#HAHABT: Hop Against Homophobia, Biphobic and Transphobia Blog Hop (May 17 – 24, 2015)

Welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta as we kick off the 2015 Hop Against Homophobia, Biphobic and Transphobia Blog Hop.

My name is Eloreen Moon and this is my message of HAHABT awareness for you.

Today is

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

May 17, 2015

Why do I to host the Hop Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (HAHABT)?

Because I am a female bisexual person, and in some aspects of my life, a bi-gender person as well. Hermaphrodites are biologically dual-gendered, and Intersex people are those that generally have a range of non-distinct genital or reproductive organs to definitively call them male or female. But, what if you are mentally indistinct on your gender?

Bi-gender? Is that even a word?

I don’t know. I just thought of it now while making this post. I just might see if that is even a “real” thing, probably later date when curiosity overcomes the other priorities in my life. It is still a word, or label. But we are in an age of infomation and communication primarily through words.

I am cis-female. I like men. I like women. Some people I like sexually, some I just like to hang out with them. No sexual attraction involved. I like me, but I do think about what it would be like if I was male. Yet, I have no desire to be male. In some respects, I have actions and thoughts that are typically attributed to males. Shades of the same spectrum, I guess. And it makes you  wonder that, like Autism, gender identity might not also have a “spectrum,” but nobody talks about it because who would think their personal preference would manefest physically?

Yet, there are others those that fear for their lives, or their children’s lives, if others would to know their acceptance of their own sexuality or gender–even both–especally today when awareness is more global and travels the speed of social media. They fear reprocussions in their job, in their local communties, and in their kid’s schools if “society” should found out that their personal normal does not match society expects. There are those that are more that are tolerant. But, you still fear when you feel you are not part of society, regardles of gender, religion, who you love, and how you love.

So, I continue to offer my blog to dedicate to change of society norms by participating in the HAHABT blog hop for awareness:  One blog post at a time.
Because you never know when one person reaching out would make a difference.


I am giving away a $5 Gift Certificate to an e-Retailer of the winner’s choice to buy that must-have LGBT title on your “to be read” list.  🙂

To enter, comment on this post your story of overcoming your own fear of what would happen if people knew you were Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, or anything in between or different from society. Because we, as people, do not fit in a single box. Differences are beautiful. Inspire us with your courage, perseverance, and understanding. It doesn’t have to be about you personally. If you don’t want to share right now, that is a valid story too.  Awareness is vital, one blog at a time. It only takes one person to change the world: Even if that world is your local neighborhood, or a blog post on the internet. 🙂

Contest will end at 11:59 pm EDT 5/24/2015 and a randomly chosen commentator (random.org) will win within the next day or two.
I will be contacting the winner via email and posting the name as well.

Here is the link to the main hop page.

@VivianaIzzo #BlogTour: “Knight of Ocean Avenue” by @taralain #LGBT #KnightOfOceanAve #Giveaway

Knight Of Ocean Avenue
By Tara Lain


How can you be twenty-five and not know you’re gay? Billy Ballew runs from that question. A high school dropout, barely able to read until he taught himself, Billy’s life is driven by his need to help support his parents as a construction worker, put his sisters through college, coach his Little League team, and not think about being a three-time loser in the engagement department. Being terrified of taking tests keeps Billy from getting the contractor’s license he so desires, and fear of his mother’s judgement blinds Billy to what could make him truly happy.

Then, in preparation for his sister’s big wedding, Billy meets Shaz—Chase Phillips—a rising star, celebrity stylist who defines the word gay. To Shaz, Billy embodies everything he’s ever wanted—stalwart, honest, brave—but even if Billy turns out to be gay, he could never endure the censure he’d get for being with a queen like Shaz. How can two men with so little in common find a way to be together? Can the Stylist of the Year end up with the Knight of Ocean Avenue?


