with Alta’s fully-synthetic skin and convinces her to fight against those who would otherwise oppress society as she knows it.

Of course, it helps that D.N.A. can change the genetic makeup of Alta’s skin at will, gifting her with the characteristics of any living recorded in the Genome Project. With the world’s genetic code at her whim, Alta has the power to overcome anything…

…but at what cost to her humanity?

**Please note that this is a novella with illustrations, not a comic or full-length novel**

Buy Link: Amazon

Title: D.N.A.: Alta
Author: Alex Hurst, Illustrated: Kevin Nichols
Series: D.N.A. Book 1
Print Length: 24 pages (Novella)
Publisher: Bookmark Comics
Published Date: July 15, 2015
ASIN: B0101Y6Z9Y

Author Bio


Alex Hurst writes primarily character-driven fantasy, in such sub-genres as urban, Gothic, uncanny, and regional fantasy. Sometimes, she dapples in science fiction, horror, and LGBT literature.

She was raised in the wilds of the south. Lightning storms and hurricanes created the playpens of her youth, and in the summers, she used to spend all of her time dodging horseflies in a golden river, catching fish and snakes with her bare hands, swinging from vines, and falling out of magnolia trees.

In the dawn of her adolescence, her family took her on a journey across the United States, from the white sands of Pensacola, FL, to the razor’s edge of the Hell’s Backbone in Utah. They finally landed in Marin, CA, where lotus eaters tried to make city folk out of them (but miserably failed.) She currently lives in Kyoto, Japan, working as a writer and dream-smith.

She also freelances as an editor for the Writers’ Anarchy anthology series, designs book interiors at Country Mouse Design, and admins on the Fiction Writers community on Facebook, assisting emerging writers.

Feel free to stay a while, leave a comment or send her an email. If you feel so inclined, you can also follow her on any of the links below.


Blog | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Pinterest | Tumblr | LinkedIn | Flickr | DeviantArt | YouTube | StumbleUpon | B’ | RSS

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.@pridepromo presents: Packmaster by Jess Buffett #LGBT #Paranormal #Fantasy #Romance #Contest #Amazon @JessBuffett

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Please welcome Will Parkinson with Pride-Promotions to Moonbeams over Atlanta. MoA is a new host for them. For our first tour, we have Packmaster by Jess Buffett. Looks great! I’m a paranormal shifter reader myself. 🙂 It does have mpreg (male pregnancy) but I happen to be a huge fan. See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win a copy of the ebook!






Author Name: Jess Buffett
Book Name: Packmaster
Series: Full Moon Rising, Book One
Release Date: October 16, 2015
Pages or Words: 20,710 words
Categories: Fantasy, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance
Publisher: Jess Buffett
Cover Artist: Jess Buffett




Kyan had never known true kindness, or what it felt like to be completely entranced by one person…until he met Blaise. When his life spins out of control, and a whole new world is opened up to him, he finds that the only human being he can turn to, may not even be human at all.

Blaise has spent months trying to figure out the best way to approach his shy and nervous mate. As the Packmaster in the small town of Rowan Oak, he isn’t used to having to show restraint or patience. When he finally makes his move a turn of events involving a forgotten note, a disappearing mate, and trouble with a group of hunters leads to disastrous results.

When Blaise finally catches up to Kyan, what he finds and the answers he gets are nothing like what he had been expecting. Will the pair be able to straighten out their misunderstandings and find the happiness they both long for, or will the Packmaster lose the only thing he has ever had to fight for?

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It’s out! Coil Me Up has been published.

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Get caught up in Real Life and Adan’s and my story on MM Romance Group Love is an Open Road event gets posted. 🙂

It’s located here. You must be a member of the MM Romance Group on Goodreads.com to view.

Also, you can go to http://www.mmromancegroup.com/coil-me-up-by-eloreen-moon-and-adan-depiaz/ to download an EPUB, MOBI, or PDF.

Let us know what you think by posting comments there or here. Also, please rate it on Goodreads. We’re thinking about a sequel and wanted to know if there is interest.

Thanks everyone for sticking around.

-Eloreen and Adan

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.@Totally_Bound 5 Star #Review of “Then Came Cal” by Lee Barrows #LGBT @PridePublishing

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I’ve started reviewing for #TotallyBound and #PridePublishing so you will see my reviews there as well. Here is the first book from them received in exchange for an honest review.


The Review:


5 Stars


There were two sorties this week that I thought about reading for review. A MM Suspense or this cute Contemporary. I wasn’t feeling it for a hip-wading mystery/suspense so I choose Then Came Cal by Lee Barrows.  I hadn’t read Lee before and the blurb sounded great, so I went with it.

