Elf Magic Part 1

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As promised, this is the start of a story I started 2 years ago but have not finished. A little latter than I thought but I’ve been enjoying my holiday and finally sat down to my computer. I figured, as a New Year’s resolution to write more, I should just post a story and see if I can finish it. 🙂

Please let me know how you like it and if you would like to see more. Inspirations from readers are always welcome as I have not actually finished parts of this. Note that this story will have grammar issues, misspellings, and has not been edited.  I’ve done some editing but not a lot. 🙂 I plan on posting once a week, maybe more depending on interest and whether my characters talk fast enough. This is probably only going to be a short story and I’m not sure on chapters. Perhaps it will develop into more, or even a series.  Not sure yet.  Depends upon the Muses and time.


This was inspired by the Grimm’s fairy tale: Cat-Skin for an anthology of twisted male-male fairy tale stories that never happened. I’ve informed the maker of that anthology that I was probably going to publish on my own.  Here is the start.  Sorry it’s a little short.  This particular story was written in pieces and not in order.  I hope inspiration will come and I can fill in the parts missing.


Elf Magic


Cyma (yes, you) for the initial inspiration and Wando from G+ who helped me with the name Lothohammer, the Human kingdom’s name.


Tags: MM, Romance, Fairy, Magic, Royalty, Kingdoms


“Come here, my love,” Queen Bea said in a thready voice. Sire slowly walked over to his wife, her Royal Majesty of all Lothohammer. She had ruled by his side for 25 years, but now, barely could she lift her hand as she beckoned him closer to her bed side. It had been a marriage of state since he was the heir to his father, King Alum. His family had been ruling the human kingdom Lothohammer for centuries since the elves and the humans had signed the peace treaty in his great-great grandfather’s day after much strife between Lothohammer and the elven kingdom of Elvanwood. Considering they were nearby to each other, it was a good thing to keep the peace. Magic was very much a part of the world, but nothing could be done for the wasting sickness that was killing his Queen.

He reached for her and took her thin hand gently in his left and brushed her beautiful copper hair with his right lightly, saddened that he could not help her now. While it was a marriage of convenience, he had grown to love her as a friend and confidant. She’d had known from the very first that his taste was not towards her. In fact, she had understood that his taste was not toward women in general. It was a secret she had kept for him all these years. They had their one miracle, a daughter, who looked just like her mother, and that was that.

“What is it you want, my dear?” Sire returned from his sad thoughts at the light squeeze of her fingers. He bent closer to her.

“I have something to tell you,” She breathed softly to him. Her face grimaced in pain briefly. “I have seen you with another with long copper hair. Do not marry again unless you marry the one with copper hair. You will have your heart’s desire.” Her breathe hitched with the last of the words, she coughed violently, and finally caught her breathe long enough to say, “I’m so very tired, love. Find the one with the copper hair and more will be revealed. I am ready. Remember–” With a violent shudder, she seized.

Sire held her against his chest, bracing her in her final moments. He murmured to her as the seizure took her away. Once limp, he closed her eyes for the final time, laid her back down, and kissed her forehead good bye. He allowed himself a mere few moments to grieve and then visibly pulled himself together. “Please put together the announcement that the Queen has left this world. I hope that her next one will be better.” Sire turned to the attendant that seemed to never leave his side to ensure his orders were carried out. His right-hand man, with tears streaming down his face, nodded once, bowed to Sire, and left the room to begin this process of informing all of Lothohammer, and beyond, that they had lost their Queen.


The entire kingdom mourned for a fortnight as she was much beloved. While everyone knew of the Queen’s illness, it was still a shock that she was gone. Because her last words had a ring of prophecy, they were written down to be reviewed at a later time. After the official mourning ended, Sire continued to mourn Bea privately and soon was spiraling into a depression that none of his court, advisers, or even his daughter could pull him out. Soon, others noticed the long walks their King would take in the village close to the castle, that he was just moving with blank eyes. King Sire had been ruling their country for a number of years, most of it with Bea. The whole court could do nothing. Some advisers remembered that same prophecy and started looking for the person Bea had foreseen; another woman with long copper hair.


A search was done far and wide for females with long copper hair. None could be found. Except for their daughter, Aeona. She, like her mother, had long copper hair, smooth, slightly dark skin, and a slender build with barely-there hips and long legs. The only difference was her bright purple eyes, eyes that did not match Sire or Bea. Mutterings of changelings and baby snatching had long dodged Aeona, Sire and Bea over the years since Aeona’s birth 25 years prior. They ignored it for the most part.  For a while, the kingdom settled down and accepted that their princess had different eyes. Until the day the Queen had passed, and the prophecy revealed, then the mutterings resumed as some were wont to do.


Aeona herself heard these mutterings and despaired that her father would come back to her. She didn’t know what to do. There were things that were locked in her mind that were slowly coming back to her as the days passed since her mother had left this world. The first was that she was not all that she seemed. The second was that were more, rather large secrets, to come. She was even more frightened by this because the one person she could go to was no longer around. She couldn’t go to her father because a lot of the secrets, she knew, were directly related to him even though she didn’t know what they were yet. She didn’t want to hurt him any more than he already was hurt.

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The end of another year

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Happy New Year everyone. I’ll be ringing it in in about an hour with friends and family. I hope to be around more with RGR, writing, and blogging. We’ll see. 🙂 

To everyone on social media who followed, friended, and liked: Thank You. Several have encouraged me to write and I managed to publish a story this year. Thanks Goodreads MM Romance Group for being there with great prompts. I hope to have more stories in 2015, not just in my head. Maybe even a blog story starting soon…hint, hint *cough* tomorrow, if I can get off my duff and put it on the blog…

Maybe. Still undecided if I’m going to start a new one or use an existing one.

It had been a crazy couple of years since I started actively writing and there have been some Real Life pitfalls, but I plan to do more this year. Maybe even get something published that readers would like to buy. That’s one goal anyway.

And get past writing sex scenes…*sigh*

That’s the other hurdle. I’ll get there. I hope. I know I’m not alone but, geez, stop with the writer’s block already.

Muse, come back!

Uh, oh…I’ve done it now…

*waves as she mentally braces herself for the characters taking*

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@SensuousPromos #BookTour ‘Loves, Myths and Monsters’ by @scooterismine #Contest

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Welcome to Sensuous Promos Book Tour for Loves, Myths and Monsters! JoAnne Myers has quite a few books out there, and this is one you don’t want to miss!

11 urban and mythical tales entwined within the human world and starring the
Mothman, the Chupracabra, time travel, reincarnation, a demonic cellmate, a
Quaker love story, werewolves, mermaids, and a serial killer family from 1873.


from “Moon People”
laid it on really well. “I thought I loved Constance, but after seeing you, I
knew we were soul mates,” Drake told Vanessa. “I’d like to take you to the
festival today. Meet me at the backdoor of the fun-house, but don’t tell
Constance, I don’t want her following you and making a scene.”
made a wise decision, Drake,” Vanessa said. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
knew Vanessa would bring Gretchen, and that was the plan.
the fun-house, I hid inside when Vanessa and Drake entered. The exhibits were
not open to the public for another two hours, so—if my plan failed—Drake and I
both were dead.
Vanessa by the hand, Drake led her down a dark corridor. “Where are you taking
me?” she asked playfully.
monster masks on this side of the fun-house,” he said, leading her to the back
door and abruptly stopping.
around, Vanessa saw nothing but janitor equipment. “Hey, what’s gong on?” she
asked, confused. “Where are the scary masks?”
here,” Drake said, removing the dried seaweed from his pocket.
threw it into her face, blinding her and scorching her flesh. Screaming as loud
as she could, she turned to ash.
bastard!” Gretchen shouted on hearing Vanessa’s death scream. “Better ones than
you and Constance have tried to kill me and failed.”
off like a shot, Drake ran down an opposite hall leading into the maze of mirrors
with Gretchen following. From where I stood, I heard their approaching
footsteps and raced to the other side of the maze.
Gretchen cornered Drake. When Gretchen realized he was out of seaweed, she
advanced slowly, enjoying every instant of his anticipated murder.
to her steps, I knew exactly where she was. Immediately, I flipped on the
overhead lights, giving Gretchen the shock of her life. She was in the maze of
funny mirrors surrounded by images depicting her beautiful face as distorted
and grotesque. Horrified, she became hysterical before melting into a stinking
ooze of fish scales.
Drake said.
but it’s over. Willowick is saved,” I said, and slowly I crept into his arms.
I used my conch and contacted Poseidon and the others. I told them they were
unwelcome in Willowick. Instead, I suggested they go far away into Asian
waters, telling them it was too dangerous here, humans had learned how to kill
our kind.
JoAnne lives in Ohio, and works at a local nursing home. The author of 7 books, JoAnne also canvas paints. JoAnne enjoys time with relatives, her dog Jasmine, and volunteers her time within the community. She is a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill’s Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center.  JoAnne
believes in family values and following your dreams. Her original canvas paintings, can be found at: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

