Guest Post: Please Welcome Rhys Ford to Moonbeams over Atlanta

We welcome Rhys Ford to Moonbeams over Atlanta with a guest post!  The review of Tequila Mockingbird is here.

And now for Rhys…

Smooches and thank you for having me! I appreciate it muchly. In doing these umpteen blog posts, I’ve realized I’ve only shared an excerpt only in one place. And I usually find them kind of fun. Or at least it helps me kind of get a taste of what the book’s voice is. A very important thing when tasting a book.


Or at least I think so.


So if you will oblige me, I’d like to share a bit of Tequila Mockingbird with you in the hopes it will tickle your fancy. But let me tell you, so many fantastic authors out there. God, I could fill pages with names. I encourage to taste each and every one of their voices and find the ones that satisfy you. Always explore. I wholeheartedly endorse that.


And now an excerpt from Tequila Mockingbird


The blond fought to stay awake when Connor came home, but healing took a lot of out him, and he often nodded off before Connor could shower off the day’s dirt from his body. What little time they’d had was spent together, Forest leaning against him, often falling asleep on Con as he caught up on games he’d missed while working.


The man’s hands were never still, always tapping out a rhythm, sometimes even as he slept, slack-jawed, loose-limbed, and sprawled over Connor’s lap. It was like owning a cat in some ways, Connor thought once as he petted Forest’s soft blond hair. Someone to come home to who was happy to see him but then immediately curled up into a ball and snored whenever Connor offered his lap.


Except for this time—this now—because Forest sat up and pushed the hair from his eyes, smiling sweetly as he rubbed the sleep from his face.


“Hey.” He yawned, catching himself with a hand over his mouth. “Sorry. Shit, it’s late.”


“How’s the head?” Con asked, feeling the top of Forest’s skull.


The man laughed, pushing Con’s fingers away. “That’s not even where it was cracked.”


“Yeah?” he retorted, twisting over Forest’s long body and sliding his still chilled hands up under the man’s borrowed shirt.


Forest yelped and laughed, a hearty, sweet near-giggle. Then he pulled away, burrowing deeper into the couch cushions.


“I brought Vietnamese. Sandwiches, you said you like those.”


“Yeah, I do.” Forest stared up at him—those damnable all-seeing eyes drinking in Connor’s every expression. He bit his lip and then reached for Con’s hand. He pulled it against his stomach, cradling its warmth. “We okay? I mean, you and I? We haven’t talked about anything since—haven’t had time, and I’ve just been fucking sleeping my life away.”


“We’re more than okay,” Connor promised, leaning in to give Forest a gentle, brief kiss. Those were the only kind of caresses he was allowing himself, and he lived for each one, keeping them tallied up in his mind so he could remember them when his day lagged.


“Kiki have any leads? On anything?” Forest rubbed at his nose, scratching an itch.


“No, not yet,” Connor admitted. “No one’s seen anything. Biggest problem is that your places there have so many different people coming in an out of them, people don’t know who belongs there or no. And we can’t find a nosy old lady who watches the street with binoculars. Those are mighty handy a lot of times, I tell you. They’re a dying breed. Now they’re all out doing spin classes and the such.”


“Then we’re shit out of luck?”


“No, they’re going through the footage from the bank, and they’ve tapped another feed from down the street. The Canadian couple didn’t see who ripped off their van, but we’re hoping someone else did. Kiki’s arranging for interviews around the motel they were staying at. A lot of it is leg work.”


“I feel like a sitting duck or something.” He was bitter, and Connor didn’t blame him. “Fucking hell.”


“Hey, we’ll find him.” He kissed Forest, gently but insistent. “The bastard’s leaving a trail of dead bodies, and I’m not scared to admit it, but I’d rather you not be one of them. We’re all after this guy. Boys in blue are going to nail his ass. Pissed us off something fierce.”


Forest stared into his eyes, searching for something. Connor was content to let him, enjoying the feel of the man’s hard body against his. His own cock was debating going to a full-blown salute, and from the press of heat he felt on his thigh, it appeared Forest’s dick was of the same opinion.


They kissed again. Deeper, longer, and their bodies rubbed together, creating a lingering friction between them. Connor sighed after a few minutes, wondering if he had the strength to get up off the couch and take a cold shower.

Copyright © Rhys Ford

Tequila Mockingbird
Sequel to Whiskey and Wry (and The Devil’s Brew)

Sinners Series: Book Three

Lieutenant Connor Morgan of SFPD’s SWAT division wasn’t looking for love. Especially not in a man. His life plan didn’t include one Forest Ackerman, a brown-eyed, blond drummer who’s as sexy as he is trouble. His family depends on him to be like his father, a solid pillar of strength who’ll one day lead the Morgan clan.

No, Connor has everything worked out—a career in law enforcement, a nice house, and a family. Instead, he finds a murdered man while on a drug raid and loses his heart comforting the man’s adopted son. It wasn’t like he’d never thought about men — it’s just loving one doesn’t fit into his plans.

