@SensuousPromos #BookTour ‘Murder Most Foul’ by JoAnne Myer

 Welcome to Sensuous Promos Book Tour for
Murder Most Foul by JoAnne Myers!
two dismembered torsos wash up on the banks of the local river in the small
industrial town of Pleasant Valley, residents are horrified. Between
contradicting statements, police ineptitude, lust, lies, manipulation, incest,
the motorcycle gang The Devil’s Disciples, crooked cops, and a botched crime
scene, everyone becomes a suspect.
The young beautiful Jackie Reeves, a registered nurse,
believes the killer is a man from her past. She contacts the dangerously
handsome FBI Agent Walker Harmon. An arrest is made, but Harmon and Jackie
believe an innocent man is being railroaded by local cops. Determined to find
the truth, before anymore killings, Agent Harmon and Jackie are forced to run a
gauntlet of deep trouble and turmoil, which marks them for death.
 Purchase Link:  Melange-Books





As dusk
turned to night the two men raced down a dark alley, stinking of rancid
garbage, then through the cluttered yard of an out-of-business welding company.
They stirred up a flurry of stray cats rummaging trash cans and a number of
barking dogs that diligently notified their owners of the chase, until Harmon
outran the transient.
been bird-dogging me for two days, now. Who are you, and what do you want?” he
scrawny man with dope-hungry eyes, said, “My name is Greg Ferris. I think drug
dealers killed them kids.”
yeah,” Harmon sneered. “What do you know?”
I party with the men livin’ under the bridge. Weeks before the murders, me and
Fred Layman seen people sellin’ drugs in the cornfield. Now I know every drug
dealer in town, but I never saw them afore. Then, the evenin’ those kid’s wuz
killed, me, and the Bush Brothers, heard shots comin’ from the cornfield, but
we wuz too drunk to check it out. Days later, when the bodies wuz found, we
figured the murders went on in the cornfield.”
proof?” Harmon asked, releasing Ferris.
said the dead girl’s underwear and a knife, found under the bridge, wuz
confiscated by cops. Then Captain Malloy showed Fred a picture of Vernon James,
and Fred told Malloy the man he saw on the riverbank, wuz not Vernon James.”
Harmon asked, “Did Malloy show anyone else a photograph of Mr. James?”
Bush Brothers,” said Ferris. “Then after the murders, they changed. I think
they know who the killer is and got scared; that’s why they took off. I tried
talkin’ to ‘em about that evenin’ by gettin’ ‘em drunk, but either they passed
out or I did. Then I told ‘em to talk to the cops, but, since Sheriff Brown
laughed at Fred when he told him what he saw, the brothers didn’t think anybody
will believe them either. Plus, there’s this weird guy who sometimes lives in
the cornfield. He eats cats he catches in traps, and collects guns and knives.”
the creep had some good information, Harmon asked, “What caliber guns?”
“I know
he had two handguns, a .22 and a .44.”
can you describe his knives?” Harmon asked.
“He had
two Bowie-types and a third knife, even larger, strapped to his side. The big
one was his favorite. He kept it real sharp.”
his breath, Harmon nodded. “Maybe so, but people said
James carried a knife until the murders. Do you know anything about the dead
heard she talked to a Jane Doe, who -” A shot fired from the nearby darkness
silenced Greg Ferris forever. He dropped to the ground–dead!
out his gun, Harmon whirled around. The sounds of moving bushes gave him his
only lead, and another chase began.
agent ran through the brush and along the railroad track with only star shine
for light. Solely the sound of fading footsteps and an occasional glimpse of a
distorted silhouette kept him going. “Stop! F.B.I.!” he shouted, periodically,
between gulps for air.
killer darted into a backyard. Harmon, stopping at the edge of the lawn, crept
forward, gun extended. Abruptly, he was clubbed from behind and knocked to the round,
losing his weapon.
the agent in the ribs, his attacker had the upper hand, until Harmon grabbed up
a rock and clobbered the sniper’s kneecap.
the killer screamed.
to his feet, Harmon punched the guy…but again was hit from behind. After
regaining his senses, he found himself blinded by a police searchlight, his
assailant long-gone.
Connect with JoAnne on the world wide web:

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@masqtours: Book Blast “Stranger at Sunset” by @edenbaylee #SunsetBlast #Contest


A vacation can be a killer…


Publication Date: June 30, 2014
Genre: Psychological Mystery/Thriller

A vacation can be a killer.

Dr. Kate Hampton, a respected psychiatrist, gathers with a group of strangers at her favorite travel spot, Sunset Villa in Jamaica. Included in the mix are friends of the owners, a businessman with dubious credentials, and a couple who won the trip from a TV game show.

It is January 2013, following the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The luxury resort is struggling, not from the storm, but due to a scathing review from caustic travel writer, Matthew Kane. The owners have invited him back with hopes he will pen a more favorable review to restore their reputation.

Even though she is haunted by her own demons, Kate feels compelled to help. She sets out to discover the motivation behind Kane’s vitriol. Used to getting what he wants, has the reviewer met his match in Kate? Or has she met hers?

Stranger at Sunset is a slow-burning mystery/thriller as seen through the eyes of different narrators, each with their own murky sense of justice. As Kate’s own psychological past begins to unravel, a mysterious stranger at Sunset may be the only one who can save her.




Eden Baylee left a twenty-year banking career to become a full-time writer. She incorporates many of her favorite things into her writing such as: travel; humor; music; poetry; art; and much more.

Stranger at Sunset is her first mystery novel, on the heels of several books of erotic anthologies and short stories. She writes in multiple genres.

An introvert by nature and an extrovert by design, Eden is most comfortable at home with her laptop surrounded by books. She is an online Scrabble junkie and a social media enthusiast, but she really needs to get out more often!

To stay apprised of Eden’s book-related news, please add your name to her mailing list.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Two prize packs with digital copies of Eden’s books. Open Internationally. Ends 8/15.

Be sure to check out my 100th blog post contest posted here. Ends 8/13.


Eloreen Moon gives 9.5/10 pots of gold for Rhys Ford’s Dirty Deeds (Cole McGinnis 4)

My review for Rhys Ford’s Dirty Deeds on Rainbow Gold Reviews.