December 26th – Sensuous
Promos Reader’s Blog – http://sensuouspromos.blogspot.com
December 27th – Bringing
the Pages of Passion to Life – http://nicolemorganauthor.blogspot.com
December 28th – All My
Book Finds – http://shannaclemens.blogspot.com/
December 29th – Fantasy Pages –  http://fantasy-pages.blogspot.com/
December 30th – Moonbeams
over Atlanta – https://www.eloreenmoon.com
December 31st – Author
Blog of Nikki Noffsinger – http://nikkitrueblue.blogspot.com
January 1st – Nicki Day Author – http://NickiDay.blogspot.com 

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Winter Warmers #BlogTour by @felicityheaton #Sale #Discount #Holidays

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winterwarmers-graphicIt’s that time of year again where we look forward to the holidays and a new year, and what better way to celebrate and relax than with FOUR FREE books and SIX 99c / 99p books?

That’s right, my Winter Warmers (or Summer Scorchers if you’re south of the equator) are back and this year I have some fantastic deals for you.

Not only can you get your hands on my usual four free paranormal romance ebooks, three of which are firsts in series and one of which is a seasonal offering perfect for the holidays, but you can also get six ebooks at incredible discounts for a limited time only. Those books will be just 99c or 99p until January 15th 2015, representing a total saving of $14 / £7, so be sure to check them out and grab them before the offer ends. And don’t forget to tell your book-addicted friends!

You can find all the links to your favourite retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple and Kobo Books, and discover more about the books over at my website: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/paranormal-romance-ebook-offers.php

Now, here’s more about each book that is on offer:

Discounted books include:

kissedbyadarkprinceOlivia thinks it’s her lucky night when a dangerously handsome unconscious fae ends up on her inspection table. He’s her chance to redeem herself with her employer, the demon-hunting organisation, Archangel. But when the tall, dark and deadly immortal warrior awakes, she gets much more than she bargained for… inheatA heat wave isn’t the only thing making London too hot for lawyer Kim. She’s been spending each night with a man who sets her body and heart on fire. The problem? He’s a man who always sprouts black fur and purrs, and he’s only a dream. Walking into her office, the last thing she expects is to meet Erik, a man who sends her temperature soaring and who resembles her dream guy exactly.
herfallenangelLukas is gorgeous and way out of Annelie’s league, but when he confesses that he wants her, she can’t resist his passionate kiss and seizes the moment, and Lukas, with both hands. But Lukas has a secret, one that will test Annelie’s love for him and threaten to tear them apart. He’s a fallen angel. Can she help him prove he didn’t commit a terrible crime? Is she brave enough to love an angel? vet-craveCallum has come to the city of romance on business, not pleasure, but when he sets eyes on a gorgeous werewolf in a nightclub, he can’t ignore the dark carnal craving she ignites in him. His work for Vampirerotique, the erotic theatre he runs with three other vampires, can wait. The only thing that matters now is satisfying his sinful hunger for a woman who most vampires would consider an enemy.
prophecy2In a world of darkness and danger, Prophecy will fight to her limit to save the vampire she loves and stop a terrible evil from unleashing Hell on Earth. When her visions show her the dark path they must take, will Prophecy and Valentine be able to do what is necessary to win against the mounting threat of a mysterious enemy? huntersmoonThe horror of the night he failed to save his werewolf pack from the cruelty of their vampire masters has haunted Nicolae for one hundred years, driving him deep into the Canadian wilderness in search of peace. That peace is threatened when unfamiliar hunters and the scent of blood lead him to a beautiful vampire and a hard decision—face his past and help her or risk losing everyone again.

Free books include:

prophecyA vampire unlike any other, Prophecy lives life in the dark until the night she encounters a sensual dark-haired vampire who is both her enemy and the man who will change her world forever. When she discovers her extraordinary destiny, will she be strong enough to embrace it and stop a deadly war from igniting? herdarkangelSerenity is shocked when a gorgeous black-winged angel shows up in her city of Paris claiming that she called him when she was only casting a simple vengeance spell. He’s no other than the angel of death! When Apollyon offers to obey her and help her have revenge on her cheating ex, she can’t resist the temptation, but can she resist him? Can an angel ever fall for a mortal woman like her?
vet-covetJavier knows better than to succumb to his hunger for Lilah. The mortal female belongs to a powerful aristocrat patron of Vampirerotique, the theatre he runs with three other vampires. A single touch is all it would take to break the sacred law of his kind, sentencing himself to death, but his passion for her has become too fierce to ignore and he will risk everything to make Lilah his. vampireforchristmasIt was one last mission. Shannon, a hunter, is desperate to ditch the small town and her vampire partner, Rafe. Things are getting complicated and she wants out, but Rafe isn’t about to let the woman he’s fallen for go so easily. Can Rafe make her see that he loves her and make her face her feelings? Will a wish on a star bring Shannon what her heart truly desires–a vampire for Christmas?

Excerpt from Covet

The human women sat down on the two red leather couches positioned in the middle of the stage, one on each. Crimson spotlights bathed them, making them look as though blood covered their skin. In perfect synchronisation, the broad bare male vampires crouched before their woman, lifted the opposite leg to each other and started to kiss along it from ankle to knee.

It wasn’t turning her on.

Lilah told herself it a thousand times over but the sight of the vampire couple fornicating at the front of the stage and the forced seduction happening behind them had her heart pounding and her nipples hardening against the tight top of her uniform dress.

“I need to question you about Victor.” Javier’s deep accented voice coming from behind her caused her to drop her broom and turn.

She panted hard, startled and trying to get her arousal under control so he wouldn’t sense it.

His dark brown gaze slid to the stage and then back to her.

Lilah quickly bent to pick up her broom. When she straightened, Javier’s eyes were on her dress, his pupils wide in the low light coming up from below. The moans on stage grew louder and she tried to ignore them and push the images of the couples out of her mind.

“Why did you hit Victor?” Javier said, more composed than she was. Didn’t the show affect him at all? He had crossed the theatre without pausing to watch and his eyes were fixed on her now. She had heard that he and his partners had been running the theatre for almost a century. He had probably grown immune to whatever was playing out on the stage.

“Because he was hurting Nia.” It came out blunter than she had intended and she added, “Sir.”

Javier’s eyebrow rose. “Victor said you had no grounds to strike him.”

“Then he’s a liar and a bastard.”

“He’s an elite.” The darkness in his tone was reprimand enough to Lilah. She bowed her head.

“My apologies.” She couldn’t bring herself to look at Javier so she glanced to one side when she brought her head back up. It was a mistake. The act on stage was getting hotter, with the two humans now kneeling on the couches and swallowing the rigid cocks of their partners as they stood before them. She ripped her gaze away and closed her eyes, figuring it was safer. That way she didn’t risk seeing the anger in Javier’s eyes or the debauchery on stage, and she could keep a clear head. “He was forcing himself on Nia and she told him to stop. When he didn’t, I hit him. I thought he might stop and block me.”

“He said Nia was cut. He was under the influence of his hunger. That is why he didn’t stop.”

That made sense. “Nia cut her hand on some glass. A mirror in the main dressing room had broken. We had to clean it up and she cut herself.”