Available for purchase at


Paperback from Dreamspinner 
Glory” played in his ear. Damn. Quit.He reached out and pawed at the edge
of the coffee table until he finally felt the phone. His fingers found the mute
button and he clicked it. Peace. He tried to roll over. Heavy.
Claws dug into his
chest as the weight lifted, then disappeared. “Go back to sleep.” He rolled
over until his face and body were pressed against the back of the couch. Ouch.
His dick hurt. Sleep. Ouch.
Well, damn. Slowly
he rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He glanced to the side.
Clancy and Yerby gazed at him like they could command him with will force alone
to open the tuna. “Hang in there, guys.”
Oh man. Not hung
over. He’d had half a beer. But here he lay fully clothed on his couch, aching
in his bones and feeling like someone had kicked him in the nuts. That would be
him. He’d done it to himself.
He swung his legs
over the side, sat up on the edge of the couch, and dropped his head. Four eyes
stared up at him. “Go open it yourself.”
Three times. He’d
wanked himself into oblivion three times while rewinding that frigging porno.
Was there one line he didn’t engrave in his brain? Every “unh, unh, unh. Fuck
me harder” was emblazoned in his memory. Jesus, Ballew. Yeah, Jesus was the
operative word. But if he was going to hell for jerking off, he’d be taking
every male in the world with him.
Of course, he didn’t
just masturbate; he wanked to gay porn. What the hell is that about? Truth?
He’d been kicked in the teeth so many times by so many women, the idea of
fucking a nice uncomplicated man kind of did it for him. Well, not seriously,
but the theory was attractive. And no, he would not be sharing this revelation
with the guys on the job site.
The bang on his door
about sent him into outer space. Who the hell? Nobody came here. He didn’t
share his address much. No poker with the boys or make-out sessions with the
girls. His place. His. Who was it?
The knocking came
He jumped up.
“Yeah?” The cats looked up at his loud voice.
“Billy, it’s Jim.”
The voice came through the door.
Jim. Billy looked
around, grabbed the laptop, closed it tight, and slid it onto the end table.
Lube. Shit. He shoved the open tube into the drawer, then staggered over to the
front door. How much did he smell like sex? Damn, his sweats were halfway to
his knees. He dragged them back up, then opened the door.
“Hi. Sorry,
overslept.” He ran a hand through his hair.
Jim Carney was a
little older than him and a good guy, if a bit of a hound dog. He grinned.
“Sorry. My truck broke down. I was kind of close to here and remembered your
address. Thought I’d see if I could get a ride.”
“Uh, sure.” He
glanced over his shoulder. It felt strange having somebody here. “Come on in. I
need to feed my cats and take a quick shower, if you want to wait.”
“Sure. Too far to
walk and all uphill.” He stepped in. “You have cats?”
Billy looked at Jim.
The guy had a tough face with a broken nose that some women liked. “Yeah, I got
two. You like cats?”
“No. Just think it’s
kind of funny that you do.” He smacked Billy’s shoulder. “You crazy cat lady,
Well, hell. “Make
yourself at home.” Kind of. He walked into the kitchen, the boys behind him,
and scooped out some cat food into both dishes. “Here ya go, guys.” He raised
his voice. “Don’t let feline haters make you feel bad.”
Jim laughed from the
living room. “This is quite a place you have. Jesus, man, what are you, some
closet decorator?”
Billy frowned and
walked into the living room. “No, I just like having a nice place of my own.”
“But you’re so
damned neat.” He was holding a glass globe Billy had found in a yard sale.
“So?” He took the
globe and put it back on the shelf.
“Nothing. No wonder
women like you so much.”
“I’m taking a quick
shower.” He started for the bedroom, stopped and grabbed the laptop, then went
into his room—small with a big bed.
He glanced at his
watch, still ticking on his wrist. Double shit. If he didn’t hurry, they’d both
be late for work. Saturday shifts were good for making extra cash, but not if
he didn’t get there.
He stepped under the
water. Too cold. Shaved so fast he nicked himself and finally got some clothes
on and hurried back into the living room. Jim sat on the couch holding a book,
the two cats staring at him from across the room. He stared back. Billy laughed.
“Have they got you cornered?”
“Shit, man, those
two are scary. What are they, ninja attack cats?”
Billy sat and pulled
on his work boots. He nodded at the book. “What you got?”
Jim held out the
book. “This is heavy shit, my man.” The copy of Jane Eyre kind of weighed down
his hand.
Billy tried to keep
his brows from scrunching together. “I just like to read. I didn’t get to go to
school too long, so I read, okay?” He didn’t say he read because it was like a
fucking gift to finally be able to do it.
Jim set down the
book and stood up. “You really are different, you know?”
“Thanks a shitload.”
“I don’t mean it
bad. You’re just—not like most of the guys.”


