Dark Hunter (Zeta Cartel #4) by @AuthorAJAdams @WTMOreads #DarkRomance #KindleUnlimited



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‌Dark Hunter ( Zeta Cartel #4)
By AJ Adams
Genre: Dark Romance
Standalone read, approx 100,000 words



Rip Marston is a merciless killing machine. After a decade of hunting his
prey, Rip joins the Zetas. The job offers protection as he practices his dark arts, but the Cartel are wary of the monster in their midst.
Finding a badly beaten unconscious girl, Rip sees an opportunity. Posing as
her saviour will please the cartel – and provide him with his very own helpless captive.


Isabella Maria Franco is beautiful, wilful and used to making hard choices.
Having grown up in the comfortable but lethal embrace of the Gulf cartel, she rejected a life of violence. But when a dark presence from her past returns, her world falls apart.
Betrayed and beaten, she escapes, only to find herself in a living nightmare.
Surrounded by her enemies, one man stands between her and death. Terrified by her sadistic captor, she has little choice but to submit.
But embracing his darkness leads to consequences neither anticipated.


WARNING: This bad boy dark romance contains explicit scenes of dubious consent,
graphic violence, sex and probably every trigger you can think of.


Dark Hunter by AJ Adams teaser 11 all orange text.jpg
Have you read all the Zeta Cartel novels?
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About The Author
Author AJ Adams.jpg
AJ Adams is a Scottish-Dutch author currently living in Malaysia. In her regular
life she is a columnist and feature writer. She works from home, where she is closely snoopervised by cats, Target, Guido and Swooner.
Want to Stalk AJ Adams?


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Goodbye #GRL2017 Hello #GRL2018 #musings #amwriting #inspiration #tribe

A few days later than I wanted. Ok…Fine.  It has been  a week since my last update. Almost sounds like a confessional, doesn’t it?

I confess I had a great time at GRL 2017. *smile*

It was a whirlwind from the get go for this VirGRLin (as they label their newbies).

Friday, Day 2, started bright an early with breakfast around 8 ish and the Storyteller Series: “Liar, Liar Bad Boys on Fire: Trivia and Prizes” with Alexa Land, Charlie Cochet (THIRDS!), and Victoria Sue. It was a lot of fun. I got 16 tickets out of a possible 20! Almost won one of the three big prizes.

Here are the tickets and the black panther from Charlie’s stash that I did win.


I then went to a lot of author lounges. A LOT of authors. I met so many, I’m afraid I can’t name them all without help from the handy Guidebook app the retreat had. But that is boring and who wants to see a bunch a names. Needless to say, I did get some pictures with my favorite authors that I asked to have, but like the Cocky Boys the night before, I’m not going to post here.


There is this one gem that I’m going to have to find a full set from Chris Owens table. She was handing out random cards from this Tarot deck and I got one that has a space one. I thought I had a picture, but apparently I didn’t take a picture of it. Here is the box for the deck though. Will have to purchase that when I get a chance. I think it’s fabulous.


4 pm rolls around and I go another Storyteller Series: Rural Romance — Horse, Cattle, and Haylofts… OH MY!!!!! with Andrew Grey, Sylvia Violet, and Deanna Wadsworth. That was excellent fun and I love listening to their stories and there was a little game of Mad Libs, Dirty Author style. :0

I then meet with Dani, M, and S at 5 for dinner before the Rhys Ford-Jordan L. Hawk Reader meet up at 6 pm. 6:30 pm rolls around and we are finally leaving after paying the check. I did get pictures with Rhys and Jordan and thanked Jordan for the dinner the night before.

Then there was the entertainment portion of the evening with “For the love of Games 2017 Sponsored by the Ecstasy Books.” I had a lot of fun with BINGO but I was done by the time they went to the other games. I went back to the room, chilled for a bit, read some, and fell asleep. No writing but that’s ok.