He muttered a ripe curse in Spanish and stepped towards her. “Were you cut?”

Lilah opened her eyes, looked up into the dark pools of his, and shook her head. “No.”

The relief that swamped his eyes surprised her and sent fear into her blood. What if she had been the one to cut herself? Would Victor have tried to touch her and taste her instead? Would Nia have tried to stop him or would she have let him hurt her?

“You must be more careful around our kind,” Javier said and she nodded slowly, unable to take her eyes off his.

The moans from the stage grew louder and she blushed when Javier looked towards the performance.

“Will I be punished?” She tried to shut out the sounds. Javier’s gaze returned to her and he shook his head.

“Victor overstepped the line.” He frowned and turned quiet for so long that she couldn’t ignore the noises coming from the stage. She glanced across at them. Javier’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Do you like to watch them?”

Her eyes shot wide and she instantly shook her head. He stepped closer, slid his hand over her jaw in a way that had her shivering and her breath quaking, and carefully turned her face towards the stage. His thumb and fingers remained against her face, holding her gently, warming her down to her bones and causing a flood of arousal to sweep through her.

He traced his hand down her throat and stepped up behind her. What was he doing? She trembled under his touch, anticipating pain from it but feeling nothing but pleasure.

“Does it arouse you when you watch them fucking?” he breathed into her ear and she shivered, her eyelids dropping, a ripple of shock running over her skin at hearing him say such a thing.

“I don’t watch them,” she whispered, her voice barely there.

“You were watching them when I arrived.” He ran his thumb up her throat and claimed her jaw again. How long had he been watching her before he had said something and torn her attention away from the show? Had he enjoyed watching her while she watched the performance, unaware of his presence and his eyes on her? The thought that he might have sent heat into her blood that pooled in her abdomen, tightening it with arousal.

She couldn’t take her eyes off the show now but she wasn’t taking any of it in. All of her focus was on Javier where he stood behind her, so close that his hip was against her bottom. Why was he doing this? Why wasn’t it hurting her? Was there no pleasure in his touch, no sense of desire inside him as he ran his hands over her throat and pressed his body close to hers?

Lilah sharply turned her head towards him. He was so close to her that his breath skated over her lips, her chin touching his cheek. The darkness of desire in his eyes was unmistakable. There was hunger in his touch, in the way he forced her to face the stage again, clutching her jaw and lowering his mouth to her throat.

He drew in a long shaky breath and pressed his brow against the side of her head. “You smell so good… such a temptation.”

He wanted her. Her knees weakened beneath her, legs going slack at the feel of him pressed against her back, his hands firm on her body.

Lilah’s breathing quickened and she stared at the three couples on stage, her heart racing and blood thundering. Javier reached around her and slid his hand over hers where it gripped the pole of the broom. He took it from her and let it fall to the ground as he pressed soft kisses to her bare shoulder and the nape of her neck. They tickled, sending shiver after shiver through her, dizzying her.

This was so wrong.

But that only made it feel more right.

She had wanted him for so long, had craved the feel of his hands on her body, ached to know what it would feel like to be with him. She had never thought it possible though, had thought her bond to Lord Ashville would prevent it and pain her if she accepted the touch of the man she desired with all of her heart.

Javier licked the nape of her neck near her hairline, teasing her, and she couldn’t stop herself from arching her backside into him. He groaned and cursed softly in her ear, kissing it and nibbling it with blunt teeth.

“Watch them,” he whispered into her ear and licked the lobe, teasing it with the tip of his tongue. “Keep watching them while I touch you.”

She nodded and bit back a groan when he slid his hands down over her stomach and then around to her backside, palming it through her short dress. He suckled the lobe of her ear and then kissed her throat and ran his hands up her sides, pressing them in hard as he passed over her ribs. He cupped her breasts and stepped into her. The feel of his erection against her bottom sent a new hot flood of arousal pooling between her thighs. Was this really happening? She felt as though she was imagining it, as though it was a fevered fantasy brought on by watching the show and seeing him crossing the theatre towards her. It didn’t feel real.

“You cannot deny me this,” he uttered into her ear and she trembled at the command in his tone, the hunger that roughened it. “I will have you.”

Author Bio

Felicity Heaton

Felicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you’re a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.

If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.

If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:

FelicityHeaton.co.uk | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | GoodReads | Amazon

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Home Is Where the Wine Is Book Blog

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@SensuousPromos #BookTour ‘Murder Most Foul’ by JoAnne Myer

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 Welcome to Sensuous Promos Book Tour for
Murder Most Foul by JoAnne Myers!
two dismembered torsos wash up on the banks of the local river in the small
industrial town of Pleasant Valley, residents are horrified. Between
contradicting statements, police ineptitude, lust, lies, manipulation, incest,
the motorcycle gang The Devil’s Disciples, crooked cops, and a botched crime
scene, everyone becomes a suspect.
The young beautiful Jackie Reeves, a registered nurse,
believes the killer is a man from her past. She contacts the dangerously
handsome FBI Agent Walker Harmon. An arrest is made, but Harmon and Jackie
believe an innocent man is being railroaded by local cops. Determined to find
the truth, before anymore killings, Agent Harmon and Jackie are forced to run a
gauntlet of deep trouble and turmoil, which marks them for death.
 Purchase Link:  Melange-Books





As dusk
turned to night the two men raced down a dark alley, stinking of rancid
garbage, then through the cluttered yard of an out-of-business welding company.
They stirred up a flurry of stray cats rummaging trash cans and a number of
barking dogs that diligently notified their owners of the chase, until Harmon
outran the transient.
been bird-dogging me for two days, now. Who are you, and what do you want?” he
scrawny man with dope-hungry eyes, said, “My name is Greg Ferris. I think drug
dealers killed them kids.”
yeah,” Harmon sneered. “What do you know?”
I party with the men livin’ under the bridge. Weeks before the murders, me and
Fred Layman seen people sellin’ drugs in the cornfield. Now I know every drug
dealer in town, but I never saw them afore. Then, the evenin’ those kid’s wuz
killed, me, and the Bush Brothers, heard shots comin’ from the cornfield, but
we wuz too drunk to check it out. Days later, when the bodies wuz found, we
figured the murders went on in the cornfield.”
proof?” Harmon asked, releasing Ferris.
said the dead girl’s underwear and a knife, found under the bridge, wuz
confiscated by cops. Then Captain Malloy showed Fred a picture of Vernon James,
and Fred told Malloy the man he saw on the riverbank, wuz not Vernon James.”
Harmon asked, “Did Malloy show anyone else a photograph of Mr. James?”
Bush Brothers,” said Ferris. “Then after the murders, they changed. I think
they know who the killer is and got scared; that’s why they took off. I tried
talkin’ to ‘em about that evenin’ by gettin’ ‘em drunk, but either they passed
out or I did. Then I told ‘em to talk to the cops, but, since Sheriff Brown
laughed at Fred when he told him what he saw, the brothers didn’t think anybody
will believe them either. Plus, there’s this weird guy who sometimes lives in
the cornfield. He eats cats he catches in traps, and collects guns and knives.”
the creep had some good information, Harmon asked, “What caliber guns?”
“I know
he had two handguns, a .22 and a .44.”
can you describe his knives?” Harmon asked.
“He had
two Bowie-types and a third knife, even larger, strapped to his side. The big
one was his favorite. He kept it real sharp.”
his breath, Harmon nodded. “Maybe so, but people said
James carried a knife until the murders. Do you know anything about the dead
heard she talked to a Jane Doe, who -” A shot fired from the nearby darkness
silenced Greg Ferris forever. He dropped to the ground–dead!
out his gun, Harmon whirled around. The sounds of moving bushes gave him his
only lead, and another chase began.
agent ran through the brush and along the railroad track with only star shine
for light. Solely the sound of fading footsteps and an occasional glimpse of a
distorted silhouette kept him going. “Stop! F.B.I.!” he shouted, periodically,
between gulps for air.
killer darted into a backyard. Harmon, stopping at the edge of the lawn, crept
forward, gun extended. Abruptly, he was clubbed from behind and knocked to the round,
losing his weapon.
the agent in the ribs, his attacker had the upper hand, until Harmon grabbed up
a rock and clobbered the sniper’s kneecap.
the killer screamed.
to his feet, Harmon punched the guy…but again was hit from behind. After
regaining his senses, he found himself blinded by a police searchlight, his
assailant long-gone.
Connect with JoAnne on the world wide web:

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@BitnBookPromote #BookTour: ‘Sia’ by @kia_crystal #Romance #Paranormal #Fantasy #Series

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(Phantom Wolf, #2)

By Kia Carrington-Russell

Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Page Count: 234

(click cover for purchase link)

Eighteen years have now passed since the Phantom Wolf, Sia, faced her greatest challenge when she was forced to kill her lover, Kiba—the rightful heir to the throne. Sia murdered the dishonorable King Taleb for his transgressions before resting in peace among her Spirit Pack.