We meet Sean Hutchins getting laid off from his job in California, the one he had since graduating, only to discover his roommate and sometimes lover that he thought he wanted to go to the next step in their relationship getting it on in their bed– and not with him. He quickly leaves and seeks his best friend, Cassie, and running into Cal, her visiting brother from New York, on the worse day of his life. He’d rather not talk to him as he’s had a suppressed crush on him since meeting the years before, but in his dazed state he discovers he still has feelings for him. Cal discovers more to Sean in his interactions, and his heartstrings are tugged in a direction he didn’t think he wanted past the normal hook-ups and one-night stands.

As I said when I started, this cute little story was just what I was looking for. I was particularly drawn to Cal as he worked out his feelings and possessiveness for someone he only thought about as his little sister’s best friend, helping Sean where he could and getting to know him in the process.  Sean’s heart opens up to the possibility of Cal liking him when Cal continues to help him get his life back together. While I liked Sean’s character, I didn’t really connect to him as much as I connected to Cal. He was a sweet one but somewhat down on himself, yet still was strong in Cal’s eyes. I liked seeing the different points of views between Sean and Cal, with a little bit of Cassie thrown in. It’s a fast, true love, and the happy ending is satisfying. The sex scenes were not numerous but nicely done. It’s a short read, only about a hundred pages (depending upon your eReader) and that was the perfect length for this story. Overall, I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to more stories from Lee.

With this, I give Then Came Cal 5 stars.



Book Links:

Goodreads | PridePublishing

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.@GoIndiMarketing #BookBlast: “The Other Half of Me” by Lor Rose #newrelease #contest

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The Other Half Of Me Banner

Author: Lor Rose

Title:  The Other Half Of Me

Series Title and Number: Patryk’s Branch Book One

Publisher:  Thirteen Below Press

Release Date:  September 15, 2015

Genre:  Contemporary

Tags:  friends to lovers, gay for you, rock star, secret, detective

Heat Level: 4

Pairing: MM

Length: 50,434

Purchase Links: eBook:  Thirteen Below Press  | Print:  Thirteen Below Press


The Other Half Of Me CoverBook Blurb: As a homicide detective for the greater Houston area, Detective Barrack Invar’s job was stressful enough without his Lieutenant breathing down his neck to do more, not to mention his girlfriend, Isabella. His partner, Calhoun, was a joke. It didn’t help that over the years Barrack earned a reputation as being a bit of an asshole at work. Things for Barrack didn’t look any brighter in the wake of a murder case with absolutely no leads at all. Until he came home to a wonderful surprise. His best friend since the age of three had finally come home.

Willow only survived. His best friend since childhood, Barrack, was all that mattered to him. Willow craved any small scraps of affection Barrack was willing to give. Every look, every praise, every touch, tore Willow’s soul because he was constantly reminded of what he couldn’t have. Barrack. When Willow unexpectedly returned home his insides burned with the need for the man he loved. The need to give control…

Barrack found his feelings towards Willow slowly twisted and changed. He loved his best friend. A man. For Barrack it was a very simple thing. Willow on the other hand could not accept what Barrack was freely willing to give. Willow did the only thing he knew. He ran.

Returning home, Willow’s fears were confirmed when Barrack refused to come with him. Barrack’s promises to follow seemed long in coming. Willow was left devastated feeling abandoned and alone.

Can Barrack convince Willow of his love? Will Willow allow Barrack to love him?


The energy of the crowd and passion from the band was infectious. Barrack stood as close to the stage as he could. His body ached and his eyes itched with need for sleep after a long day at work then the concert, but it was worth it. Seeing him made it worth it.

He headed for the VIP line forming next to where NRG Stadium kept their performance stage when not in use. Other bodies ran into him, one group nearly running him over with their purple VIP passes swinging from their necks. Barrack shook his head. Purple badges like theirs only allowed them into VIP after-show signings, nothing special. Black was the next level up, with after-show backstage access and a gift signed from all the band members for Christmas. White, like his, allowed backstage access before and after shows, as well as the yearly gifts at Christmas and the holder’s birthday, plus special one-on-one time with the band at a scheduled party near Halloween.

The organizers broke up the white badges into groups of seven per party to allow more one-on-one time. Hence, only twenty-one people had a white VIP badge. If a white badge didn’t come to a white party more than twice in a row, they automatically lost their white VIP status since other people would use it to its full advantage, like him.

“Hey Barrack!”

He turned to see Bridge, the band’s head of security, waving him over, then shouldered his way through the crowd, slowly making his way to the front of the line.

