.@pridepromo #Review: Broken Records by Lilah Suzanne #LGBT #Contemporary #Romance #Contest #Amazon @lilahsuzanne

Today Moonbeams over Atlanta is very lucky to be interviewing Lilah Suzanne author of Broken Records. In addition, there is a review of the book and a contest at the end of the post.

Hi Lilah, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Write something from your character’s point of view as a child. (Holiday, first kiss, anything.)


On Sunday mornings the barbershop opens later, that way Nico’s dad can check the equipment and order more shampoo and pomade and talc and THOSE little paper cups for coffee, the sandalwood scented shave cream that lingers on his hands, and the barbicide that spills on Nico’s shirt when he drops the scissors and combs into the jars of disinfectant too hard sometimes.

So Sunday mornings mean shopping with Mom. And Lucas.

Who stands in front of the automatic doors with his hand held up flat, as if he’s using The Force to open them. But Nico knows they’re motion sensitive and it has nothing to do with Star Wars. And yet somehow Lucas is the one who gets straight A’s.

Mom hands them each a list of produce items. His has:


Sugar Snap Peas

Red Bell Pepper (two)


Lucas darts off right away, shoving past Nico to get a head start. Lucas’ left shoe is untied and his pants are three inches too short, his T-shirt has a hole in the seam of one sleeve and is for a TV show called Earthworm Jim that isn’t even on TV anymore. Nico glares at him, then moves on to his list.

Sugar Snap Peas is easy. Nico picks crunchy pea pods without any brown spots or broken tops. Makes sure they’re firm and bright green. He gets a plastic bag and uses the tongs to carefully scoop in just enough for four servings.

The Red Bell Pepper (two) is next in the produce section, stuck in with the vegetables even though Nico learned ages ago that bell peppers aren’t vegetables because they have seeds. Like kindergarten ages ago. He finds two bright crisp no mushy-spot peppers. He notices they match his shirt: long-sleeve button down, red. Suspenders, red and black striped. Black pants. He’s also wearing the black and white saddle shoes he requested for his tenth birthday that are still in tiptop shape four months later, even though Mom thought they were too fancy for a boy who plays baseball in the mud sometimes.

As if he would wear saddle shoes to play baseball.

Lucas finishes first, because he picks the very first fruits and vegetables he can get his hands on. Lucas’ list:

Apples (he gets baking apples even though the apples are to be packed for school lunches and not baked into pies. Three of them. Why three? Who knows.)

Spinach (loose) (he gets mixed greens with spinach. Prewashed. Not the same thing. Sigh.)

Bananas (some of them have spots already. They’ll go bad too fast and his mom will make banana bread with walnuts with them. Yuck.)

Sunday morning grocery store visits with Mom means Lucas will brag about winning the grocery-treasure-hunt contest and mom will say, boys! Enough. It doesn’t matter who wins.

But it’s fine, because Nico knows who really won. And it’s the guy who would never choose a mushy brown spotted honey dew melon which is not “basically a cantaloupe,” Lucas, because some people have taste and standards.

 It’s him. The real winner. Nico. Just to be clear. Lucas does The Force again on the way out. Nico rolls his eyes. Sigh.



First, I have to say that I like it. I liked it a lot. I’m always a sucker for music stars and Grady Dawson is no exception, even though he’s into country music. Not a large fan of country music, but I do enjoy some artists so it was somewhat believable to me. We meet Nico Takahashi after having a very trying day with a diva starlet and all he wants to do is get away from it all. He “meets” Grady with a magazine photo shoot that provides some eye candy but he doesn’t read the article that goes along with it. He immediately meets Grady not too long after and commences the journey of Nico fighting his attraction to Grady because he thinks he’s a player, while Grady pursues because he thinks Nico is the one he’s looking for. A series of mis-information ensues, hot sex, and journeys from California to Tennessee and back again.

It has a great flow of words. I’m only a little leary of Nico’s almost whining in the beginning about his lot in life, but for the most part it wasn’t terrible. He did grow on you and does realize his love for Grady. Grady stayed mostly constant as his personality and desires were revealed throughout the story. Both have great depth and made them seem real. It does have a happy ending, and I enjoyed it.

With this, I give Broken Records 4 out of 5 stars.


