#BlogTour Win one of three $10 gift card The Billionaire Club Collection #MultiAuthor #Romance #99Cents


The Billionaire’s Club
A Limited-Edition Collection of Billionaire
High stakes, risk takers, and power-wielding billionaires.
This set will take you on a ride of romance, seduction, and games of wealth and
fortune. Find out what happens when these powerful men meet their match.
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Teasers from the steamy stories in this set:

The Spencer Family Saga 1
by Nicole Morgan
you’re a Spencer, sometimes the price can be higher than you’re willing to pay.

with His Heart
by Krista Ames
Will playing with his heart break hers?

Billionaire Boyfriend
by Jan Springer
finds pleasure in the arms of two sexy billionaires.

the Billionaire’s Heart
by Robin Michaela
A jilted bride’s best revenge is finding a
better man.
& Dessert: A B&B Billionaire Romance
by Madison Michael
It Should Have Been a Perfect Fit…

by Lita Lawson
Billionaires. Who knew working undercover would be so sexy.

Billion Heir
by Nikky Kaye
Welcome to the first meeting of the Billionaire
Book Club—because even the wealthy need help to read between the lines.

LUKE: A Forbidden Lust novella by Diana Bocco
Losing it
all might just be worth it.

by Kris Jayne
A seduction. A secret. A steamy, snowbound adventure.
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Nic’s Book Nook
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Heat with Heart (Tina Donahue)

Alpha Submission (Irresistible Omegas 02) by Nora Phoenix #LGBT #mpreg #Romance #Review #Menage

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes author Nora Phoenix! Published by Nora Phoenix on May 26, 2018 and is approximately 462 pages.

The Blurb:

an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance

Four men, brought together by fate, connected in more powerful ways than they’d ever imagined.

Lidon, Vieno, Palani, and Enar are finding their way in their complicated relationship. For Vieno, it’s easy. He thrives in the care of his men, taking his place as their omega and focusing on rebuilding the ranch.

For Enar, it’s a lot harder to find his role…and himself. His struggles to accept himself and his place in the relationship create tension between him and his mates.

Palani keeps digging into the Melloni gene and the fraud case Lidon alerted him to. His investigation reveals a conspiracy that is bigger than any of them expected, and it endangers them all.

Lidon discovers powers he never knew he possessed. When his mates and his home are threatened, he steps into a legendary identity. With the help of new friends that become family, Lidon vows to protect what’s his.

Alpha’s Submission is an MMMM mpreg romance and the second book in the Irresistible Omegas series. It is not a stand-alone but continues the story from the first book. It ends with a HEA for our four men, but the suspense storyline will continue in the next books.

The Review:

Thank you Nora for your ARC Review group. 🙂

5 Stars



So, the next book is releasing on May 26th, and I devoured it from Nora’s ARC group the same day as I got the notification of the release of the ARC a week prior.  We continue the hot burn between Vieno, Palani, Enar, and Lidon as they waltz into their ménage of four. They come together in a weave of adjustment between the all the mates, as well as the individual pairings. Resolution about the mating between them is tied up in a nice little bow, and that is all I’m going to say on that. The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger but much better than the first one, so I’m not even going to call it a cliffhanger because it’s has a satisfying HEA ending.

I continue to love all four of the main characters. especially Palani and Enar. I have high hopes that a certain event will allow Palani to father children with Vieno. We’ll see. We find out more about the Melloni gene, additional behind-the-scenes government issues, and continue to learn about the social interactions for Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. It was wonderful to see their love evolve as the adjust to their new circumstances. You will just have to read the story–there is so much to learn. You will not be disappointed at all. Be prepared to laugh and cry as they continue additional trials to keep each other and their developing pack.

My very first comment after finishing this story to Nora’s ARC group was that I want the next one because I’m invested in this series. There will be more books in the series and new main characters will come to light. I have my hopes on the next triad. 🙂

Overall, I give Alpha Submission 5 out of 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

Amazon | Goodreads

About the Author:

Would you like the long or the short version of my bio?