Saith and Keeley now rule over the Kingdom, endeavoring to restore peace and allegiance throughout the land. Their actions are clouded in secrecy so that their daughter—whom they named Sia—should remain protected and unaware. But what are they preparing for?

Sia, now almost eighteen years of age, must face her own journey to discover the mysteries her world has to offer. In order to uncover her true potential, Sia must confront her feelings for Trim. When her name is called, she sees him cringe as he remembers the love he once held for the Great Phantom Wolf before her.

Mistrust and lies decay the Kingdom’s solidarity. Sia’s curiosity is piqued by the fear that shadows all wolves: the threat of the humans. So what happens when she comes across one?


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(Phantom Wolf, #1)

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance

Pages: 191

Sia is a Phantom Wolf. Neither dead nor alive-and rotting from the inside-she is on the edge of her curse.

Once a Phantom Wolf has been created, they hunt their blood pack and slaughter all their loved ones. Except for Sia, who woke years after her death to find herself rampaging through the land on a lonely path. She continues to run from the rival pack that hunts her because she is a Phantom Wolf.

Attracted to a scent, Sia finds her old best friend, who is now a grown woman. Having once saved Keeley, Sia takes the role of protector yet again, despite Keeley’s involvement with the mysterious Alpha, Kiba, and his kin brother, Saith.

An ambush separates the pack and the four of them blindly fight the new warriors that attack them: desperately needing to find out where the attacks are coming from, as Sia has vowed to protect Keeley. But at what cost?

Now being chased, Sia finds herself conflicted by the mortal and spirit world while trying to protect her kin. Sia must confront her fears, as well as the human lover who killed her many years before. It is not only survival Sia contends with, but her own façade that must be broken so that she may find peace within herself once more.



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Kia Carrington-Russell is a young author working on her first series: “The Three Immortal Blades”. Kia began writing at the age of fifteen in high school- finding that all her warped and strange dreams were giving her a fantastic new world- and since then she has never looked back.
Kia Carrington-Russell
Kia was born in a small town in Australia, moving around a lot at a young age until finding a stable town where she finished her schooling. Kia found herself enjoying and expressing herself through poetry, short stories and writing, photography, painting and drawing. All these mediums help Kia express the different world that she is so fond of.
In ‘Senior Art’ Kia focused on feminism and female empowerment; exposing through her work issues and concerns that many people would rather just “sweep under the rug”.
In one art installation, Kia made a bed out of Pokémon cards- the concept being that when she slept a new world would come to life and it was the only one she saw and constantly lived in.
Kia now focuses on her photography, writing and self-help blogs on her website: ‘Precious Living’.
Kia is now keenly working on “The Three Immortal Blades” and “Phantom Wolf” series knowing that these books must be shared with the world and that is what she aims to do now.
Kia writes in her Australian home, trying to focus at times on simply what is running through her head, as her cats either terrorize her legs as scratching posts or her puppy barks in her ear for play-time. And as she continues her series, they grow with her book.
Kia is strongly supported by her friends and family and thanks them dearly for being with her along the bumpy road and nothing would please her more than having your support as well.

Website: www.thethreeimmortalblades.com

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@SensuousPromos #BookTour ‘Nikki’s Fated’ by @suzcauler

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Welcome to Sensuous Promos book tour for Suzette Rose Cauler and her HOT new release, Nikki’s Fated [Wolves of River’s Bend 1] 

Suzette Rose Cauler - Nikki's Fated Book Tour

Be sure to enter the rafflecopter contest below for your chance to win an Amazon $20 Gift Card!

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Wolf shifter Nikki Black never expected her love life to mean the difference between lasting peace and all-out war. Especially when her fated, Luke Andres, wants nothing to do with her. Forced to join to prevent bloodshed between their rival clans, Nikki and Luke enjoy a blistering night of passion before facing another complication—Luke’s brother is also Nikki’s destined mate.

Mason Andres is passionate, loving, and sexy, and Nikki falls hard for him, thrilled that he feels the same. She wants the same love-match with Luke, but that’s the one thing Luke can’t risk giving her. Fighting destiny to keep his heart safe from the only woman who can claim it, Luke makes plans that could separate them for good. But when love and passion run soul-deep, fate can overturn even the best-laid plans.

Will Luke admit his love for Nikki before it’s too late, or will his wounded heart destroy the trio’s shot at lasting happiness?

PURCHASE LINKS:  Amazon | BookStrand


“Nikki—” her father began, clearly not getting that she didn’t want to talk to him.

“Excuse us.” A large hand reached between them to take Nikki’s arm. “They’re playing our song.” It was Luke, and Nikki wouldn’t have been more surprised if one of the guests suddenly sprouted wings and flew away. He was asking to dance with her? Was that a smile she saw? Nikki actually looked to the sky for the lightning that was sure to strike at any minute.

Warily, she allowed him to lead her onto the temporary dance floor and wrap his arms around her waist.

He whispered in her ear as he swayed to the slow music, rocking her along with him. “Let’s make it look good.”

Nikki wrapped her arms around his neck, perplexed but hopeful. Maybe he was going to behave decently toward her now that they were officially joined. “Thank you—for rescuing me over there.”

“You looked like you needed to get away. And we do have a common enemy. One thing we can both agree on right now is how much we loathe our fathers for this.”

Nikki shook her head. “Who would have thought it would take mutual anger to bring us together?” She looked up into his gray eyes and the rest of the world just seemed to melt away. She felt every hard line of his body, every muscle, and if she wasn’t mistaken, that was the beginnings of an erection pressing up against her belly. His arms tightened around her and her gaze drifted from his eyes to his full lips and back again, even as her own lips parted in anticipation of his kiss. Maybe the rest of their joining day wouldn’t be so bad, she thought, as he leaned closer, the desire to kiss her clear in his eyes. But then he surprised her by moving toward her ear instead of her lips.

“I did you a favor, getting you away from the old man, but let’s not get carried away.” His lips grazed her ear as he whispered, sending tiny waves of anticipation straight to her core.

“What do you mean?” She pulled back to look up at him and had to remind herself, not for the first time, that it would be a mistake to get lost in his eyes. Unfortunately, his mouth was just as dangerous a focal point. His lips screamed sex, and on the few occasions she’d made the mistake of watching his mouth while he talked, her pussy had immediately gotten wet and she’d managed to miss at least half of what he’d said.

“Look, I know I was a sort of a dick at first…”

“Sort of? That’s the understatement of the century.”

“Fair enough, but the point is, I made it clear I didn’t want a mate, that I wasn’t ready. And I want you to know it’s not about you.”

“Oh great, is this one of those ‘it’s not me, it’s you’ speeches? Because if it is, spare me. I already know it’s you.” She had to work hard to keep her voice even and matter-of-fact.

“You don’t sugarcoat much, do you?” He had the nerve to sound amused.

“Nope, I’m a straight-shooter.”

“Good, so you’ll appreciate what I have to say. You’re a beautiful woman, and being close to you like this has an incredible effect on me. I want you—badly. There’s no question of that, but wanting you doesn’t change how I feel about this joining. I went through with it for the same reasons you did, but I don’t want you to set yourself up for disappointment.”