4 Stars


Broken Records 1600px COVER (RGB) - Front


Author Name: Lilah Suzanne
Book Name: Broken Records
Series: Spotlight, Book One
Release Date: December 17, 2015
Pages or Words: 280 pages
Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance
Publisher: Interlude Press
Cover Artist: Victoria S. with CB Messer




Los Angeles-based stylist Nico Takahashi loves his job—or at least, he used to. Feeling fed up and exhausted from the cutthroat, gossip-fueled business of Hollywood, Nico daydreams about packing it all in and leaving for good. So when Grady Dawson—sexy country music star and rumored playboy—asks Nico to style him, Nico is reluctant. But after styling a career-changing photo-shoot, Nico follows Grady to Nashville where he finds it increasingly difficult to resist Grady’s charms. Can Nico make peace with show business and all its trappings, or will Grady’s public persona get in the way of their private attraction to each other?

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Muse Charmer PR: Blog Tour “Shoulder Pads and Flannel” by Jo Ramsey

Shoulder Pads and Flannel CoverHigh school football star Guillermo Garcia can count himself among the popular kids—for now. Although he secretly dates Evan Granger, who is openly gay and badly bullied for it, Guillermo doesn’t dare let his teammates, classmates, or close-knit family learn about his sexuality.
But Guillermo witnessed an attack on Evan, and now the school bullies plan to out Guillermo in retaliation. In their small town, word spreads rapidly, so Guillermo must make a quick choice—come out now on his own or risk having someone else do it for him.

Contemporary LGBT Fiction, Published by Harmony Ink, an imprint of Dreamspinner Press

Purchase direct from the publisher.

Purchase from Amazon.com

Purchase from Omnilit

Visit the author’s website.

Twitter: @JoRamseyYA
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JoRamseyAuthor

Author Interview

1) What do you do to celebrate a new book contract?

A fist pump in the air, followed by telling whoever in my household will listen that I have a new contract.

2) What is your zodiac sign? Do you feel it is an accurate description of you?

Cancer, and yes.

3) What is your favorite season? Why?

Spring. New beginnings, more daylight hours, and the weather gets warmer without being unbearable.

4) What is your favorite part about writing (drafting, editing, plotting, promoting, etc)?

Writing the first draft, because even though I brainstorm before I start, I don’t always know how the characters are going to get where I think they’re going, and sometimes they don’t end up there anyway.

5) Any addictions (chocolate, coffee, tv shows, collectibles, shoes, etc.)?

Does writing count?

6) Favorite type of food?

I can’t decide between pepperoni pizza and scallion pancake.

musecharmerpr_blogtourbadge_smThis blog tour is sponsored and run by Muse Charmer PR, providing superhero promotion for your book. Learn more and check out all the tour stops by visiting http://www.promoyourmuse.com

Muse Charmer PR: Blog Tour: “Abducted” by Adera Orfanelli

1. How did you get the idea for this book?

This book was actually written a long time ago, and then unearthed and polished (quite a bit). However, I wanted to play with the science fiction trope of being abducted by aliens. Instead of the “grey men” doing experiments, I wanted something different. What if the abduction led to a hunky man and a new life?

2. Why do you write science fiction?

I write science fiction because I love the unknown and the possibility of what might be out there. I’m fascinated by space (and weather, among other scientific things), and the belief that we might not be alone.

3. Why should readers pick up this story?

It’s fun. While there are some issues, such as the loss of a friend and starting over, to be dealt with, most of all I wanted Abducted to be a great escape.

4. Who is your favorite science fiction author?

I can’t really count a single favorite. I love David Weber, Elizabeth Moon, Tanya Huff, and Anne McCaffrey.

5. What is your favorite thing about outer space?

I love the stars. I love looking up and seeing all these constellations (man-made) and knowing that they are comprised of stars so vast and distant from each other that it takes hundreds or thousands of years for their light to reach us. We really are looking at a snapshot of history when we look at the night sky.


Abducted_AderaOrfanelli_coverlgGetting abducted by a hunky android wasn’t on Jacey’s list of things to do to try and reclaim her life after the death of her best friend and the loss of their business. But when her car crashes during a storm, she’s saved not by any rescue vehicle, but by Aiden Starsek, the Lord of BelaZed who informs her that he must have a wife or face deactivation. Jacey blames herself for her friend’s death. If she can stop another one, even if it means giving up everything she’s ever known, she will.

Aidan knows Deactivation Day nears and unless he’s able to find a human to love him he’ll die.. Unable to find love on his own planet, he discovers the beautiful Jacey on her own world, Earth. Her beauty entices him. Her compassion humbles him. And though in bed their passion is insatiable, he fears that it won’t turn to love in time to save his life. Only her love will save him, not just from Deactivation Day, but also from himself.

Erotic SF Romance, Published by Loose Id

Purchase direct from the publisher.