The short? You got it.

I write steamy gay romance books and I love it. I also love reading books. Books are everything.

How was that?

A little more detail? Gotcha.

I started writing my first stories when I was a teen…on a freaking typewriter. I still have these, and they’re adorably romantic. And bad, haha. Fear of failing kept me from following my dream to become a romance author, so you can imagine how proud and ecstatic I am that I finally overcame my fears and self doubt and did it. I adore my genre because I love writing and reading about flawed, strong men who are just a tad broken..but find their happy ever after anyway.

My favorite books to read are pretty much all MM/gay romances as long as it has a happy end. Kink is a plus… Aside from that, I also read a lot of nonfiction and not just books on writing. Popular psychology is a favorite topic of mine and so are self help and sociology.

Hobbies? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Just kidding. I love traveling, spending time near the ocean, and hiking. But I love books more.

Wanna get first dibs on freebies, updates, sales, and more? Sign up for my newsletter (no spamming your inbox full…promise!):

Come hang out with me in my Facebook Group Nora’s Nook where I share previews, sneak peeks, freebies, and much more: https://www.facebook.com/groups/norasnook/

Stalk me on Twitter or Goodreads where I share recommended books and reviews! You can also find me on Bookbub and Instagram.

Level Up by Annabeth Albert #Romance #LGBT #Contemporay #Gamers #Review

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes Annabeth Albert!

Title:  LEVEL UP
Series: loosely related to the #gaymers series, but stands alone
Author: Annabeth Albert
Publisher: Annabeth Albert
Release Date: May 17, 2018
Heat Level: 4 – Lots of Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 40,000 words
Genre: Romance, contemporary m/m romance, gay romance, geeks, nerds, friends-to-lovers, gamers, gaymers

Add to Goodreads


The Review

4.5 Stars



This book was provided by IndiGo Marketing & Design for an honest review.

The blurb got me when a physicist is doing a nude calendar photo shoot. I had to see how this would go. Annabeth provided a painted a wonderful picture of how Landon and Bailey meet and the initial miscommunications that happen. Landon has been hurt with a past history of rape (nothing on page), and Bailey comes to provide the support Landon needs to be himself after a traumatic experience.

Bailey has his own hangups that show, and Landon helps him as well. It’s cute, fun, and neat to see these two lovebirds circle each other until their love shines through. In some ways, it’s shorter that I would want but still very good. I’ve read most of the #gaymers series but now have to go back and refresh my memory of a few of the characters that appear here. It is stand alone and didn’t detract from the enjoyment, but now I want to remember the others. I would highly recommend reading it, especially if you’ve read the #gaymers series.

Overall, I give Level Up 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon



Landon can’t believe he’s let himself
get roped into participating in a charity calendar, let alone one that features
tastefully photographed nudes. The genius physicist is hardly model material
and he’s dreading the nude part of the photoshoot. Amid his reluctance, the one
bright spot is his emails back and forth with the photographer.


However, Bailey ends up being not quite
what Landon expects, and their first meeting is decidedly awkward. Bailey’s
persistent though, and gradually Landon warms to the burly photographer, and
they discover they have a shared love of gamer culture.


A tentative friendship is born, but the
road from friends to lovers isn’t easy. Landon’s battling past trauma and must
decide how much of a risk he’s willing to take. A sexy connection may not be
enough to keep them together unless both are willing to put their hearts on the


Approximately 40,000 words. Previously
released as part of the EXPOSED anthology, and loosely linked to the #Gaymers
universe, this friends-to-lovers, hurt/comfort story stands alone with a
guaranteed happy ending. Contains a brief mention of a prior assault, but no
on-screen violence or flashbacks.



LEVEL UP EXCERPT—This is their first
kiss, because I absolutely love writing first kiss scenes!




Bailey was the type who moved a lot as
he gamed, biceps flexing, knees wiggling, shoulders jostling. Landon always
liked people who got so into gaming, but it was more than a little distracting.
His body was quickly coming to associate that orange scent of Bailey’s with
good things, and other parts of him apparently liked Bailey’s nearness, which
was a novelty because instead of intimidated, as he would have expected, he was
more than a little turned on.