Saturday, Day 3,  started fairly early but not as early as other days. This time, the last big hurrah for the Featured Authors in the massive open-to-the-public signed happened late morning.  J. Scott Coatsworth put a call out to attending non-authors, or authors not attending as authors, to see if they could help with the QSF/Queeromance Ink table during the featured signing on FB. I said I could but I needed to get the last of my pre-orders and meet a couple more authors before I could. Probably 30 min to an hour. Almost an hour later, I had finished my rounds and I sat down until the signing event finished at 12:30 pm MDT. Then it was off to the QSF Group luncheon at the Pint Brothers restaurant/bar in the hotel.

I had a great time meeting people and chatting with several of like-minded sci fi writers/readers around me. I finished with that and hung out somewhere that I can’t remember… I might have taken another nap. I’m not sure. It kind of started to blur together. I knew I should have written stuff down….

S had lost her car key the night before and hadn’t found it so we took a Lyft to the Hamburger Mary’s dinner Brandon Witt had setup prior to the retreat. That was fun and a few of my photos of that below.


I did have some of the crowd but I tend to err on the side of caution when posting pictures of people, even group shots, unless I know they are ok with it. We got a Lyft back to the hotel in time to get ready for the Wild Wild West themed costume party.

There were a lot of great costumes. Joel Leslie’s took the cake as a sexy Woody, and won the best costume prize. I understand he was the Tin Man last year. There were issues with someone who was accosted and almost had something worse happened but it was prevented by a really nice gentleman. I’m not going to say anything about that situation other than something went down as it’s not my business, other than being glad it was stopped before harm happened. It’s in the hands of the police now and they will take care of it.

Again, I stayed up way later than expected but I had a great time and actually danced three songs. I was tuckered out afterwards but it was great fun watching the people and the interesting interpretations of “cowboys” and the “west” people did. There were even horses and cows… even a Cactus…

Sunday, Day 4 and the last official day, started with S finding her car keys tucked into a seldom-used pocket in the strap of her backpack. Yay! It’s also the last hurrah with the GRL Farewell Brunch. Boo!!

Lots of people left today (some even the day before) but M, S, and I stayed until Monday. We had a great lunch with people at Pint Brother’s and then chilled out in the room. I believe I either read or napped until it was time to go to the Melting Pot with Lisa Henry, M, S, and I. We had a great time. Yes, that really is my fortune from a fortune cookie. M kindly held it so I could take a picture. I never had one at the Melting Pot before. I’ve only been to the Atlanta area ones. It says, “You’ll get candy corn stuck in your teeth.” Which is probably going to come true because it is one of my favorite Halloween candies. 😀 The dark and light pot is Yin Yang chocolate with dark and white chocolate. It was yummy. The other pot was  the cheese but apparently I didn’t get a good picture… The last picture is the front of the restaurant. I was a public library at some point.

We went back to the hotel that evening and all of us did our final packing. I got a spare suitcase earlier, from an author who didn’t need it anymore, to have enough room to pack my books and clothing. I did manage to get everything I could take and have both suitcases under 50 lbs each. Did have to pay the 2nd bag fee for Delta, but it was a little cheaper than shipping. I’ll probably take a picture of the horde of books I got once I finish unpacking. (Yes, as of this post, I hadn’t unpacked yet…)

Monday, S met with her daughter that was leaving the country for 4 months so left really early in the morning (like 5 am early). M and I caught a ride from the hotel with Kim Felding. Kim went on Southwest, I went to Delta, and M got dropped off at his airline that I have no idea how to pronounce, let alone spell. Starts with an L and if you are familiar with European airlines, you are doing better than I. M and I got through security and met up for just enough time to have a meal together before my flight was to leave. We took a last picture and I headed home.

The flight was uneventful but I did spend most of the time writing on my story that I had been earlier in the trip. That was great to do. I got home after dinner with my family around 10 PM EDT got the couple of gifts out that I had purchased (and the Divinity that I brought home). I had to go back to work the next day, and it’s been fairly busy ever since. Also, why it took me so long to type up a post on my travels.

We were told one night (I don’t remember which night, Thursday at the opening receptions probably) that next year’s GRL will be in Portsmouth, VA. At least one person in RGR lives not too far away and she is planning on going. Maybe we’ll get a few more of us to go. I figured out Monday night when I got home that the family doesn’t have plans so I’m going to drive there this time. It’s only 9 hours away, so doable. More books for me…

So, maybe I will see you there? If so, come find me. I’ll have a Hug Me button on from this year. Now, off to way too much stuff to do. Who knows, maybe I’ll go as a Supporting Author. Here’s to reaching for your dreams.