“Okay…” She wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about, and once again, he was the king of the understatement. She could clearly feel how hard he was for her. Frankly, she wouldn’t be surprised if his erection tore a hole in his pants.

“Look, what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t expect this to be a love match. That…It’s just not in me. I’ll do my duty, but…that’s it. I can’t offer you more than that.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Nikki hated that his words hadn’t dampened her desire any. The last thing she wanted to do after that speech was want him.

“I have a feeling that doesn’t happen very often.”

They danced in silence as one song ended and the band struck up another slow favorite. “Say something,” Luke said.

“What for? You have this all figured out. I’m stuck with a mate who is determined to never love me. What do you expect me to say to that?”

“Well…” He stroked his knuckles over her cheek, then her lips. “We can still enjoy each other.”

Oh, God. Her pussy tightened at his touch. Nikki knew she’d live to regret how excited his words made her feel, but just then, she didn’t care. The call of her mate’s body was just too strong. “So, you want to fuck me, but you plan to keep feelings out of it. Got it.”

His armed tightened around her waist and he trailed a single finger down the side of her neck and over her collarbone, stopping where the tops of her breasts swelled out of her dress. “Tell me you don’t feel the same.” He leaned down and buried his nose in her neck. Damn it, he was smelling her. “You can’t hide how badly you want me.”

Her nipples were hard enough to cut glass and her pussy was so wet she needed to change her panties. “I can’t hide it, so I won’t bother denying it.”

“And you can accept that we won’t have a love match?” He was facing her again, his lips just inches from hers.

“What possible difference does that make? As you pointed out, we’re stuck with each other now.”

Luke smiled again, and this time she could swear it was genuine. Leaning in further, he claimed her mouth in the first real kiss they’d ever shared. His lips were the perfect combination of smooth and sensual, and firm and demanding, and Nikki couldn’t help but lean into his kiss, into him.

When he finally released her mouth, she was breathless. He looked down at her and she could swear his eyes were darker than normal.

“Good,” he said. “Because I, for one, am tired of waiting for the fun part to begin.”


Suzette Rose Cauler has loved books (all types really) for as long as she can remember. As a child, she’d get lost in books for hours, using a flashlight to read under the covers long past bedtime. She read her first romance novel as a preteen and was immediately hooked by the swoon-worthy heroes and daring, spunky damsels. Though her reading tastes have definitely matured, Suzette continues to enjoy romance novels, especially those of the erotic, paranormal, fantasy, or historical variety. She writes almost as voraciously as she reads and typically falls head over heels in love with her heroes.

Though everyday types of romantic situations do appeal to her, stories that include adventure, intrigue, or danger have always made Suzette’s heart go pitter patter. If they incorporate some science fiction too, she is even happier. You’ll find elements like these in most of her stories as well as strong heroines who can fight their own battles but sometimes enjoy letting someone else take the lead.

Suzette lives on the East Coast with five special people who help keep her spirit young and her imagination fresh.


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@SensuousPromos #BookTour ‘Hot Holiday Treats’ Anthology 8 Stories of #Romance

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8 Sexy Holiday Stories to keep you warm on cold winter nights
Cozy up with eight complete novellas full of love, lust, and winter magic by award winners and the ladies of Silken Sheets & Seduction. From cowboys to demons, we’ve got hot holiday treats to warm you up.
$0.99 cents for a limited time! All Romance ~ Kindle ~ NOOK ~ iBooks ~ Kobo

A Cowboy’s
Christmas Wish
by Sorcha Mowbray
When rancher Ford Grayson saunters out of Melissa Adams’ past and into
her bar, she’s determined to take him for a ride and kick him to the curb.
Payback’s a bitch. But, the cowboy is determined to make his very own Christmas
wish come true.
Mowbray is a mild mannered office worker by day…okay, so she is actually a
mouthy, opinionated, take charge kind of gal who bosses everyone around; but
she definitely works in an office. At night she writes romance so hot she sets
the sheets on fire! Just ask her slightly singed husband.
She is a
long time lover of historical romance, having grown up reading Johanna Lindsey
and Judith McNaught. Then she discovered Thea Devine and Susan Johnson. Holy
cow! Heroes and heroines could do THAT? From there, things devolved into trying
her hand at writing a little smexy. Needless to say, she liked it and she hopes
you do too!
by Rachel Kenley
Dessert as foreplay? Justine saves her passion for the desserts she
creates. Adam pours his focus into work. Together, something is going to melt.
Kenley is a multi-published author who loves reading, coffee and chocolate, and
considers herself an excellent retail therapist. She believes in embracing the
power of passion and the part of a woman’s power that lies in her sexuality.
She writes in a variety of genres, including contemporary, paranormal and
retold fairy tales, depending on what suits the characters who live in her head.
characters in her life include her husband, two sons, family, and a group of
writer friends she would be completely lost without. A Jersey girl at heart,
she now lives in New England where apparently spring is a myth and winter lasts
too long. She is grateful to be living the writer’s life that has always been
her dream.
A Demon’s
by Jocelyn Dex
Cordelia, a demon hunter trainee who daydreams of Christmas, fights to
resist Argoth, the sex demon, who inflames her desire and reveals a truth that
turns her world upside down.
Jocelyn was born in Iowa and currently resides in hot-as-hell Texas. She
shares her home with her very own 6’4″ alpha male and varying numbers of
spoiled cats and dogs. Teaching one of her dogs to file his nails is one of her
all-time favorite accomplishments.
She thinks dragonflies are awesome, spiders are creepy and it’s rumored
that she sleeps with a machete by her bed in case zombies attack in the middle
of the night.
Jocelyn loves to paint, loves to read, and loves to write sizzling erotic
romance about yummy demons that would make your momma blush.
by Sotia Lazu
Alice’s lonely holidays take an interesting turn when a stray dog walks
into her life. Little does she know he could be her Prince Charming, if only
she believed in magic.
Sotia loves romances with a twist and urban fantasy novels, always with
vivid erotic elements. Her favorite characters to write are not conventional
hero-material at first glance, and she enjoys making them fight for their
Sotia shares her life and living quarters with her husband, their son, and
two rescue dogs, one of which may be part-pony. Sappy movies make her bawl like
a baby, and she wishes she could take in all the stray dogs in the world. Also,
she hates mornings!
by Leigh Ellwood
Two years after Hurricane Sandy, panther shifter Sheila Houlihan has
finally rebuilt her home in the shore town of Bliss, New Jersey. She looks
forward to her first Christmas there, if only Jonah will finish with the
interior painting. Jonah, however, is interested in being more than Sheila’s
Leigh Ellwood is an award-winning author of erotica and erotic romance
fiction. Following the release of her first novel, Truth or Dare, in 2004,
Leigh has since written several novels, novella, and short stories. She is an
EPIC Award winner and has been nominated for many reviewers awards for her
Leigh writes M/M, F/F, and other pairings of erotic and romance, and also
writes mystery under another name.
To Capture a
by Eva Lefoy
An ambitious reporter is determined to prove to the world Yetis exist,
even at the cost of her life. But when she’s confronted with the truth, will
she choose fame and fortune or keep the secret and the man she desires all to
Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified
Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of
these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel
the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake
of future explorers.
Night Loving
by Daisy Banks
Cursed elf Miles has waited for centuries in the hope a woman will free
him from the curse binding him to this house. Will his beautiful visitor pass
the test and prove she is the one who he can love?
Daisy Banks writes sensual and spicy romance in the Historical, Paranormal
and Fantasy genres. An obsessive writer Daisy is passionate about her stories.
Her focus is to offer the best tale she can to readers. Daisy is married, with
two grown up sons. She lives with her husband in a converted chapel in
Shropshire, England. Antiques and collecting entertain Daisy when she isn’t
writing, she has also occasionally been known to make a meal that doesn’t stick
to the pan.
Caging the
by Sofia Grey
Jessie has fallen in love with the perfect guy, Levi, but there’s one
tiny problem. The blue-eyed hunk only exists in her dreams.
I’m a 40-on-the-outside / 20-on-the-inside girl with a passion for the
simple things in life. As long as they include wine, chocolate and rock music,
I’m good. When I’m not either herding project managers (at work), cats (at
home) or cub scouts (in what passes for spare time…) I’m curled up with my
Kindle or my laptop. To me, writing is as addictive as reading and I can’t
manage unless I have both.
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@BipBopBooks Presents The Spice Up #BookTour from @sabrina_york @sidney_bristol @lisafoxromance #Contest

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Welcome to the Moonbeams over Atlanta stop of the Spice Up Blog Tour: Three authors are participating in this tour.  Welcome Sabrina, Sidney, and Lisa! This is part of a book tour with BippityBoppityBook, so be sure to check out the other tour stops to read exclusive excerpts and see what others thought about the book with their review.