Man, was he tired of
hearing that.


About the Author

Tara Lain writes the Beautiful Boys of Romance in LGBT erotic romance novels that star her unique, charismatic heroes. Her first novel was published in January of 2011 and she’s now somewhere around book 23. Her best­selling novels have garnered awards for Best Series, Best Contemporary Romance, Best Ménage, Best LGBT Romance, Best Gay Characters, and Tara has been named Best Writer of the Year in the LRC Awards. In her other job, Tara owns an advertising and public relations firm. She often does workshops on both author promotion and writing craft.
She lives with her soul­mate husband and her soul­mate dog in Laguna Beach, California, a pretty seaside town where she sets a lot of her books. Passionate about diversity, justice, and new experiences, Tara says on her tombstone it will say “Yes”!
You can find Tara at

$25 Gift Card – Open International

Presented By

@sparklebooktour #BookTour: “My Favorite Second Chance” by @ItsNotMyFavorit #Romance #LGBT

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Presented by:
Sparkle Book Tours
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My Favorite Second Chance
  The Lake Effect Series # 2
by Author Rue
Audience: NA and Adult – Genre: Romance/Contemporary; LGBT – Formats: E-book and Paperback – Publisher: Sittin’ On A Goldmine Productions – Cover by:  Regina Wamba, Mae I DesignEditor:  Jazmine Hale- Pages: 328 – ISBN-13: 978-0-9860627-3-5 (Paperback) – ISBN-13: 978-0-9860627-2-8 (eBook) – Date Published: 10 March 2015
Have you ever wished for a second chance?
The Hutchinson sisters are out of the frying pan and into the fire—just like their mother always threatened!
Gwenn is floating in the dreamy, fragile glow of her new relationship with wealthy artist, Daniel Gregory, when a blast from her past makes a triumphant return. Sure he ran out on her over a decade ago, but can she turn her back on a war hero?
Rachel is on the brink of having everything she ever dreamed of, but that’s not how things work out for Hutchinson girls. Her rock-star girlfriend is leaving for a lengthy tour and something is afoot at the bakery. The righteous hand of her mother, Shirley, can orchestrate tribulations from halfway across town.
The sisters think they can run away from their troubles on a quick trip to the heart of Mexico, when an unexpected phone call shatters that illusion.
Filled with intriguing characters, plenty of steamy romance and lovely plots twists, MY FAVORITE SECOND CHANCE will have you flushed with anticipation, blinking back tears, laughing out loud and cheering for your favorite characters.
book links
buy now amazon
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He woke with a start.
A flaccid sliver of grey light had infiltrated the dank blackness. The comforting numbness in his right shoulder convinced him that he had survived the night. He listened carefully and played his second favorite game—how long until they got to his cell and tossed in what he had come to call “breakfast.”
A key twisted in the lock. The door screeched open, the light blinded his nocturnal eyes and a metal tray scraped across the filthy concrete floor.
His hand searched toward the sound. Treasure found, his fingers encircled the spoon handle.
Slowly, painfully he crawled to the corner and scratched a hatch mark on the wall as he recited his “sanity” mantra.
“I am Sergeant Steven Hays. Today is day 2,189 of my captivity. I am engaged to Gwenn Hutchinson and I will return to her. God. Country. Corps.”
            Steven slid the bowl over and forced himself to consume the foul slop it contained. He was emaciated and his mouth burned from canker sores. One thought kept him alive—his last, sweet, searing memory of her. Gwenn was his guardian angel and he intended to live long enough to tell her.
chracter bio

about the author

Rue graduated from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, with a degree in Journalism. Her intimate knowledge of the Midwestern United States, the inordinate amount of time she spent in its churches’ pews and her unique parentage make her an expert on life after religion. Having moved 17 times by the time she graduated from high school Rue has seen more than her share of the Great Plains. She never stayed in one place long enough to make lasting human friends. Her best friends were all characters from her beloved books; and the love of reading led to a lifelong passion for writing.
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follow the tour