For more information on the retreat, visit here: https://www.gayromlit.com/. Right now, it has the 2017 information. Eventually, they’ll change it to the 2018 info once they have everything ready.


Day 5 pre-GRL and Day 1 GRL Migraines QSF On Writing #GRLRetreat2017

Day 5 pre-GRL was Wednesday, Octobert 18th, 2017. M, S, and I transferred to the Denver Marriott Tech Center for the official pre-GRL meetup before GRL starts on Thursday. It was so busy and packed with things to do starting at 3:30 pm MDT that I fell over around 1 am. I then turned around and got up at 7:30 am the next morning to get breakfast and start the day with Author lounges.

Day 1 of GRL was great and full of energy. Almost too much energy. I bought 3 more paperback books, and several freebie books later, the Bru Baker CAMP Howl bag was starting to hurt my shoulder. And I haven’t gotten my pre-orders yet. 😀 

Right before lunch, I started talking with someone manning the GRL registration, Michael Henry, who liked Sci Fi. I gave him my last extra copies–signed of course-of Discovery and Flight I brought with me (the QSF Flash Fiction contest anthologies from 2 years ago and last year–this year’s anthology, Renewal, is on order to my home). He stopped me later to tell me how much he liked Flight, my story in Flight. I appreciate that a lot. I’m glad someone does and helps me keep going as a writer.

Unfortunately, about 1:30 pm MDT, I got a bad headache. Woke up with one but it went away for a while. Took medicine, an EMERGEN-C packet, and ate some lunch. I got overwhelmed, too much input, and a migraine was threatening to start. I decided to rest in the room. Two and a half hour nap later I emerged pain free and ready to go to the Patreon dinner with Jordan L. Hawk. Didn’t realize that she paid for it until it was the end and about to go to the opening reception right after. So, thank you Jordan. I really enjoyed the company and the food. 

I realized this evening while waiting for the final event to start that I hadn’t posted yesterday and today’s update. So, after some encouragement from M and new friend Dani, I went up to get a photo with the Cocky Boys. I’m not that brave to post it here (I tend to not post my photo usually). I’m winding down because it’s almost 12:30 AM Mountain time (so, 2 hours later Eastern). I’m going to see about posting tomorrow (later today). Somehow, I’ll write some more on The Druid’s Bond before I go home. I did get to recommend my Coil Me Up story to someone on Facebook who wanted to read something with snake shifters. 😉


Day 4 pre-GRL Denver Botanic Gardens, Eggs Benedict, and More Divinity #GRLRetreat2017

Day 4 of pre-GRL. We had an outing to the Denver Botanic Gardens, Eggs Benedict for lunch, and I finished the Divinity. But first, another picture from the house. It’s a rose. One of my favorite flowers.


We went to the Denver Botanic Gardens as well. I took over 200 pictures with my point-and-shoot camera, so I’m having to uploaded them to Google Photos. There are a couple where S and M are in them. Mostly the gardens. Link below. The picture below is the English and Spanish maps and two cards S bought me from the gift shop. The Spanish map was given to me first. I was amused.

GRL 2017 Denver Botanic Gardens


We had Eggs Benedict this afternoon with home made holandaise sauce. Well, I had it with Canadian bacon while M and S had it with Avocado and spinach.


The final batches of Divinity. The two flat-looking ones are cherry Divinity. Not quite how they are supposed to look. I stirred them too fast with the mixer when I added the cherries. Still tastes good. Come to the impromptu foods from around the country/world sampling at 6 pm outside the Ballroom B/C at the Denver Tech Center tomorrow evening if you are there. If not, I’ll post more pictures. 🙂


Between the making of the white divinity and the cherry divinity, I took a nap. Yes, another nap. 🙂 And now, to send some photos to Piper Kay since she couldn’t make it to GRL.

Dark Hunter (Zeta Cartel 4) by AJ Adams #PreOrderRelease #Spotlight #DarkRomance

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♥«´¨`•°..DARK HUNTER..°•´¨`»♥

.¸.•*.¸.•*.¸.•* (¸.•*´♥`*•.¸) `*•. `*•. `*•.