Sidney Bristol brings us the heat with her Romantic Suspense with BDSM Elements title Duty Bound, Book 2 in her Bayou Bound series.  Lisa Fox is introducing us to her Midnight Kiss Contemporary Romance series with One Kiss and the soon-to-be-released Her Perfect Lips. And a Contemporary Erotic Romance series from Sabrina York, her titles Rebound, Dragonfly Kisses, Smoking Holt, Heart of Ash, Devlin’s Dare and Parker’s Passion are all part of the Tryst Island Series.  Join us in meeting these authors and spice up your shelves (or start your holiday shopping early) with one of these wonderful romances.


Duty Bound Cover vFinal 300dpiDuty Bound
Bayou Bound # 2
Sidney Bristol

Romantic Suspense / BDSM Elements
331 Pages
See on Goodreads
Available at Amazon ♦  Barnes ♦  ARe  ♦  Kobo ♦  iBooks




About the book:

Sometimes one kiss can change everything.


New Year’s Eve is supposed to be a night for celebration and new beginnings. For best friends Kat and Dean, it is a nightmare filled with disastrous dates and enraged ex-girlfriends!


Lucky for them, they’ve got each other to help laugh off the embarrassing, and downright inappropriate, moments. But then midnight rolls around and neither of them have anyone to kiss…


There’s no doubt this is a night they will always remember.


The real question is whether it will be a night they want to forget…


Lisette froze with a piece of bread poised over the skillet, holding her breath as someone stopped outside Mathieu’s apartment. She’d spent the whole day jumping whenever footsteps echoed past. This time, the lock scraped and the door swung inward. She exhaled, soaking up Mathieu’s presence like a balm.

“What kind of a person doesn’t have internet?” She turned toward the front door as it closed. The sight of him hit her in the solar plexus. There was no preparing for him and the way being in his space brought up all her old questions and desires. But mostly, he made her feel safe. She’d had her first night of uninterrupted sleep, no startling awake or lying frozen in place from imagined sounds.

Mathieu paused taking off his coat, his gaze flicking over her, ignoring the dog wiggling its whole body at his feet. “Good afternoon to you, too.”

“Hi. What’s up with no wifi?” Lisette dropped the bread onto the skillet and nudged it over to make room for more. She’d spent a handful of hours in his space and already she craved his presence.

“I don’t need it.” Mathieu bent and scratched Gator behind the ears, muttering something for the dog alone. “When did you get tattoos?”

The skin on the back of Lisette’s neck prickled. Maybe it was the inflection in his voice, or maybe she was just sensitive about it. Either way, she sucked in a deep breath and finished toasting the bread for their lunch. According to Mathieu he only had so long before he needed to get back to work.

“Six years ago, I think. How old am I?” She paused to do the math. At twenty-nine, she’d had her left arm wrapped, from shoulder to elbow, in a colorful bouquet of flowers for a while. “No, five years.”

“What are you making?” Mathieu stepped into the galley kitchen and peered over her shoulder.

“Sandwiches, but I’m toasting them. Sort of like a poor man’s Panini. You still like ham and Swiss, right?” She flipped the bread onto a plate. There was something about the act of cooking for someone else she flat-out enjoyed.

“Uh, yeah.” He leaned against the refrigerator, watching her with Gator sprawled on the floor between them. The space was crowded, but comfortable. But a person wouldn’t assume that from the expression creasing Mathieu’s face.

She scooped out a bit of pesto from a jar she’d found in his pantry, layered the sandwich with spinach, Swiss, and ham. The secret was returning the sandwich to the skillet for just a moment so the cheese got to the ooey-gooey-yummy consistency.

“What’s up with the serious face?” she asked, glancing at him as she moved both their sandwiches to the skillet.

“I’ll wait till you’re done,” he replied.

“Okay.” She shrugged and kept her attention on the skillet.

“Gator been out lately?”

“I took him out about half an hour ago.” He’d mentioned that he came home during lunch to walk Gator and eat, but with the impending rain she’d taken the chance when it presented itself to get the dog out for a while.

Mathieu lived in a tiny one-bedroom apartment. She didn’t know what he made working as a detective, but she’d expected someplace a little nicer than the third floor walk-up in an old, refurbished brick building with shutters tacked on outside the windows and a balcony about to fall off the wall. It wasn’t so much the place he lived as the feel of being with him that had unnerved her.

It was nice. Pleasant even.


small Sidney TTLG 03About Sidney Bristol:

It can never be said that Sidney Bristol has had a ‘normal’ life.  She is a recovering roller derby queen, former missionary, and tattoo addict. She grew up in a motor-home on the US highways (with an occasional jaunt into Canada and Mexico), traveling the rodeo circuit with her parents. Sidney has lived abroad in both Russia and Thailand, working with children and teenagers. She now lives in Texas where she splits her time between a job she loves, writing, reading and belly dancing.

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One KissOne Kiss
Midnight Kiss # 1
Lisa Fox

Contemporary Romance
Harper Impulse
74 Pages
See On Goodreads
Purchase Now:  Amazon | Barnes | iTunes | Kobo | Publisher | Amazon UK





Kat finished her champagne and rolled her ankle around while she searched for another waiter. She was going to get shitfaced drunk tonight, she decided, righteously fucked-up, then she was going to sleep with Eric, and ring in the New Year with a motherfucking bang. If she had to settle, then she was going to do it in style. She just needed some more alcohol.

She caught a waiter’s eye and was about to commence on her mission when a hand fell on her shoulder. Her head jerked to the right and she blinked, surprised to find Dean beside her. “Kat,” he said. His face was serious, but his eyes held an impish light.

“Hello, Dean.” She gave him a questioning look, but he just smiled. Curious. “Eric, this is Dean Kirkwell.”

The men nodded to one another and Dean’s hand skimmed down the back of her arm to hold her elbow. “I know this is probably a bad time,” he said, trying to look apologetic, but failing miserably.

“And I hate to interrupt, but I saw you over here and I had to take the chance. I have a really important question about the Fisher account. It’s quick, I swear.” He looked from her, to Eric, back to her again. “But I completely understand if you can’t do it right now.”

Kat wanted to laugh out loud. He was saving her. And even worse, she was actually grateful. He did it so smoothly too, leaving it open for to her to say yes or no. The decision was entirely hers. She could stay with Eric, have some righteous New Year’s sex, and maybe enjoy an encore or two after that, but the whole thing would be over by Spring. Or, she could hang out with Dean.

“I’m sorry,” she said, turning to Eric. She tried to put on her most regretful face. She didn’t want to be mean or offend him, but it was not working for her. “Do you mind? This project is important.”

Dean let go of her elbow and moved his hand to her lower back. He met Eric’s gaze over the top of her head and something passed between them, something tense and very male. She scowled, pissed off by the posturing, but they ignored her.

It passed quickly and Eric looked from Dean to Kat. “Of course,” he said, his voice betraying the insincerity of his smile. “He obviously needs you very badly.”

Dean’s smile showed lots of teeth. “I do.”

Kat sighed. This was not what she wanted. “Thanks,” she said, mostly because she couldn’t think of anything else to say.

Eric nodded and she allowed Dean to guide her away. Once they got to an isolated corner on the other side of the room, he pulled two glasses off a passing waiter’s tray and handed one to her.

She downed it instantly and then traded her empty glass for a full one before the man could walk away.

Dean eyed her closely. “It’s like that, huh?”

