Greetings and Salutations! Welcome to 2024 readers!

After a few hiccups, I’ve migrated my site from WordPress to self hosting. I intended to post this mid-January, but work was plenty busy and the #DreamHost pro services migration team had to help me figure out a few things. This transfer has been a long time coming. I’ve had the domain for awhile but never got the time to get it moved over from my first blog site at Now that everything is in order (mostly), I’m going to delete that site in the coming weeks.
Plans? I have no plans… Well, actually, I do. I plan to restart blogging, get back into writing and publishing stories, and perhaps self publish here on the site. There are several of my older stories I would like to revamp and republish. A few that I started, but didn’t finish. A few that I got 80% there and then life got in the way. You should see my folders for the various stories I started. I have at least 15-20. *smile*
Since my original newsletter account was killed because of inactivity, I’m going to take a look at options and then set things up again. Perhaps I will have an edited and republished earlier story ready to provide for signing up. So many things to consider.
I know I’ve been saying this for years but there really is a light at the end of the work tunnel. The company I worked for was bought early in 2023 and we’re on the home stretch for the final integrations. We are bigger, better, and offer more support. I hope to see my nights–and a few mornings (I’m NOT a morning person)– plus weekends free up soon. Maybe in a couple months, possibly three months. We’ll see.

It has definitely been a mountain to climb in this work-life balance. I realized recently that it’s been over 10 years since I started this blogging/writing journey. What better way than to have that website I’ve been wanting for the last 5 years. Now, if only I can get a good price on a MacBook Pro as I liked being able to write on that OS. And I want to get into Vellum, which is only available on a Mac.
If you would like to follow along, fell free to follow my blog, or any of my social media. I will likely post here first then it gets shared to social media second. If you don’t want to follow along anymore, on the blog or social media, feel free to remove yourself. You can also message or email me directly. My contact information is on the page designated for that purpose.
Eventually, there will be a restart to the Newsletter for those that rather have things in their emails, and with it, a free book for joining. Depending on timing, it might be a revised version of an older work, or a new one. It will depend on what stories I manage to get to and finish them for publishing before I restart the newsletter. This self publishing gig is hard.
I think I’ve rambled enough on this post. *wink* Hopefully, the social sharing will work correctly. That was the main hiccup I had and wanted to resolve before I started posting. Please let me know if you succeeded in seeing the link to this post on social media (by interacting/commenting or contacting me on the various platforms). I’m curious to see who sees these posts. 🙂