 (¸.•´Pre Order Your Copy Today

Dark Hunter (Zeta Cartel #4) 

By AJ Adams  
Standalone read, approx 100,000 words
Pre-order special: $2.99
Regular price: $3.99
Rip Marston is a merciless killing machine. After a decade of hunting his prey, Rip joins the Zetas. The job offers protection as he practices his dark arts, but the Cartel are wary of the monster in their midst.
Finding a badly beaten unconscious girl, Rip sees an opportunity. Posing as her saviour will please the cartel – and provide him with his very own helpless captive.


Isabella Maria Franco is beautiful, wilful and used to making hard choices. Having grown up in the comfortable but lethal embrace of the Gulf cartel, she rejected a life of violence. But when a dark presence from her past returns, her world falls apart.
Betrayed and beaten, she escapes, only to find herself in a living nightmare. Surrounded by her enemies, one man stands between her and death. Terrified by her sadistic captor, she has little choice but to submit.
But embracing his darkness leads to consequences neither anticipated.


WARNING: This bad boy dark romance contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence, sex and probably every trigger you can think of.
Have you read all the Zeta Cartel novels?
If you have KU, you can read all of AJ Adams cartel novels free!
Not on KU? Click to find at your favourite bookshop
About The Author
AJ Adams is a Scottish-Dutch author currently living in Malaysia. In her regular life she is a columnist and feature writer. She works from home, where she is closely snoopervised by cats, Target, Guido and Swooner.
Want to Stalk AJ Adams?

Day 3 Pre-GRL a meetup and Divinity #GRLRetreat2017

Since I promised to post something today, and more pictures of the house, here we go. The update for the day is after the house pictures.

House pictures:

Dining room

Kitchen, excuse the mess. 🙂

Hallway to the bedrooms and bathroom off the dining room

Living room

Wall behind the living room. You can see the dining room from here. Front door is to the left of the picture

Back porch and yard

Day 3 started with a 6:20 am (yes, morning) local time phone call from a number I didn’t recognize. I let it go to voicemail. I went back to sleep 20 min later after the adrenaline left (did I mention I startle easily?). 

Woke up 3 hours later with another phone call and that was all she wrote. Breakfast with pancakes and eggs. I edited The Druid’s Bond a little and made my first batch of Divinity. Surprisingly easy. Love the 10% humidity. 

The Divinity. No nuts because I don’t like them in foods. I will be doing more batches tomorrow.

Then S, M and I went downtown near Union Station to meet up with JP Kenwood for happy hour drinks. 

We got back about an hour ago and I’ve worked on editing The Druid’s Bond a little more. Tired though so probably going to shut down after this post and go to bed.

Plan tomorrow: Botanical Gardens, more Divinity making and writing, and a meetup with another of M’s friends coming in the evening for a late dinner here at the house.

Then packing for the Tech Center. One more day.


Day 2 Denver pre-GRL #GRLRetreat2017

Day 1 was traveling and getting to the house Marc (M), MTSnow (S), and I rented before GRL. We all converged to Denver in one piece, hung out last night after dinner in a mall food court, and crashed.
Picture of the standing horse at the Denver airport. We had to circle a lot while we waited for M to arrive from customs. Not the best picture. I’ll see if I can get a closer one with my picture software. And crop it a bit.

Day 2 was leisurely awakening this morning, a Costco and grocery run for the week, and returning back to the house for lunch. Just finished lunch and now I’m ready to nap. I’m on vacation. I can nap if I want to!

Picture below is a bush full of finches, it looks like. They are so cute. Their was this morning on the way to Costco.

The house is beautiful and plenty of room. The owner lives in the basement and rents out the upstairs via Airbnb. He got me a candy thermometer for the making of Divinity, a little Goergia I’m bringing to the retreat. I’ll probably do that this evening or tomorrow. I’m going to bring some just for K-lee to distract/cheer up from the pain she’s been having. Don’t worry, I’ll have plenty for people to try if you are attending.

Bedroom I’m sleeping in awhile at the house. That’s my purse/belt on the end of the bed. More pictures of the house later.