Visit the author’s website.

Twitter: @aderaorfanelli

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aderaorfanelli



Enter using the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.


musecharmerpr_blogtourbadge_smThis blog tour is sponsored and run by Muse Charmer PR, providing superhero promotion for your book. Learn more and enter a special contest by visiting http://www.promoyourmuse.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

5 Star Review of “A Devil’s Brew” (Sinners 2.5) by Rhys Ford, Interview, and a Giveaway!

This is a double post with a review of A Devil’s Brew AND an interview with Rhys Ford!  Pull up your comfy chair, grab your coffee (or tea), and read on…be sure to read the entire post.  There’s a giveaway at the end. 🙂


First, The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review.  Thank you.  I absolutely love the Sinners series and can’t wait for the next installment. 🙂

5 Stars


I have to say that when I finished it, I wanted it to be longer. 😉  Then it would defeat the purpose of being a novella, as Rhys so graciously pointed out to me…

We see Miki, the lead singer, and Damien, his best friend and guitarist, looking in a jewelry story for a Valentine’s Day present for Sionn, Damien’s lover.  Much drama ensues while they are there and it kicks off Miki’s angst when it comes to his lover, Kane Morgan, and his feelings on Valentine’s in general, and his lover’s happiness with his own presents in specific.  It it woven well, and I love how it is written.  While it had been a while since I had read Whiskey and Wry, it was easy to pick up the names again without having to pull up a character chart.   The secondary characters are present and makes you fell like they are primary characters.  It was fun, and despite the angst, light and short to give a better understanding of Miki and his character.  And the sex is hot, too. 🙂

Because of the wonderfulness that is A Devil’s Brew, I give it 5 Stars.

Eloreen Moon

The Devils Brew Rhys Ford Cover_small

And now,  The Interview:

Rhys contacted me after I had agreed to review A Devil’s Brew looking to grab some space to promote it’s release this month and Tequila Mockingbird next month.  Be sure to come back for a guest post and review in celebration of Tequila Mockingbird‘s release at the end of June.

Please welcome Rhys Ford to Moonbeams over Atlanta!

Thank you for letting me be here.

Thank you for  participating! So, please provide a summary of Rhys Ford to the readers. 😉

Ah, a summary? I was born and raised in Hawai’i and am now in San Diego. I am owned by three cats, two dogs, a few laptops and a vintage Pontiac Firebird. Oh, and I write. *grins*

What inspired you to write your first book? 

I was actually twelve when I wrote my first book. I remember writing it but don’t recall what it was about. It couldn’t have been any good. Hell, I can’t even tell you the genre. It probably was pretentious and angsty. God only knows. I’ve been writing and daydreaming since as long as I could remember.

On average, how long does it take you to write a book in general and The Devil’s Brew in specific?

The Devil’s Brew is hard to judge because it started off as a short story then increased to a novella. So a couple of months. Some things come very easily and others I fight with. The one I’m writing right now is a fight.

The Devil’s Brew is between Whiskey & Wry and Tequila Mockingbird (set to release at the end of June) in the Sinners series.  Do you plan on more books in the series?

There will be one more band-related book called Sloe Ride then a Miki and Kane focused book which doesn’t have a name yet. That’ll deal with Miki’s issues from his past. And probably how he’s going to deal with Brigid who really does love him—he’s just wary of parental figures in general.

I really like your covers.  What is your process from concept to finished cover?

I have no process. Usually I go with my gut. Some of them I really like and others I am all…what was I thinking? It’s hard to find good stock photo because so many of the really nice guys are taken and used by so many people. I might have to stalk gyms to get pretty guys on my own. Really, that’s the hardest part of it.

How many of your Sinners characters were sparked by real-life examples?

Wow. Um… Brigid and Donal are probably amalgamation of relatives I have. There’s a lot of me in Miki. Damie—no clue. He just fit into Miki’s character so well. And well, who wouldn’t want a Morgan?

How much research did you do for the Sinners series?

Not a lot of research because most of it is emotional stuff. The murdering part is stuff I pick up over the years. Bodies are dismayingly easy to dispose of but evidence is always lingering. San Francisco’s background probably is where I spent the most research. I always want to make sure the city flows well in the stories.

Where there any things you found in research that surprised you?

Oddly enough I found out Cousin Oliver from the Brady Bunch was the bus driver in Sharknado. That surprised me a hell of a lot.

What story, or stories, are you working on at the moment?