“Oh man, that was a rush.” Bailey
laughed as both of their health meters dipped to zero. “I’m almost wishing I’d
gone into game art, not photography. Amazing how these graphics have held up
over the years.”


“Totally. And speaking of art, let me
find the Space Villager stuff.” Landon reluctantly stepped away from the game.
He headed to the nearby kitchen, where he was pretty the papers were buried
with a stack of mail. Paper control was not his strong suit. “You’ll go nuts at
the latest screen shots and promo teasers.”


“Cool.” Rather than follow Landon,
Bailey went to sit on the couch.


“You want a drink while I’m in here?”
Landon called to him after he found the papers under a pile of pizza ads. “I’ve
got four flavors of Snapple, soda, and water.”


“Surprise me with a Snapple flavor.”
Bailey looked right at home on Landon’s couch, lounging back.


He really did not look at all like any
photographer Landon had ever met, and curiosity had him asking, “So why
photography? You said you could have done game design?”


“Yeah, I had plenty of friends at the
art institute go that direction. But I’ve been in love with photography ever
since I worked on our middle school yearbook. I figured out quickly that taking
pictures of events and sports was far more fun than trying to do the sports
myself, so I did yearbook all through high school, got a photography scholarship
to the art institute in Portland.”


“So you don’t play a sport?” Landon had
a hard time believing that. With Bailey’s height and breadth, he totally looked
like he lived for weekend games of some type.


“Nope. Hopelessly uncoordinated.” Bailey
shot him an endearing smile when Landon handed him the bottle of tea.


“Me too.” Landon clinked bottles with
him, then held up the papers. “Found the codes. But can I show you some stuff
on the TV screen while you have your drink?”


“Absolutely.” Bailey took a long swig of
tea, and Landon had to look away before he got mesmerized by Bailey’s full
mouth, how it looked when his tongue chased a stray drop of moisture, how pink
it was in contrast to his paler skin and brown beard.


Landon queued up the pre-release trailer
Josiah had sent him a link to. Bombastic music filled his small living room as
on the screen, and a spaceship pulled in for a landing on a planet filled with
ruins of a once-powerful civilization. The narrator had an iconic voice and
detailed all the special features of the expansion pack. Landon had already
watched this a half-dozen times, and it still gave him happy chills.


“Wow. I can’t wait.” Bailey looked
suitably awed. “This is even cooler than when War Elf added the mystic raids.”


“I know, right? Now look at the in-game
screen shots.” He brought up another video, body relaxing more and more despite
Bailey’s nearness. It was just so awesome to have someone new to share this
with. He’d been hyped about this all week, but Pike was distracted by his
boyfriend Zack’s deployment, Savannah didn’t game much, and the rest of his
regular crew seemed to have other things occupying their attention.


Somehow, as he shared more video clips,
he drifted closer to Bailey, so that their knees were almost rubbing. It wasn’t
a giant couch, so there wasn’t a ton of room to move back, but even so, Landon
wasn’t looking for an escape. He was aware of Bailey, very much so, but not
nearly as freaked out as he’d been a few hours ago. Instead, his senses seemed
to soak up Bailey’s scent and nearness, and it wasn’t until the fourth or fifth
video that he realized that he was aroused.


Clink. Somehow Landon’s left hand,
holding his drink, and Bailey’s right hand tangled.


“Oops.” He tried to extricate himself
without spilling both beverages. Bending to put his on the floor, he hadn’t
realized that Bailey had also leaned down until their heads collided.


“Ow,” they said simultaneously.


