Day 4 pre-GRL Denver Botanic Gardens, Eggs Benedict, and More Divinity #GRLRetreat2017

Day 4 of pre-GRL. We had an outing to the Denver Botanic Gardens, Eggs Benedict for lunch, and I finished the Divinity. But first, another picture from the house. It’s a rose. One of my favorite flowers.


We went to the Denver Botanic Gardens as well. I took over 200 pictures with my point-and-shoot camera, so I’m having to uploaded them to Google Photos. There are a couple where S and M are in them. Mostly the gardens. Link below. The picture below is the English and Spanish maps and two cards S bought me from the gift shop. The Spanish map was given to me first. I was amused.

GRL 2017 Denver Botanic Gardens


We had Eggs Benedict this afternoon with home made holandaise sauce. Well, I had it with Canadian bacon while M and S had it with Avocado and spinach.


The final batches of Divinity. The two flat-looking ones are cherry Divinity. Not quite how they are supposed to look. I stirred them too fast with the mixer when I added the cherries. Still tastes good. Come to the impromptu foods from around the country/world sampling at 6 pm outside the Ballroom B/C at the Denver Tech Center tomorrow evening if you are there. If not, I’ll post more pictures. 🙂


Between the making of the white divinity and the cherry divinity, I took a nap. Yes, another nap. 🙂 And now, to send some photos to Piper Kay since she couldn’t make it to GRL.

Dark Hunter (Zeta Cartel 4) by AJ Adams #PreOrderRelease #Spotlight #DarkRomance

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♥«´¨`•°..DARK HUNTER..°•´¨`»♥

.¸.•*.¸.•*.¸.•* (¸.•*´♥`*•.¸) `*•. `*•. `*•.


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Dark Hunter (Zeta Cartel #4) 

By AJ Adams  
Standalone read, approx 100,000 words
Pre-order special: $2.99
Regular price: $3.99
Rip Marston is a merciless killing machine. After a decade of hunting his prey, Rip joins the Zetas. The job offers protection as he practices his dark arts, but the Cartel are wary of the monster in their midst.
Finding a badly beaten unconscious girl, Rip sees an opportunity. Posing as her saviour will please the cartel – and provide him with his very own helpless captive.


Isabella Maria Franco is beautiful, wilful and used to making hard choices. Having grown up in the comfortable but lethal embrace of the Gulf cartel, she rejected a life of violence. But when a dark presence from her past returns, her world falls apart.
Betrayed and beaten, she escapes, only to find herself in a living nightmare. Surrounded by her enemies, one man stands between her and death. Terrified by her sadistic captor, she has little choice but to submit.
But embracing his darkness leads to consequences neither anticipated.


WARNING: This bad boy dark romance contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence, sex and probably every trigger you can think of.
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About The Author
AJ Adams is a Scottish-Dutch author currently living in Malaysia. In her regular life she is a columnist and feature writer. She works from home, where she is closely snoopervised by cats, Target, Guido and Swooner.
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Day 3 Pre-GRL a meetup and Divinity #GRLRetreat2017

Since I promised to post something today, and more pictures of the house, here we go. The update for the day is after the house pictures.

House pictures:

Dining room

Kitchen, excuse the mess. 🙂

Hallway to the bedrooms and bathroom off the dining room

Living room

Wall behind the living room. You can see the dining room from here. Front door is to the left of the picture

Back porch and yard

Day 3 started with a 6:20 am (yes, morning) local time phone call from a number I didn’t recognize. I let it go to voicemail. I went back to sleep 20 min later after the adrenaline left (did I mention I startle easily?). 

Woke up 3 hours later with another phone call and that was all she wrote. Breakfast with pancakes and eggs. I edited The Druid’s Bond a little and made my first batch of Divinity. Surprisingly easy. Love the 10% humidity. 

The Divinity. No nuts because I don’t like them in foods. I will be doing more batches tomorrow.

Then S, M and I went downtown near Union Station to meet up with JP Kenwood for happy hour drinks. 

We got back about an hour ago and I’ve worked on editing The Druid’s Bond a little more. Tired though so probably going to shut down after this post and go to bed.

Plan tomorrow: Botanical Gardens, more Divinity making and writing, and a meetup with another of M’s friends coming in the evening for a late dinner here at the house.

Then packing for the Tech Center. One more day.