I am currently working on Down and Dirty, a side story featuring Cole’s younger brother Ichiro and Bobby Dawson, Cole’s very badly behaved best friend. It’s a bit of a fight because I can’t kill anyone. Really, a well placed bloodbath is never to be discounted. *nods*

What is one random fact about yourself that no one knows about?

God, I think I’m pretty open about everything. One random fact? Um… I don’t like pears? Well people know about that. Wow. Huh. I’ve got nothing. No dark secrets. Or if I do, I’ve conveniently forgotten them. *grins*

Thank you for having me and I hope you enjoy the novella! I am so appreciative of everything you’ve done for me here. Thank you again!

You are very welcome, Rhys.  Come back anytime.

And that concludes our interview with Rhys Ford!

Oh! I promised a giveaway. 🙂

Finally…The Giveaway:

Rhys has graciously agreed to provide one ebook copy of her backlist to one lucky commentator to this post.  This does not include A Devil’s Brew.  Please make sure you leave an email address so she can contact you for your choice of book and format.  Giveaway ends on 5/25/2014 at 11:59 PM.  I will be picking with random.org and will provide the lucky winner’s information to Rhys within 24-48 hours.  I will announce it here as well.

You must be 18+ in order to participate.

Good luck!

Book Links:

Goodreads | Dreamspinner

Blog Tour: Fused by Fire (Firehouse Six 3) by Draven St. James with Interview

Today is a first for Moonbeams over Atlanta.  I had not done an interview before because it looked hard to do.  Once I did some research, I had a hard time limiting the questions to just 10!  I thought it especially fortuitous to help with this blog tour because the release day is my birthday. 🙂   Please give a warm welcome to Draven St. James as we talk about her upcoming release of Fused by Fire, book 3 of the Firehouse Six series, on May 20, 2014. 

Tell us a little about yourself, Draven:

-I’m a born and raised Oregonian. I’ve traveled extensively in search of mischief and mayhem to fill my books.  My ventures have been quite successful in inspiring a wealth of stories both sexy and humorous.  It gives me a great excuse to do some crazy stuff in the name of research. Of course at the end of the day, coffee within reach, laptop at the ready is where I find my peace.

What draws you to the M/M romance genre?

-I find that I feel more of a connection to the male characters. Female characters are amazing, but they don’t inspire a love story for me.

This is book 3 in the Firehouse Six series.  Does that mean that there will only be 6 books?

-Not necessarily.  I haven’t decided the exact length of the series yet. However, with each book I find myself adding new characters that I fall in love with.  Then of course they have to have their own story. Just wait until you meet Wren.

Did you do research for your series? If so, how much research do you do?

-I do research for each series. For the Firehouse Six series I actually know firemen in my area so I spent a lot of time interviewing and getting to know them. Not just their jobs but the kind of men that they are beneath those sexy bunker pants.

Do you work to an outline or plot (a “Plotter”), or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you (a “Panster”)?

-I generally plot out the barebones of my story lines, but I admit that sometimes I wander off track. When I’m working out a scene and getting to know my characters I, at times, realize that changes have to be made. Changes that mesh with a character’s personality and how they go from point A to point B.

On average, how long does it take you to write a book in general, and Fused by Fire, in specific?

-It can take me anywhere between three weeks to two months to write a first draft. Granted, that does not include all the editing. It took me about a month to write the first draft of Fused by Fire.

Do you ever get the dreaded Writer’s Block?  If so, how did you get through it?

-I do get Writer’s Block. However, I’m generally working on multiple books at the same time, so when one muse is slacking off, I just go work on another story.

Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?

-I let ideas stew, but generally when I start a book, not a day goes by that I don’t at least poke at it.

I’ve been seeing a lot of people doing “trailer’s” for books.  What do you think of them?

-My book, Covert Delivery from the Eostre’s Baskets collection through Loose Id, was part of a book trailer. I find the idea of them fun and unique. They definitely have the potential to draw people in and perhaps wet their appetite for more.

What random fact about yourself that no one knows about?

-Up until my early teens I lived in a small town in Eastern Oregon.  What does that mean?  It means I can ride horses, rope cattle, and I love sleeping under the stars.

As a not-yet-published writer myself, what advice would you give to aspiring writers?

-Don’t let other people tell you that writing can only be “just a hobby”. Try to write every day, even if it is only a couple of sentences that don’t go in a book.

And that concludes our interview with Draven St. James!  Thank you Draven for the lovely interview.