Forest Ackerman certainly doesn’t need to be lusting after a straight cop, even if Connor Morgan is everywhere he looks, especially after Frank’s death. He’s just talked himself out of lusting for the brawny cop when his coffee shop becomes a war zone and Connor Morgan steps in to save him.

Whoever killed his father seems intent on Forest joining him in the afterlife. As the killer moves closer to achieving his goal, Forest tangles with Connor Morgan and is left wondering what he’ll lose first—his life or his heart.


Purchase Tequila Mockingbird at: Dreamspinner | Amazon | ARe (links will be added when live)

Also available on Amazon, Are and other online book stores.

Tequila MockingbirdLG



!rhys_ford_headshotRhys Ford was born and raised in Hawai’i then wandered off to see the world. After chewing through a pile of books, a lot of odd food, and a stray boyfriend or two, Rhys eventually landed in San Diego, which is a very nice place but seriously needs more rain.

Rhys admits to sharing the house with three cats of varying degrees of black fur and a ginger cairn terrorist. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep a 1979 Pontiac Firebird, a Toshiba laptop, and an overworked red coffee maker.

5 Star Review of “Tequila Mockingbird” (Sinners 3) by Rhys Ford

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes Rhys Ford back for a guest post AND a review of Tequila Mockingbird which released on June 27, 2014!  They are actually separate posts this time so make sure you check out the guest post from Rhys Ford too.


The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review along with A Devil’s Brew.  Thank you.  I absolutely love the Sinners series and can’t wait for another installment. 🙂

5 Stars


As per usual, Rhys continues to keep Sinners’ series flowing well.

We are introduced to Lieutenant Connor Morgan of SFPD’s SWAT division and the return of the Morgan clan with his first scene: A raid on a trailer for drugs that turns out to have a murdered man he tried to save.  Enter the murdered man’s adopted son Forest Ackerman, a drummer who’s trouble with a capitol T.  Connor is the the eldest son in the family who has everything worked out—a career in law enforcement, a nice house, and a typical family. He doesn’t expect to fall in love with a man that started with comforting Forest after that raid. Trouble comes in the form of attacks on his coffee shop intent on killing Forest, and Connor steps in to save him.  Through it all, Connor and Forest circle one another like magnets as they fall in love.

And fall in love they do.  I liked that there were more suspense and a little darker with the scenes.  It provided a realism that brings depth to the series, the characters, and the lives of everyone touched.  We see more of the Morgan clan, including Connor’s parents Donal and Brigid, and all of the sisters and brothers.  It’s great to see more secondary characters get into the action.  I enjoyed it immensely and would love to see more, especially with Quinn. 🙂

With this, I give Tequila Mockingbird 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

Goodreads | Dreamspinner

5 Star Review of “A Devil’s Brew” (Sinners 2.5) by Rhys Ford, Interview, and a Giveaway!

This is a double post with a review of A Devil’s Brew AND an interview with Rhys Ford!  Pull up your comfy chair, grab your coffee (or tea), and read on…be sure to read the entire post.  There’s a giveaway at the end. 🙂


First, The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review.  Thank you.  I absolutely love the Sinners series and can’t wait for the next installment. 🙂

5 Stars


I have to say that when I finished it, I wanted it to be longer. 😉  Then it would defeat the purpose of being a novella, as Rhys so graciously pointed out to me…

We see Miki, the lead singer, and Damien, his best friend and guitarist, looking in a jewelry story for a Valentine’s Day present for Sionn, Damien’s lover.  Much drama ensues while they are there and it kicks off Miki’s angst when it comes to his lover, Kane Morgan, and his feelings on Valentine’s in general, and his lover’s happiness with his own presents in specific.  It it woven well, and I love how it is written.  While it had been a while since I had read Whiskey and Wry, it was easy to pick up the names again without having to pull up a character chart.   The secondary characters are present and makes you fell like they are primary characters.  It was fun, and despite the angst, light and short to give a better understanding of Miki and his character.  And the sex is hot, too. 🙂

Because of the wonderfulness that is A Devil’s Brew, I give it 5 Stars.

Eloreen Moon

The Devils Brew Rhys Ford Cover_small

And now,  The Interview:

Rhys contacted me after I had agreed to review A Devil’s Brew looking to grab some space to promote it’s release this month and Tequila Mockingbird next month.  Be sure to come back for a guest post and review in celebration of Tequila Mockingbird‘s release at the end of June.

Please welcome Rhys Ford to Moonbeams over Atlanta!

Thank you for letting me be here.

Thank you for  participating! So, please provide a summary of Rhys Ford to the readers. 😉

Ah, a summary? I was born and raised in Hawai’i and am now in San Diego. I am owned by three cats, two dogs, a few laptops and a vintage Pontiac Firebird. Oh, and I write. *grins*

What inspired you to write your first book? 

I was actually twelve when I wrote my first book. I remember writing it but don’t recall what it was about. It couldn’t have been any good. Hell, I can’t even tell you the genre. It probably was pretentious and angsty. God only knows. I’ve been writing and daydreaming since as long as I could remember.

On average, how long does it take you to write a book in general and The Devil’s Brew in specific?