March 30
Pretty Little Pages
Portals to New Worlds
March 31
Deal Sharing Aunt
April 1
Archaeolibrarian – I dig good books!
April 2
Moonbeams over Atlanta
April 3
Angels with Attitude Book Reviews
April 6
The Avid Reader
April 7
The Idle Musings of a Writer’s Mind
April 8
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom
April 9
Indy Book Fairy
TTC Books and more
April 10
Eclipse Reviews
April 13
Books Books Books
April 14
Hooked on Books
April 15
G & Co. Book Blog
April 16
The Phantom Paragrapher

@IndieSagePromo Blog Tour: “Breakfall” by @KatePavelle #LGBT #Contest #Review

BREAKFALL Final Banner


by Kate Pavelle

The Fall #1

Publication Date: June 27, 2014

Genres:Contemporary, Erotica, LGBT, Romance

Buy Links: AmazonB&NKOBO | Dreamspinner Press

Add to Goodreads.
Synopsis: Fall Trilogy: Book OneSexual assault doesn’t discriminate. Aikido instructor Sean Gallaway learns that when he falls prey to a violent stalker. Asbjorn Lund, a karate sensei on campus and a Navy vet, yearns to teach Sean how to survive. How to overcome. How to recover. Sean feels hunted and alone as the stalker escalates, testing his boundaries. With the entire dojo at his back, Sean resolves to play bait. He will catch the predator stalking him and reclaim his sense of self if it’s the last thing he does. Yet Sean’s hunger for justice clashes with Asbjorn’s protective streak, and their budding romance might not survive their war of wills.Excerpt:

THE QUALITY of silence around him awakened him. Sean strained his ears in vain for familiar sounds. The car traffic of Cambridge was replaced by the gray, early morning stillness of nearby woods. There was no sound of a clock ticking, no popping of ancient radiators, no footsteps of fellow students overhead. The silence was like a blanket of cool, morning fog, comforting and private.

He turned toward the source of breathing to his right. This was Sean’s first-ever opportunity to observe Asbjorn at leisure. His eyes, deep like the ocean blue, were closed, their pale eyelashes stretching down in a graceful arc. It amused Sean to find faded, sun-kissed freckles on Asbjorn’s nose and cheekbones—a testament to his heritage as well as to his lifestyle. The scar splitting his right eyebrow was still angry and red, a reminder of his bout with Don, a fight without a victor. Sean let his gaze travel down the chiseled planes of Asbjorn’s exquisite, sharp cheekbones, his lovely and defined jaw blurred by morning stubble, his stubborn chin. Above his chin, his lips: lush and generous and tinged pink with promise.

Sean leaned forward, sharing his breath with Asbjorn, feeling the stirrings of air on his nose. He brushed his lips against the stubbly jaw with a soft caress.

Asbjorn opened his pale lids. “What time is it, Sean?”

“I dunno. Early.” Sean reached for his cell phone, only to realize it was still in police custody.

“What day is it?” The pressure-cooker of recent events had left him disoriented.

“Uh, Thursday. Thanksgiving.” Asbjorn’s voice was still clogged with sleep.

“Shit.” Sean hit his head back against the pillow. The lab. He never handed in his stupid physics lab report.

Asbjorn reached for him with his large hands. “Shh. Don’t worry about anything right now.” Asbjorn’s voice soothed him. The strength of Asbjorn’s arms filled him with strange awareness as he was pulled in closer. The warmth was comforting, and he did not resist. He felt a cool nose nuzzle his neck.



“You’re not helping.”

“Not helping what?”

Sean blushed. “My morning situation.”

Sharp teeth worried the tan skin of his shoulder. Soon, a warm, wet tongue laved the nibbled skin smooth again. He felt sensuous lips taste of his arm and neck, and Sean felt himself arch. His morning wood was now a fearsome force of nature.