Be sure to be on the look out for the release of Fused by Fire.  I know I will.  I love firefighters in stories myself so I’ve added it to my Goodreads.com To Be Read (TBR) list. 🙂  Links for the series at the publisher and Goodreads along with the link to the book’s Goodreads profile are below the book’s blurb.

Fused by Fire Blurb (Firehouse Six 3)

DSJ_fused by Fire

Michael prides himself on being the man that everyone can depend on until one of his firefighters is severely wounded on the job. Will he be allowed to process the situation alone? Not when a loud and persistent Simon Winters shows up on his doorstep. The man hasn’t met a boundary he didn’t skip across.

            Simon has had the biggest crush on Lieutenant Firefighter, Michael Donovan since the first day he saw him. Which just happened to be at an interview for a job to work as a firefighter. Before his desire to lick the gruff older man from head to toe affects his work, Simon transfers over to being a paramedic. Just when he’s begun to build a life that doesn’t include hot shower fantasies of Michael, the object of his angst is thrust into his path.

            All too quickly, Simon begins to barrel through Michael’s defenses and dig up the desires Michael has fought so hard to hide. As passions flare out of control, tragedies collide from every side. Michael’s struggle to keep Simon at a distance starts to crumble beneath the weight of the secrets that Simon is hiding.  Will Michael be able to protect Simon when he needs it the most or will he lose Simon forever?

Release Date: 5/20/2014

Fused by Fire on Goodreads | Firehouse Six Series on Goodreads | Firehouse Six Series by the Publisher


            Simon knocked on his door. “Hey, all done out here. Want to come check my skills? We can play sexy maid and naughty boss.”

Michael bit back a groan, shocked by the words. He’d really love to do that. Did the man know how much his offer tortured him? When did Simon become an overt flirt?

With a fortifying breath, he opened the door and stopped short. Simon stood directly in front of him with a mischievous smile on his face.

“I found something.” Simon nibbled on his lush bottom lip.

Michael racked his brain for what Simon might have discovered that would warrant such a teasing expression.

Simon’s lips curved into a huge grin as he produced a half-empty bottle of lube from behind his back.

“Shit,” Michael muttered.

“Yeah, I was vacuuming out the couch cushions, and imagine my surprise.” Simon arched a brow. “Did you buy this at a wholesale supermarket?”

Michael’s face heated. Not because Simon had his lube, but because the last couple of times he’d used it, images of Simon in the firehouse showers had slipped unbidden into his thoughts.

He reached out to grab it, but Simon held it away from him.

“Tsk-tsk. Now, where do you hide your…material?” Simon brushed past Michael and into the bedroom.

Michael watched from the doorway as Simon rummaged through the drawers on both nightstands before coming away with a strip of condoms.

“Oh.” Simon’s face fell. He glanced from the bed to Michael, and his face reddened. With a loudly exhaled breath, he moved past Michael and walked back out into the living room. Michael followed along, only to be brought up short when Simon turned to dangle the condoms in front of Michael. “I guess you don’t need any additional inspiration.”

Michael finally managed to shake himself out of his frozen state. He snatched the condoms and lube away and tossed them on the couch. Simon just kept pushing and pushing, burrowing his way into all the crevices of Michael’s life.

Michael stepped forward and grabbed Simon by his shoulders. “Why are you really here?” he snarled.

“Because you’ve locked yourself away?” Simon whispered and gazed at him with eyes filled with concern.

That look stabbed into Michael. “And you care why?”

“Because…” Simon shrugged, dislodging Michael’s hold, and then cupped Michael’s face with a trembling hand. “What happened wasn’t your fault, and you needed someone to come and shove that truth into your face.”

“You picked the short straw?” Michael hated that Simon’s hand on his cheek brought him more comfort than anything else had. Just like at the hospital.

Simon shook his head, and his gaze fell to Michael’s lips. His hand came down to brush against the edge of Michael’s bottom lip. A pink flush rose along Simon’s cheeks.

Michael felt that innocent touch like a jolt through his body. He tilted Simon’s face up, and the sensual invitation in his eyes shocked and inflamed him.

He didn’t have the energy to fight against what he wanted, and right now that was Simon. With a groan of defeat, he smashed his lips to Simon’s and took the sweet oblivion that Simon offered. Simon melted into him, and a shudder worked its way through Michael’s body. Michael grasped the backs of Simon’s thighs and jerked until Simon jumped up and wrapped his legs around Michael’s waist.

Brief astonishment that they were really kissing filtered through Michael’s head as he stumbled back to sit on the couch. He traced his tongue along Simon’s bottom lip and thrust inside.

Copyright © Draven St. James

Author Links

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