“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.” Bailey
reached out, feeling around on Landon’s head. “Did you see stars? Break the


“I’m fine.” Landon didn’t pull away.
Bailey’s hand felt damn nice. Gentle. Soothing more than just the bump on his
head. Their eyes met, and he really needed to move back, break this spell, but
he didn’t, instead leaning into to the touch. Bailey’s eyes darkened, and he
stroked down Landon’s jaw. God, that felt so good, like an extra blanket on a
chilly night, warmth he hadn’t realized he was missing. How long had it been
since he’d been touched like this? Hugged, sure. He’d hugged Savannah
goodnight, and hugged and wrestled around with his best friend Pike at the last
LAN party, but neither of those things was touch like this. Caring. Sweet.


Bailey leaned in again, way slower this
time, all the time in the world for Landon to stop him. But he didn’t. Bailey’s
beard tickled an instant before their lips met, a soft slide of mouths. Not
aggressive at all, not the on-a-tight-schedule rush of a hookup, Bailey kissed
like they had a sleepy Sunday afternoon to kill, like each reaction of Landon’s
mattered, like he was trying to memorize something important and was going to
take his time learning the lesson.


Landon was the first one to take things
further, mouth opening on a sigh, welcoming Bailey’s agile tongue. He tasted
sweet, like tea, and minty like the gum he’d popped after the pizza, familiar
yet new at the same time. How had he managed to forget how awesome kissing
could be? A laugh bubbled up in his chest, but quickly transformed to a groan
of pleasure as Bailey nipped at his lower lip.


Not content to let Bailey be the one
exploring, Landon sent his own tongue on a quest, tracing Bailey’s full lower
lip, delving inside to rub tongues, retreating playfully to earn another nip.
Fuck. This was nice. The video switched over to something random, and he barely
registered it. He couldn’t say how long they kissed, just that he didn’t want
it to ever end.


Purchase at Amazon


Meet the Author


Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance
novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in
the open—no flashlights required! When she’s not adding to her keeper shelf,
she’s a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer. The #OutOfUniform series
joins her critically acclaimed and fan-favorite LGBTQ romance #Gaymers,
#PortlandHeat and #PerfectHarmony series. To find out what she’s working on
next and other fun extras, check out her website: www.annabethalbert.com or
connect with Annabeth on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify! Also, be
sure to sign up for her newsletter for free ficlets, bonus reads, and contests.
The fan group, Annabeth’s Angels, on Facebook is also a great place for bonus
content and exclusive contests.
Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny
stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding
happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights
supporter. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a
rewarding day job and wrangles two active children.


Website | Facebook | Twitter |
| Instagram | Annabeth’s Newsletter | Annabeth’s Angels


Blog Button 2

Review of Sin and Tonic (Sinners 06) by Rhys Ford #LGBT #Mystery #Suspense #Romance #NewRelease

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes Rhys Ford and the last Sinners series book: Sin and Tonic. It released on May 15, 2018 and is approximately 610 pages including an appendix of all the songs and lyrics in the series.


The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review.

5 Stars


It’s with a bittersweet sob that I review the final Sinners book: Sin and Tonic Book 6. As always, I loved it like everything else Rhys has done in this series. Like the Cole McGinnis series before, this too tied up the loose ends, and we finally see what makes Miki tick as he deals with new information that comes to light. It’s a slightly lower-key ending then that of Cole McGinnis but just as powerful for all the trials Kade and Miki go through to get to the end of the murders that trigger Miki finding out about his biological mother and father. I cried at the end of this series because of the trials to love the main characters endure to get where they are now.

The Morgan clan circle-up around Miki as he is in danger yet again, and Miki finds the true meaning of family. Kade and Miki have a few rough spots but nothing that their love, and a little help from friends and family, can’t provide. The author says in the forward that there might be short stories in the universe but this story arc between Miki and Kade is done. Good luck to them, and the Sinners universe. We eagerly await what Rhys will come up with next.

Overall, I give Sin and Tonic 5 out of 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

DreamspinnerAmazon | B&N | Google PlayKoboGoodreads

About the Author:

Rhys Ford is an award-winning author with several long-running LGBT+ mystery, thriller, paranormal, and urban fantasy series, including Murder and Mayhem, a 2016 LAMBDA finalist. She is published by Dreamspinner Press and DSP Publications.