He felt Asbjorn press into his lower back, feeling his heat and the smooth hardness trapped between their bodies.

“Good to know I’m not alone in my predicament.”

Copywrite ® Kate Pavelle

So, I was asked to join this tour as a host and one of the genres I review is M/M Romance.  Intrigued with the blurb, I signed up to review the book as well.  Thank you to the author for providing the book.  Don’t forget the Rafflecopter giveaway at the end of this post. 🙂

4 Stars


I knew it was a long book when I got it and I expected it would take some time to read it.

Boy was I wrong.  I read it in two days.  I almost read it in one but I had to sleep. 🙂

It made me think.  It made me cry.  It made me smile at the interactions of Sean and Asbjorn’s and how they dealt with each other and their group of friends and family.  The martial arts involved were explained well, and for a novice (as in, never did any martial arts in a formal setting at all), this was great.  Of course, there were descriptions that I didn’t quite follow, but they certainly got me thinking.  There were a lot of action scenes, but  not a lot of sex scenes.  There were more inferences of sex than actual interactions, but overall, it didn’t detract from the story either.  I could have used more sex scenes. Always. 😉 But, I enjoy the ones that don’t have a lot of sex as well.  I enjoy plots more than sex, although the sex is nice too. I enjoyed it so much that I will be following Kate like a good author fan and only stalk her on social media, somewhat, while I wait for the next book in the trilogy. 🙂  While it didn’t end with a cliffhanger, per se, it definitely ended with the next story in mind.  It surprised me how much I enjoyed learning about martial arts and those that practice it; so much so, that I give it 4 out of 5 stars.  I look forward to the next one and reading other books from the author.

About the Author
Kate Pavelle

Just about everything Kate Pavelle writes is colored by her life experiences, whether the book in your hand is romance, mystery, or adventure. Kate grew up under a totalitarian regime behind the Iron Curtain. In her life, she has been a hungry refugee and a hopeful immigrant, a crime victim and a force of lawful vengeance, a humble employee and a business owner, an unemployed free-lancer and a corporate executive, a scientist and an artist, a storyteller volunteering for her local storytelling guild, a martial artist, and a triathlete. Kate’s frequent travels imbue her stories with local color from places both exotic and mundane.

Kate Pavelle is encouraged in her writing by her husband, children and pets, and tries not to kill her extensive garden in her free time. Out of the five and a half languages she speaks, English is her favorite comfort zone.


Masquerade Tours: Blog Tour and Review “Gaybash” by David Jay Collins #GYBTour Contest!

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Link to Tour Schedule: 
Welcome to Masquerade Tours Gaybash Blog Tour!
Keep reading: Giveaway at the end!
Gaybash 3D
Title: Gaybash
Author: David Jay Collins
Publication Date: May 28, 2014
Genre: LGBT Fiction

Matt Tompkins, a reserved gay man, has always played by the rules and has created a comfortable but unfulfilling life for himself. When his bold best friend Greg reaps unexpected rewards for standing up for himself in a very public display, Matt’s jealousy leads him to risk everything when he’s confronted by two attackers. Determined to be more like Greg, a split-second reaction brings astonishing changes to Matt’s life–for better and for worse.

Set in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood, Gaybash explores the boundaries of love and friendship and the unintended consequences of wanting to be somebody else.

I’m a big fan of M/M, especially M/M Romance.  This is not a romance, although there are a few hopeful elements of love scattered throughout the story. Only a few, but they kept me going.  Despite it not being a romance, I did enjoy it.
It was  hard to get into in the beginning.  Some of the descriptions seemed two dimensional.  But as I read through it, I cried with sorrow at times, and was amused at a few places when humor happened.  There was a lot of pain to be had, so be warned if you are the faint of heart.  I did skim through some of the build-up for Matt’s character.  Then I slowed down and re-read parts so I didn’t miss anything.  It’s intense, but you need read through it.  Don’t skip it because it seems like it doesn’t need to be there.  There might be some things that could have been a little less wordy but overall, all the story needed to be described as it was done.
While it’s a fictional story, it does provide a realistic approach to a young, gay man’s life as he works through his own character and personality issues along with being gay.  Ultimately, it’s so that he can be happy with himself in his own skin. It’s not your average LGBT fiction. While it’s not a Happy Ever After story, it does have somewhat of a Happy For Now.  And that makes me happy.  I’m glad I got to read it.  It was a little bit out of my comfort zone but an enjoyable read.
With this, I give Gaybash a 4 out of 5 stars.
Buy Links

Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  iTunes

authorAuthor Bio

David Collins lives and works in Chicago. Gaybash is his first novel.