We’re going to do a planning session and see about what we want to accomplish before going to the retreat hotel on Wednesday. Perhaps I’ll read or maybe write. I’m feeling a little inspired–something about not working helps–so I might pull out my laptop or iPad. I definitely would like to catch up on reviewing.

I’m planning on wearing my new Rainbow Gold Reviews (RGR) t-shirt or hoodie Wednesday that S brought us. I’ll try to post pictures once I get them. I brought my camera, but I have my phone camera too. There is something to say for ease of posting to social media with the phone camera.

I going to take my nap now. More later. 🙂


One day away and I will be in Denver #GRLRetreat2017

GRL Retreat and Denver here I come!

It’s been awhile since I posted. Sorry about that. Work has been insane the last several months. I haven’t had much time to read much less write. It was only last week that I tuned into Facebook in preparation for this trip.

Trip you said? What’s this GRL thing?


That’s where I’m going. My first time, and first Romance retreat/conference of the book kind. I go to DragonCon every year for the last 6 years, and occasionally do day passes to others around Atlanta. But this is my first book convergence and the ability to meet the authors, bloggers, and yes, even the Rainbow Gold Reviews crew that I’ve worked with for the last 3 years in the LGBTQ book genre. I’ve been reading primarily MM for 6 years, writing sporadically for 5 years, and blogged about it for 4ish years–WordPress tells me when I have an anniversary but I can’t think of when I started this mess unless I look it up. I’ll figure that out later. 😉

I didn’t know about GRL until it was here in Atlanta several years ago RIGHT BEFORE it was to happen. Could take the time to attend then. Sigh.

By the Gods I’m going now. 🙂

I’m meeting up with two of my co-conspirators on RGR, MTSnow and Marc Fleischhauer, and we’re renting a house from tomorrow until the 18th where we transfer to the host hotel the Retreat is at in the Denver Tech Center.

This is also the first time I will be anywhere as Eloreen Moon. 🙂 That’s kind of scary and exciting on it’s own.

As you know Eloreen is my pen name because I work in a conservative industry: legal technology. I keep this part of my life separate from Real Life (TM) because it’s easier that way. Will I come out to work? Probably not. I don’t even talk about my polyamorous family life except in bare-minimum words. If asked directly, and I feel safe, I will probably explain but I definitely don’t volunteer.

I’m an introvert with aspirations of writing full time (not there yet; maybe in the next five years, and definitely when I retire). Now, if I can only get the part time writing going, I’ll be golden. *smile*

I’m hoping this retreat will allow me to work on some of the WIPs I’ve had going for a really long time and just need some scenes fleshed out and editing done. The publishing world for LGBTQ genre writing has been churning with publisher and retailers dropping like flies in recent years and a lot of authors going self publishing. I’m hoping to get my act together and prepare to launch myself this coming year. We’ll see. First, I need to finish some stuff. That’s one of the goals this vacation.

The others are to meet authors and have a great time. I look forward to meeting those that will be there. Come hug me and say hello  if you are there. I’d love to meet people who read my blog. 🙂 Just make sure you let me know before the hug part. Stealth hugging may get you decked if I’m startled.


The Stark Divide by J. Scott Coatsworth #ReleaseDay #SciFi #LGBT #Spotlight



J. Scott Coatsworth has a new queer sci fi book out:

Some stories are epic.

The Earth is in a state of collapse, with wars breaking out over resources and an environment pushed to the edge by human greed.

Three living generation ships have been built with a combination of genetic mastery, artificial intelligence, technology, and raw materials harvested from the asteroid belt. This is the story of one of them—43 Ariadne, or Forever, as her inhabitants call her—a living world that carries the remaining hopes of humanity, and the three generations of scientists, engineers, and explorers working to colonize her.

From her humble beginnings as a seedling saved from disaster to the start of her journey across the void of space toward a new home for the human race, The Stark Divide tells the tales of the world, the people who made her, and the few who will become something altogether beyond human.

Humankind has just taken its first step toward the stars.

Book One of Liminal Sky

DSP Publications (eBook) | DSP Publications (paperback) | Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | QueeRomance Ink | Smashwords | Goodreads


DRESSLER, SCHEMATIC,” Colin McAvery, ship’s captain and a third of the crew, called out to the ship-mind.