She’s also quite skeptical about bios without a dash of something personal and really, who doesn’t mention their cats, dog and cars in a bio? She shares the house with Yoshi, a grumpy tuxedo cat and Tam, a diabetic black pygmy panther, as well as a ginger cairn terrorist named Gus. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep a 1979 Pontiac Firebird and enjoys murdering make-believe people.

Rhys’ Blog: www.rhysford.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rhys.ford.author

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rhys_Ford

Rhys Ford’s books can found at Dreamspinner Press (http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com), DSP Publications (https://www.dsppublications.com/) and all major online book stores.

New Release Blitz: Level Up by Annabeth Albert #Romance #LGBT #Contemporay #Gamers

Title:  LEVEL UP
Series: loosely related to the #gaymers series, but stands alone
Author: Annabeth Albert
Publisher: Annabeth Albert
Release Date: May 17, 2018
Heat Level: 4 – Lots of Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 40,000 words
Genre: Romance, contemporary m/m romance, gay romance, geeks, nerds, friends-to-lovers, gamers, gaymers

Add to Goodreads





/* Style Definitions */
{mso-style-name:”Table Normal”;
mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
mso-bidi-font-family:”Times New Roman”;


Landon can’t believe he’s let himself
get roped into participating in a charity calendar, let alone one that features
tastefully photographed nudes. The genius physicist is hardly model material
and he’s dreading the nude part of the photoshoot. Amid his reluctance, the one
bright spot is his emails back and forth with the photographer.
However, Bailey ends up being not quite
what Landon expects, and their first meeting is decidedly awkward. Bailey’s
persistent though, and gradually Landon warms to the burly photographer, and
they discover they have a shared love of gamer culture.
A tentative friendship is born, but the
road from friends to lovers isn’t easy. Landon’s battling past trauma and must
decide how much of a risk he’s willing to take. A sexy connection may not be
enough to keep them together unless both are willing to put their hearts on the
Approximately 40,000 words. Previously
released as part of the EXPOSED anthology, and loosely linked to the #Gaymers
universe, this friends-to-lovers, hurt/comfort story stands alone with a
guaranteed happy ending. Contains a brief mention of a prior assault, but no
on-screen violence or flashbacks.






/* Style Definitions */
{mso-style-name:”Table Normal”;
mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
mso-bidi-font-family:”Times New Roman”;