Social Media Links
Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  YouTube
Giveaway: There is a giveaway for this tour. A $15 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or a Book Depository shopping spree of the same value.




HAHAT Giveaway Winner! Take Two…

Thank you to all who participated in the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia!

Because the last posted winner did not respond, I have picked a new winner.

I have replied to the lucky commentator and sent an email.

Just to make sure, I’m posting it here too.

The Winner Is…

Continue reading

HAHAT Giveaway Winner!

Thank you to all who participated in the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia!

Sorry this took so long to post.  It has been crazy with family and job hunting. 🙂

I have replied to the lucky commentator.

Just to make sure, I’m posting it here too.

The Winner Is…

Continue reading

Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia Blog Hop (May 17 – 24, 2014)

Welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta as we kick off the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia Blog Hop.

My name is Eloreen Moon and this is my message of HAHAT awareness for you.

HAHAT 2014

Today is

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

May 17, 2014

Why did I decide to host the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia (HAHAT)?

Well, that’s easy.  Because it’s the right thing to do.

But then it gets tricky.  What can I say or do as an individual who is not gay/lesbian (I’m bi) and never had any wish to be other than the gender I was born with?

Not everyone is built the same or loves traditionally.

And sometimes, all you want to do is fulfill what you know/understand/accept to be what you need to be, regardless of who you love and what sex your body should be.  There are those that are born with both genders and society wants them to pick.  But, what if you can’t, or don’t, want to pick?  Or you need time to make that decision like so many transitioning people who feel they are in the wrong body?

Below is a video someone showed me on Facebook not to long ago.  It inspired me to create this post.
It is almost 19 minutes long but I think it is well worth finishing it.  He has probably one of the best description/definition for sexual identity and orientation that I’ve heard.  They are not the same and it really opens your eyes to understand those that have a different sexual identity and/or sexual orientation.

Then look at the comments and see that even here there is hate. That needs to change.
It opened my eyes to the reality of transgenders and I hope you learned something too.

So, I offer my blog to dedicate to, and provide, change by participating in the HAHAT blog hop for awareness:  One blog post at a time.
Because you never know when one person reaching out would make a difference.


I am giving away a $5 Gift Certificate to an e-Retailer of the winner’s choice to buy that must-have LGBT title on your “to be read” list.  🙂

To enter, comment on this post your story of Homophobia and/or Transphobia.   Inspire us with your courage, perseverance, and understanding.  It doesn’t have to be about you personally.  If it does not have a happy ending, consider this a hug of love and that things will get better because awareness is spreading.  It only takes one person to change the world: Even if that world is your local neighborhood, or a blog post on the internet. 🙂

Contest will end at 11:59 pm EDT 5/27/2014 and a randomly chosen commentator (random.org) will win within the next day.
I will be contacting the winner via email and posting the name as well.

Here is the link to the main hop page.

Hear yee…Here yee…New Review Blog Facebook Event…Come one, come all!

I am a co-host for a new blog that will be reviewing MM and LGBT Stories.  I am one of the reviewers.  Please come to our debut extravaganza as we open the Facebook fan page Newton’s Law with author interviews, contests, giveaways, and games! Everything is starting March 17, 2014 through April 30, 2014.  The new blog will open on March 31, 2014 with all day events as well.

Rainbow Gold Reviews (M/M – LGBT) DEBUT EXTRAVAGANZA Event:


Eloreen Moon

Kickstarter for a Bi Anthology



Go help out.  It’s reached it’s goal but it needs to reach it’s stretch goal so the authors are paid more.