A three-dimensional image of the ship appeared above the smooth console. Her five living arms, reaching out from her central core, were lit with a golden glow, and the mechanical bits of instrumentation shone in red. In real life, she was almost two hundred meters from tip to tip.

Between those arms stretched her solar wings, a ghostly green film like the sails of the Flying Dutchman.

“You’re a pretty thing,” he said softly. He loved these ships, their delicate beauty as they floated through the starry void.

“Thank you, Captain.” The ship-mind sounded happy with the compliment—his imagination running wild. Minds didn’t have real emotions, though they sometimes approximated them.

He cross-checked the heading to be sure they remained on course to deliver their payload, the man-sized seed that was being dragged on a tether behind the ship. Humanity’s ticket to the stars at a time when life on Earth was getting rapidly worse.

All of space was spread out before him, seen through the clear expanse of plasform set into the ship’s living walls. His own face, trimmed blond hair, and deep brown eyes, stared back at him, superimposed over the vivid starscape.

At thirty, Colin was in the prime of his career. He was a starship captain, and yet sometimes he felt like little more than a bus driver. After this run… well, he’d have to see what other opportunities might be awaiting him. Maybe the doc was right, and this was the start of a whole new chapter for mankind. They might need a guy like him.

The walls of the bridge emitted a faint but healthy golden glow, providing light for his work at the curved mechanical console that filled half the room. He traced out the T-Line to their destination. “Dressler, we’re looking a little wobbly.” Colin frowned. Some irregularity in the course was common—the ship was constantly adjusting its trajectory—but she usually corrected it before he noticed.

“Affirmative, Captain.” The ship-mind’s miniature chosen likeness appeared above the touch board. She was all professional today, dressed in a standard AmSplor uniform, dark hair pulled back in a bun, and about a third life-sized.

The image was nothing more than a projection of the ship-mind, a fairy tale, but Colin appreciated the effort she took to humanize her appearance. Artificial mind or not, he always treated minds with respect.

“There’s a blockage in arm four. I’ve sent out a scout to correct it.”

The Dressler was well into slowdown now, her pre-arrival phase as she bled off her speed, and they expected to reach 43 Ariadne in another fifteen hours.

Pity no one had yet cracked the whole hyperspace thing. Colin chuckled. Asimov would be disappointed. “Dressler, show me Earth, please.”

A small blue dot appeared in the middle of his screen.

Dressler, three dimensions, a bit larger, please.” The beautiful blue-green world spun before him in all its glory.

Appearances could be deceiving. Even with scrubbers working tirelessly night and day to clean the excess carbon dioxide from the air, the home world was still running dangerously warm.

He watched the image in front of him as the East Coast of the North American Union spun slowly into view. Florida was a sliver of its former self, and where New York City’s lights had once shone, there was now only blue. If it had been night, Fargo, the capital of the Northern States, would have outshone most of the other cities below. The floods that had wiped out many of the world’s coastal cities had also knocked down Earth’s population, which was only now reaching the levels it had seen in the early twenty-first century.

All those new souls had been born into a warm, arid world.

We did it to ourselves. Colin, who had known nothing besides the hot planet he called home, wondered what it had been like those many years before the Heat.

Author Bio

Scott spends his time between the here and now and the what could be. Enticed into fantasy and sci fi by his mom at the tender age of nine, he devoured her Science Fiction Book Club library. But as he grew up, he wondered where all the people like him were in the books he was reading.

He decided that it was time to create the kinds of stories he couldn’t find at his local bookstore. If there weren’t gay characters in his favorite genres, he would remake them to his own ends.

His friends say Scott’s mind works a little differently – he sees relationships between things that others miss, and gets more done in a day than most folks manage in a week. He loves to transform traditional sci fi, fantasy, and contemporary worlds into something unexpected.

Starting in 2014, Scott has published more than 15 works, including two novels and a number of novellas and short stories.

He runs both Queer Sci Fi and QueeRomance Ink with his husband Mark, sites that bring queer people together to promote and celebrate fiction that reflects their own lives.