“Annoying, isn’t it?” Bridge’s voice had a slight rasp to it. He was a tall broad man with a stern-looking face and jaw. His hair looked swept back by the wind.

The two clasped hands and Bridge pulled him into a one-armed hug, each patting the other heavily on the back. “If I had to deal with this all the time, then shit yeah. Doesn’t it get annoying?” Barrack asked and gave Bridge one more hearty pat on the arm before releasing him.

Bridge shrugged. “Not really, no. How you’ve been?”

Barrack smiled at his old friend.  They had gotten close once a long time ago when they’d been undercover. When everything was all said and done with that case, the men had lost contact, only to be reacquainted a few years later when Emotio hit the scene.

He shrugged. “Same old, same old.”

Bridge shook his head. “Come on.” He opened the door to allow them inside. Barrack stepped into a much quieter but still busy space. Stage personnel hustled about doing whatever it was that they did. One was carrying a large stuffed rhinoceros—he didn’t want to know.

“Barrack.” Rex Louis Clark, the drummer waved and Barrack waved back. The man stood shirtless with raven black hair that shined blue in the light. A white stripe accented the side of his head. The tabloids had nicknamed him ‘Skunk’, and for good reason. He’d been known to have a bad temper. He was talking to Luxe, the band’s stylist. Why, he didn’t know since the man seemed to be allergic to shirts.

“Everyone else is in back,” Bridge said. “The public signing will start in half an hour.” Bridge patted him on the back and walked off, leading the way.

“That’s it?” Half an hour seemed like a short break after such a performance.

Bridge shrugged. “Aksel and Patryk wanted to be done early.”

“Wonder why,” he mused aloud while they turned a corner.

Bridge sighed, but it sounded more like a disbelieving tsk. He opened another door and walked inside with Barrack following behind.

“You know you’re the only fan we actually like enough to hang out with,” Bishop, the lead guitarist, said from the wet bar. His silk black pirate shirt caught the light, highlighting his exposed chest. His shoulder-length bleached hair sported pink highlights at the tips, which faded up the length.

“That one isn’t so bad,” Aksel, the bass player, said as he plopped on the couch. His purple Mohawk didn’t even move.

Titus, the piano or keyboard player, threw wadded paper at Aksel, which he caught. “Do ya mean Greg?” Titus’s slight Irish accent came through. His all white hair almost glowed in the fluorescent lighting.

“I hate him,” Bishop said as he took a long drink.

“That’s because—” Patryk Sama’el, the lead singer, walked in from another door on the opposite side of the room. “—he drinks just as much alcohol as you.” His hair was black, the sides of his head shaved into a military buzz, and the center was long, thick, and styled effortlessly to the side. A chunk of white highlighted his bangs. Diamond stud earrings decorated his ears. He had changed from his earlier outfit into skinny jeans and a loose rock and roll T-shirt. “And even we cannot afford that.” His comment won a round of chuckles and the finger from Bishop.

The singer shook his head and plopped on the couch next to Aksel. Heavy black makeup framed his eyes, as did an elegant gray and black masquerade mask. This air of secrecy heightened Emotio’s fame. No one had seen Patryk’s face, not even Emotio’s other members. Rumors soared over Patryk’s looks, but the man in the center of it all, Patryk, neither confirmed nor denied anything. Patryk Sama’el symbolized mystery, and mysteries were intriguing.

“Hey Barrack,” Patryk said with a tiny wave, looking relaxed but tired.

“Hey, guys.” Barrack entered the room while Bridge said his goodbyes. “You want a water?” Barrack asked Patryk who nodded. Barrack had to practically shove Bishop out of the way to get to the wet bar.

He retrieved two waters, then handed one to Patryk while he sat between Aksel and Patryk. “Where’s Dominik?” Another scan of the room confirmed the electric violinist wasn’t there.

Titus tossed him the wad of paper, and he tossed it back. “Good question.”

“Bathroom,” Patryk supplied with a sigh.

Barrack looked him over. Patryk seemed to have melted farther into the couch since he sat down, “Okay?”

Patryk nodded. “Just tired.”

“If I danced like you in them damn high heels, I’d be tired too.” Bishop twirled and went back to the bar for another drink.

Before anyone could answer, Dominik walked in from the same door Patryk had. He stopped short when he saw Barrack. “Hey.” On stage, Dominik was a force worthy of the band’s fame, but in that moment, he seemed tiny and timid, as if he were two different people.

His emerald-green hair had white accents. Dominik’s style was the most formal. A well-tailored suit showed off his form. The jacket was opened, exposing a white button-up shirt and loosened black silk necktie.