The Devil’s Brew is hard to judge because it started off as a short story then increased to a novella. So a couple of months. Some things come very easily and others I fight with. The one I’m writing right now is a fight.

The Devil’s Brew is between Whiskey & Wry and Tequila Mockingbird (set to release at the end of June) in the Sinners series.  Do you plan on more books in the series?

There will be one more band-related book called Sloe Ride then a Miki and Kane focused book which doesn’t have a name yet. That’ll deal with Miki’s issues from his past. And probably how he’s going to deal with Brigid who really does love him—he’s just wary of parental figures in general.

I really like your covers.  What is your process from concept to finished cover?

I have no process. Usually I go with my gut. Some of them I really like and others I am all…what was I thinking? It’s hard to find good stock photo because so many of the really nice guys are taken and used by so many people. I might have to stalk gyms to get pretty guys on my own. Really, that’s the hardest part of it.

How many of your Sinners characters were sparked by real-life examples?

Wow. Um… Brigid and Donal are probably amalgamation of relatives I have. There’s a lot of me in Miki. Damie—no clue. He just fit into Miki’s character so well. And well, who wouldn’t want a Morgan?

How much research did you do for the Sinners series?

Not a lot of research because most of it is emotional stuff. The murdering part is stuff I pick up over the years. Bodies are dismayingly easy to dispose of but evidence is always lingering. San Francisco’s background probably is where I spent the most research. I always want to make sure the city flows well in the stories.

Where there any things you found in research that surprised you?

Oddly enough I found out Cousin Oliver from the Brady Bunch was the bus driver in Sharknado. That surprised me a hell of a lot.

What story, or stories, are you working on at the moment?

I am currently working on Down and Dirty, a side story featuring Cole’s younger brother Ichiro and Bobby Dawson, Cole’s very badly behaved best friend. It’s a bit of a fight because I can’t kill anyone. Really, a well placed bloodbath is never to be discounted. *nods*

What is one random fact about yourself that no one knows about?

God, I think I’m pretty open about everything. One random fact? Um… I don’t like pears? Well people know about that. Wow. Huh. I’ve got nothing. No dark secrets. Or if I do, I’ve conveniently forgotten them. *grins*

Thank you for having me and I hope you enjoy the novella! I am so appreciative of everything you’ve done for me here. Thank you again!

You are very welcome, Rhys.  Come back anytime.

And that concludes our interview with Rhys Ford!

Oh! I promised a giveaway. 🙂

Finally…The Giveaway:

Rhys has graciously agreed to provide one ebook copy of her backlist to one lucky commentator to this post.  This does not include A Devil’s Brew.  Please make sure you leave an email address so she can contact you for your choice of book and format.  Giveaway ends on 5/25/2014 at 11:59 PM.  I will be picking with and will provide the lucky winner’s information to Rhys within 24-48 hours.  I will announce it here as well.

You must be 18+ in order to participate.

Good luck!

Book Links:

Goodreads | Dreamspinner

Eloreen Moon gives 9/10 pots of gold for Rhys Ford’s Cole McGinnis Series

My review of the Cole McGinnis series by Rhys Ford

Eloreen Moon gives 9.5/10 pots of gold for Rhys Ford’s Dirty Deeds (Cole McGinnis 4)

My review for Rhys Ford’s Dirty Deeds on Rainbow Gold Reviews.

Fireside Chat with Amy Lane, Charlie Cochet and Rhys Ford! Feb 22

5 Star Review of “Fish and Ghosts” by Rhys Ford

Good morning and welcome to 2014!  I hope everyone had a lovely New Years.  My resolution is to write more: on this blog, finish some stories, post Works In Progress, and generally be out there more with readers to get feedback as to what I like so I can grow as a writer.

I’m starting the new year with a review of Rhys Ford’s Fish and Ghosts released on December 30, 2013 from Dreamspinner Press.  I bought it and read it in one day. It was so good, I couldn’t put it down.  🙂

5 Stars


This is a cute urban fantasy with a little…no, a lot of humor, thrown in.  I love the characters of Tristan Pryce and Wolfgang Kincaid.  Wolf is a paranormal investigator sent by Tristan’s Uncle to investigate and debunk the Pryce family’s haunted house Tristan owns. Their interaction and love come through despite the turbulence of their meeting and the others around them, most of whom are ghosts staying at the mansion-turned-inn Hoxne Grange before moving on with death.  The passing of loved ones are not feared in this story and this book gives a lighter version of how the dead move on.  There are a few surprises; and not so surprising ones that if you pay attention to the interactions, you will see.  Despite an evil ghost, a sarcastic housekeeper, and a meddling mother-in-law, Tristan and Wolf’s love blooms and a happy ending shines again.  I would love to see more interactions between Tristan and Wolf; perhaps a few new stories with one about brother Bach?

fishandghosts_ford_finalWelcome to 2014.  It is going to be a great year.

Eloreen Moon

Caring for Eric Arvin…

See the link to Rhys Ford’s post about Eric Arvin.  Donate if you can.  Medical bills are never fun.


Caring for Eric Arvin….