“He wanted to show me his Motobeast.” It seemed to sum up the entire craptastic night perfectly.


About the Book:

Sometimes one kiss can change everything.

New Year’s Eve is supposed to be a night for celebration and new beginnings. For best friends Kat and Dean, it is a nightmare filled with disastrous dates and enraged ex-girlfriends!

Lucky for them, they’ve got each other to help laugh off the embarrassing, and downright inappropriate, moments. But then midnight rolls around and neither of them have anyone to kiss…

There’s no doubt this is a night they will always remember.

The real question is whether it will be a night they want to forget…



her perfect lipsHer Perfect Lips
Midnight Kiss # 2
Lisa Fox

Contemporary Romance
Harper Collins
74 Pages
See on Goodreads
Pre-Order Now:  
Amazon | Barnes | iTunes | Kobo | Publisher | Amazon UK





Stacy took a sip of her drink, the sweetness exploding on her tongue. The familiar lightheadedness of intoxication warmed her skull, and she frowned. She might not have the tolerance to take on Mardi Gras anymore, but she was no lightweight either. She held up the plastic cup, the low light reflecting in the funky yellow-green liquid. “What’s in these things?”

Ten gave her that wicked grin again. “Good old-fashioned New Orleans grain alcohol.”

Even as her eyes widened, she had to chuckle. No wonder she was feeling it. The drink in her hand was a one hundred and ninety proof bomb of pure alcohol. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

“Maybe.” His gaze moved over her, so slowly and thoroughly it almost felt like a physical caress. “Wasn’t that part of your plan?”

Her gaze flicked to his lips and then quickly away. God, she still had it so bad for him. She took a quick sip of her cocktail to try to cool herself down.

He reached over took her hand. “I’ve thought about you.”

Every molecule in the air between them instantly ignited. “Have you?” Heat rushed to her cheeks, her pulse raced in her veins. “What’d you think about?”

He ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Do you remember that night?”

“Of course I remember.” She would never forget the night before she left for New York. The night she spent with him. The memory often came to her in the darkest hours, when she was home, alone in her bed. No one had ever held her the way he did, no one’s skin had ever felt quite so good against hers. “I almost missed my plane.”

He traced patterns over the back her hand with his thumb, a delicate caress that made her blood run hot. When he met her eyes again, tension exploded between them, turning her insides liquid.

Her gaze fell back to his lips, and she couldn’t help but remember the taste of his kiss. The way he’d touched her. The texture of his skin. Given the chance to have it all again, she’d start right there at his mouth and then work her way down to his—

“Hey,” Peter said as he and Melanie returned to the table. “Do you want another drink?”

“No,” Stacy said, rising to her feet. This was too much. “I have to get back to the hotel.” And take an ice cold shower.

Ten stood up as well. “I’ll walk with you.”

She waved him off. The last thing she needed was Ten anywhere near her hotel room. That was just too much temptation. She wasn’t a kid anymore, and she wasn’t in New Orleans to get laid. She needed to remember that. “Thanks, but it’s just around the corner.”

“Stacy,” he said, his voice stern, a tone she knew all too well. It was the one he used whenever he thought she was being unreasonable. She’d heard it a lot. “This city is dangerous.”

She couldn’t really argue with that. He was right. The city was dangerous. And it wasn’t smart to walk alone. She knew that all too well. The very first night she moved out of the Loyola dorms and into the Marigny was a night that should have been like any other. But that night, seven murders occurred in a sixteen-hour span. Seven different people were killed for seven different reasons in seven different places all within the city limits. She had missed one of those murders by a single block. If she had turned left instead of right… A graveyard chill raced down her back. It wasn’t something she liked to think about. “Okay,” she said, and turned to the others. “Do you guys want to walk back with us?”

They wanted to stay, so Stacy and Ten said their goodbyes and exited the bar. They turned onto Canal, and Ten grabbed her around the waist to keep her from colliding with a Lucky Dog vendor heading into the Quarter for his shift. She wrapped her arm around him, enjoying the heat of his body.


About Lisa Fox:

World-renowned neurosurgeon, jet fighter pilot, secret member of American royalty, seducer of legions of beautiful, outrageously sexy angels and demons and vampires and werewolves and the occasional pirate, Lisa Fox has done it all…in her own mind. In reality, she can generally be found at her desk with a cup of coffee close at hand. Or maybe a martini. It really depends on the day.
Feedback, comments, opinions, words of wisdom, chocolate cake and the addresses of super hot men are always appreciated and encouraged. Please feel free to contact me any time.


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Tryst Island # 1
Sabrina York

Contemporary Erotic Romance
200 pgs (approx)
See on Goodreads
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About the Book:

Kristi Cross has had the hots for her friend, Cameron Jackson as long as she can remember, but she knows she’s not his type. She’s nothing like the women he dates. So when he suggests they play for a kiss over a game of Hearts, Kristi can’t resist. Even if she loses, she wins. Because she’s finally going to taste him.
Of course, one kiss can quickly become something altogether steamier, especially when both parties are on the rebound…
Fall in Love on Tryst Island… When a group of friends share a vacation house, wild hijinks, unexpected hook-ups and steamy sex ensue.


“I’d like to turn you over my knee.”

She chuckled. “Me? What did I do?”

He gaped at her. “Other than passionately kissing Holt?”

“I wasn’t kissing Holt, and you know it.”

“Really?” He crossed the rumpus room and shouldered into his bedroom and tossed her onto the bed. She bounced. “Then what the hell was that?” He waved at the ceiling.

Kristi straightened her nightgown, primly covering her bare calves. “He was kissing me.”

His brows bunched. “Not okay. Do you know what seeing that did to me? God, Kristi. It ripped me up inside. I wanted to kill him.”

“He had to know.”

“Know?” He hit a warbling tone that would make America Idol contestants green with envy. “What did he have to know?”

“That I feel nothing for him.”

That shut him up. He stopped, stock-still and stared at her. “Nothing?” This, in a little boy voice.

Other than shock that two of her longtime friends had declared their intentions in the space of one evening? “Not a thing.” She wormed her way off the bed and sashayed toward him, swinging her hips. “Less than nothing, in fact.” She stood on tiptoe to press a kiss on his lips. “It was like kissing my brother. Or my uncle. Or Professor Layhea.”

“Professor Layhea?” Against his will, his lips tweaked. She could tell he was fighting it. His pout was kind of adorable. “Professor Layhea was pretty sexy.”

She kissed him again. Made her way along the line of his jaw to his lobe. Dabbed her tongue in his ear. He shuddered.

“I do find nostril-beards über sexy. And older men who take their baths in Old Spice—ha cha cha.”

His brow rose. His fingers curved around her waist and he pulled her closer. His cock stirred against her belly. “Did you ever kiss Professor Layhea?”

“Just the once.” She laughed when his eyes boggled at her boldfaced lie. She rubbed against his growing ardor. “I had to. I needed an A.”

“Hussy.” He eased her back onto the mattress pinning her there with his hardness, his heat. He hovered over her, staring at her for a long while. Then he slowly lowered his head and kissed her.

It didn’t take long for their teasing mood to completely evaporate. It was replaced by a crackling arousal. His cock pressed into her with an uncomfortable insistence. She wiggled a little bit and he shifted so it pressed against her cleft instead. He rubbed, up and down, like a cat, until she moaned.

“I shouldn’t want you again,” he murmured against her lips.

“Of course you should.”

“You drained me completely fucking dry earlier.”

“We forgot to use a condom.”

He nibbled her neck. “You’re on the pill.”

She hiked up her nightgown, enough so she could hook her legs around his butt. Tugged him closer. “I can’t believe how many times you made me come.”

“How many?”

“I lost count.”

“Really? I noticed two.”

“Oh, there were more than two.” She scored his back with her nails; he shivered. “It was probably a fluke though.”

He reared back. “What?”

“You know. On account of the fact I was so horny.”

“How, um, how horny were you?”

“Pretty horny.”

“How long… I mean, how long since—”

She drew his head back down. “I don’t want to talk about it. Point is, it was probably a fluke.”