“You okay?” Barrack asked while getting up. “Here, sit. You look tired.”

Dominik smiled, but it seemed sad to Barrack. “I’m fine.”

“Please, sit.” He motioned to the spot he’d given up. Dominik meekly nodded and slowly made his way to the sofa. To Barrack, he seemed to move a little too gingerly. “Thanks,” Dominik said as he passed. Barrack’s gaze zeroed in on him pressing his arm to his side. A small bruise visible on Dominik’s knuckles made Barrack frown.

“Son of a bitch.” Rex burst into the room and chucked something against the wall, but Barrack didn’t see what it was. Barrack was too focused on Dominik’s barely there flinch and subsequent wince.

He covered it up well. “Lose a bet?” Dominik’s response was more subdued than usual as he sat.

Rex growled as he strode across the room to the other door. “Shut up,” he snapped. “I’m taking a shower.” The poor door almost groaned under Rex’s grip as he wrenched it open, and the reverberating slam when he left sent a crack throughout the room.

“Well he’s a ray of sunshine, isn’t he?” Bishop listed to the side with a giggle.

Patryk sighed, but Barrack could tell he was watching Dominik, too. “Stop drinking. We still have the signing to do.”

Bishop flipped him off again. “You gonna stop me?”

“And mess up this manicure?” Patryk waved black fingernails at him. “I don’t think so. Barrack can subdue your drunk ass.”

Bishop looked at him with bleary eyes. He must’ve been drinking on stage. “Wouldn’t mind ‘hat at all.”

“Barrack is off limits. He’s got that Willow fellow,” Titus said while still tossing the wad of paper around.

Barrack shook his head. “We’re not together.”

Patryk chuckled. “The way you talk about him sure makes it seem you are.”

Barrack moved and sat on the arm of the couch closest to Patryk. “Well, he does have a nice ass.”

Bishop spit out his drink. “You’re gay!”

“No.” Barrack took Patryk’s water and opened it, then gave it back. “Drink that,” he said under his breath, then turned his attention back to Bishop. “But I can appreciate a nice ass when I see one.”

“We have got to meet this Willow,” Titus said. “He’s all ya talk about.”

Barrack shrugged. “He’s busy.”

Aksel heaved himself up. “The fucker is always busy,” he said while retrieving his own water.

“Be nice,” Patryk said.

Aksel made a jacking off motion. “Suck me.”

Barrack laughed, but Patryk punched his thigh. “What?” He asked then took a drink of water.

“Don’t encourage him,” Patryk quipped, then took a swig of water.

A knock on the door stole everyone’s attention. Bridge stuck his head in. “Signing starts in 5. Where’s Skunk?”

Bishop giggled. “Ima tell you said ‘hat.”

“That’s great, where is he?”

Barrack nodded to the other door. “Showering, should be about done.”

Bridge walked into the room and to the other door. “You guys get out there and I’ll get him.”

“Better you than me,” Patryk said as he got up.

The rest of the band followed with their own brand of sarcasm except for Dominik. He sat on the sofa and looked a little pale. “You okay?” Barrack asked again.

“Yeah. Help me up.” Dominik offered his hand, and Barrack pulled him up. The man seemed too light even for his smaller physique.

Barrack watched Dominik walk. He had a slight hitch to his step. “If you ever need anything, I can help you.”

Dominik stopped and turned. The gaze that met Barrack’s could only be described as broken. “You’re a really good friend.” With that, Dominik strode off with Barrack following. They arrived at the signing and Dominik took his place between Aksel and Rex.

Bridge came up behind him. “Everything all right?”

He stepped back so he and Bridge were behind the band but out of earshot. “You know what I think.”

“Yeah” was all Bridge said, and the two lapsed into silence.


Author Bio


Lor RoseLor is a snarky, over the top genderfluid polyamorous demipansexual with dark hair and pink highlights. Although, sometimes the color varies. She is almost constantly fighting with her muse, Animus, or referring the fights between Animus and Epicene, her other muse. Lor started reading very questionable M/M fanfiction at a very young age in the closet. Literally. Though that didn’t stop her from getting caught once or twice. This early love of things M/M sparked her writing career. Without a doubt, her Christian high school English teacher Mrs. B didn’t expect Lor to fall into the M/M genre. Mrs. B did know Lor would be a writer someday because when the class had a minimum, Lor had a maximum. It truly was unfair.

Besides writing, Lor may also be found with one of her two horses, the Chihuahua or her cat. Any un-caught typos are courtesy of the cat, who shoves Lor’s things out of the way when it’s her time for cuddles or playtime… Which is about every ten minutes.

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