“It wasn’t a fluke. I’ll have you know, I’m damn good in bed.”

“We’ll see.”

“What? We’ll see?

“We haven’t done it in a bed.” This, she stated rather prosaically. “We’ll just see if you can do it again. Make me come like that again.”

A slow smile quirked his lips. “That sounds like a challenge.”

“I do believe it was.”

“Well, madam, if there’s one thing Cameron Jackson cannot do, it’s resist a challenge.” He teased her hem higher and she laughed.

“Yes,” she said. “I know.”


See the series trailer HERE 


Other Titles in Tryst Island Include (Soon to be available at all major eBook Retailers!) : 


Dragonfly Kisses:  Amazon | Goodreads

Smoking Holt: Amazon | Goodreads

Heart of Ash:  Amazon | Goodreads

Devlin’s Dare:  Amazon | Goodreads

Parker’s Passion:  Amazon | Goodreads


About Sabrina York:Sabrina_head_logo

Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & sexy to scorching erotic romance.

Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her website to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Get the Free Teaser Book, and don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara!  Want more? Sign up to be a member of Sabrina’s Street Team on Facebook!

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As a special treat…



Your Last 5 Google Searches (research (or not) related )

  • Captain Hook Once Upon a Time (For research! I swear!)
  • Meliá Caribe Tropical All Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort – Punta Cana (I’m going there for my birthday and I’m a little obsessive. The pictures are so pretty!)
  • Male model boat cruise
  • Henry Watkins
  • Red Shoe Diaries


FIVE little known facts about you (make them funny / interesting /unique)

  • I will wear tank tops until I freeze
  • I have a huge shoe collection, and yet I prefer to be barefoot
  • I really was a kid-rodeo clown
  • I love cherry sours
  • I have a light Cthulhu obsession


5 little known facts about Sabrina York

  • I once rode on a camel and climbed up inside the Great Pyramid of Giza
  • The first book I finished was an epic fantasy of one hundred and seventy thousand words. It did not get published.
  • I moved 19 times before I graduated from high school.
  • My hair started turning silver when I was 18 years old.
  • I am directly descended from Mary Queen of Scots. Hence the fascination with hot Highlanders.


3 winners will get copies of Picture Her Bound by Sidney Bristol, One Kiss by Lisa Fox and Rebound by Sabrina York
(Book 1 of the series from each author)

Drawing ends at 11:59 PM  EST on 25 November – winner has 24 hours to respond. 18+ only


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@masqtours #TCSBlast The Telepathic Clans Saga by @BRKINGSOLVER #Contest #UrbanFantasy

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In the world of the Telepathic Clans, the descendants of the ancient race that once ruled Europe live in a shadow society…
Publication Date: April 22, 2012
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Urban Fantasy with a dash of romance. The Succubus Gift is a completely different take on the succubus myth. Brenna’s life isn’t the same after she discovers her unusual and mysterious heritage. In addition to being a telepath and having other paranormal Gifts, Brenna learns she has the Succubus Gift. She’s always been a good girl and isn’t comfortable seducing men, except one she really loves. That’s just the beginning of her problems. Someone is stalking her. Then there’s the tall, dangerous woman who shadows her and hints a Goddess has linked them. And what is she going to do with a handsome, charismatic, womanizing man she knows she should avoid?Some days a girl just wants to pull the covers over her head and stay in bed — with a willing young man of course.

Publication Date: June 25, 2012
Book 2 of the Telepathic Clans Saga, the sequel to the multiple 5-star reviewed The Succubus Gift.
It’s not easy being a succubus.
Brenna O’Donnell and Rebecca Healy continue their integration into the Clan. Learning more about their Gifts and always seeking someone who will love them. After a crash course in learning about her genetic heritage, Brenna O’Donnell has discovered what it really means to be a succubus and has learned to embrace her strange Gift. Her major concern is whether Collin will accept her for what she is. As she adjusts to telepathic society, others in the Clan have plans that will strip the last of her freedom.
The social season is around the corner, including events that Brenna never imagined in her wildest dreams. The succubi, representatives of the Goddess on earth, are at the center of an ancient worship. And if a girl is going to be the center of attention, then obviously she needs a new dress.
Between the romance and glistening balls of the Clan’s social events, Brenna and Rebecca discover life is not secure. Telepaths from other Clans are kidnapping young girls and selling them into slavery.
A continuation of what one reviewer called an, “… utterly heart stopping onslaught of sex, violence and paranormal abilities …”
Publication Date: September 29, 2013
Private investigator RB Kendrick makes her living nailing cheating spouses, digging up other dirt to help in a divorce, finding long-lost relatives, and occasionally sniffing out criminal activity and fraud.
When she takes a job to find a missing girl, she has no idea she is headed for the most dangerous case of her career. Usually, her ability to read minds gives her an edge. But when the people she’s hunting are also telepaths, that advantage is limited.
The search takes her into the dark underbelly of telepathic society, where anything, and anyone, is for sale. She discovers that telepathic women and girls are being trafficked as the ultimate sex slaves.
With people trying to kill her, she’s on the run, not knowing who she can trust. Will she find the missing girl, or become a victim herself?
A novel of paranormal suspense set in the world of the Telepathic Clans.
Publication Date: February 14, 2013
Book 3 of the Telepathic Clans Saga, Succubus Rising
The Goddess has plans for Brenna and Rebecca, and the Goddess has a wicked sense of humor.
Rebecca Healy is a true wilder, growing up with no contact or knowledge of other telepaths. Discovered by a Clan member on the streets of San Francisco, she felt like she’d hit the jackpot. Finally, she knew what she was, or at least she thought she did.
When Brenna O’Donnell, long-lost heir of the O’Donnell Clan, and the strongest telepath in history, is returned to her family, she and Rebecca form a tight bond. Brenna has it all, looks, money, power, and men falling all over her.
Rebecca isn’t jealous, but it would be nice to find someone who would really love her and stick around in the morning. She’s intrigued by a handsome South American general, but of course, he has his sights set on Brenna. Carlos de Vargas wants more than love. His Clan has its back to the wall, and they hope for an alliance with O’Donnell. An alliance that would lead to war.
The story began in The Succubus Gift and continued in Succubus Unleashed. In Succubus Rising, questions are answered and new mysteries are revealed.
Publication Date: November 8, 2014
Book 4 of The Telepathic Clans Saga
Corwin has led Clan O’Neill for one hundred and fifty years. Nearing the end of his long life, he names a twenty-three year old girl as his heir. Not only is Brenna a member of Clan O’Donnell, she’s also a succubus, and many people disagree with his choice. When Corwin dies, his son Hugh launches an open rebellion.
But Brenna is named heir not only to O’Neill, but also to Clan O’Byrne, where Clan Chief Fergus’s oldest son Andrew joins with Hugh and Finnian O’Neill in their rebellion. Faced with war on two fronts, and rebels using terrorist tactics that capture the attention of the human press and authorities, Brenna must fight off assassination attempts while trying to consolidate her rule.
As if all that wasn’t exciting enough, her friend Irina is the target of repeated kidnapping attempts by members of a Russian Clan. Hoping to protect Irina, O’Donnell mounts an operation against the Gorbachev Clan. But the situation in Russia is no more stable than in Ireland, and they discover Irina is at the heart of the Russian Clans’ internal plots.
Confused yet? Be glad you aren’t Brenna and Rebecca, as they—along with Rhiannon, Irina, and the Irish Clans—attempt to sort through the mess in Succubus Ascendant, the action-packed conclusion of The Telepathic Clans Saga.
 I grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico, among writers, artists and weird Hispanic and Native American myths and folklore. I’ve lived all over the U.S. and earned a living doing everything from making silver and turquoise jewelry, to construction to computers. I currently split my time between Baltimore and Albuquerque.

I made silver and turquoise jewelry for almost a decade, ended up in nursing school, then took a master’s in business. Along the way I worked in construction, as a newspaper editor, and somehow found a career working with computers.

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 $10 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or $10 Book Depository Spree (International), plus an eBook copy of The Succubus Gift or Broken Dolls. Ends 11/28.
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