LEVEL UP EXCERPT—This is their first
kiss, because I absolutely love writing first kiss scenes!
Bailey was the type who moved a lot as
he gamed, biceps flexing, knees wiggling, shoulders jostling. Landon always
liked people who got so into gaming, but it was more than a little distracting.
His body was quickly coming to associate that orange scent of Bailey’s with
good things, and other parts of him apparently liked Bailey’s nearness, which
was a novelty because instead of intimidated, as he would have expected, he was
more than a little turned on.
“Oh man, that was a rush.” Bailey
laughed as both of their health meters dipped to zero. “I’m almost wishing I’d
gone into game art, not photography. Amazing how these graphics have held up
over the years.”
“Totally. And speaking of art, let me
find the Space Villager stuff.” Landon reluctantly stepped away from the game.
He headed to the nearby kitchen, where he was pretty the papers were buried
with a stack of mail. Paper control was not his strong suit. “You’ll go nuts at
the latest screen shots and promo teasers.”
“Cool.” Rather than follow Landon,
Bailey went to sit on the couch.
“You want a drink while I’m in here?”
Landon called to him after he found the papers under a pile of pizza ads. “I’ve
got four flavors of Snapple, soda, and water.”
“Surprise me with a Snapple flavor.”
Bailey looked right at home on Landon’s couch, lounging back.
He really did not look at all like any
photographer Landon had ever met, and curiosity had him asking, “So why
photography? You said you could have done game design?”
“Yeah, I had plenty of friends at the
art institute go that direction. But I’ve been in love with photography ever
since I worked on our middle school yearbook. I figured out quickly that taking
pictures of events and sports was far more fun than trying to do the sports
myself, so I did yearbook all through high school, got a photography scholarship
to the art institute in Portland.”
“So you don’t play a sport?” Landon had
a hard time believing that. With Bailey’s height and breadth, he totally looked
like he lived for weekend games of some type.
“Nope. Hopelessly uncoordinated.” Bailey
shot him an endearing smile when Landon handed him the bottle of tea.
“Me too.” Landon clinked bottles with
him, then held up the papers. “Found the codes. But can I show you some stuff
on the TV screen while you have your drink?”
“Absolutely.” Bailey took a long swig of
tea, and Landon had to look away before he got mesmerized by Bailey’s full
mouth, how it looked when his tongue chased a stray drop of moisture, how pink
it was in contrast to his paler skin and brown beard.
Landon queued up the pre-release trailer
Josiah had sent him a link to. Bombastic music filled his small living room as
on the screen, and a spaceship pulled in for a landing on a planet filled with
ruins of a once-powerful civilization. The narrator had an iconic voice and
detailed all the special features of the expansion pack. Landon had already
watched this a half-dozen times, and it still gave him happy chills.
“Wow. I can’t wait.” Bailey looked
suitably awed. “This is even cooler than when War Elf added the mystic raids.”
“I know, right? Now look at the in-game
screen shots.” He brought up another video, body relaxing more and more despite
Bailey’s nearness. It was just so awesome to have someone new to share this
with. He’d been hyped about this all week, but Pike was distracted by his
boyfriend Zack’s deployment, Savannah didn’t game much, and the rest of his
regular crew seemed to have other things occupying their attention.
Somehow, as he shared more video clips,
he drifted closer to Bailey, so that their knees were almost rubbing. It wasn’t
a giant couch, so there wasn’t a ton of room to move back, but even so, Landon
wasn’t looking for an escape. He was aware of Bailey, very much so, but not
nearly as freaked out as he’d been a few hours ago. Instead, his senses seemed
to soak up Bailey’s scent and nearness, and it wasn’t until the fourth or fifth
video that he realized that he was aroused.
Clink. Somehow Landon’s left hand,
holding his drink, and Bailey’s right hand tangled.
“Oops.” He tried to extricate himself
without spilling both beverages. Bending to put his on the floor, he hadn’t
realized that Bailey had also leaned down until their heads collided.
“Ow,” they said simultaneously.
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.” Bailey
reached out, feeling around on Landon’s head. “Did you see stars? Break the
“I’m fine.” Landon didn’t pull away.
Bailey’s hand felt damn nice. Gentle. Soothing more than just the bump on his
head. Their eyes met, and he really needed to move back, break this spell, but
he didn’t, instead leaning into to the touch. Bailey’s eyes darkened, and he
stroked down Landon’s jaw. God, that felt so good, like an extra blanket on a
chilly night, warmth he hadn’t realized he was missing. How long had it been
since he’d been touched like this? Hugged, sure. He’d hugged Savannah
goodnight, and hugged and wrestled around with his best friend Pike at the last
LAN party, but neither of those things was touch like this. Caring. Sweet.
Bailey leaned in again, way slower this
time, all the time in the world for Landon to stop him. But he didn’t. Bailey’s
beard tickled an instant before their lips met, a soft slide of mouths. Not
aggressive at all, not the on-a-tight-schedule rush of a hookup, Bailey kissed
like they had a sleepy Sunday afternoon to kill, like each reaction of Landon’s
mattered, like he was trying to memorize something important and was going to
take his time learning the lesson.
Landon was the first one to take things
further, mouth opening on a sigh, welcoming Bailey’s agile tongue. He tasted
sweet, like tea, and minty like the gum he’d popped after the pizza, familiar
yet new at the same time. How had he managed to forget how awesome kissing
could be? A laugh bubbled up in his chest, but quickly transformed to a groan
of pleasure as Bailey nipped at his lower lip.
Not content to let Bailey be the one
exploring, Landon sent his own tongue on a quest, tracing Bailey’s full lower
lip, delving inside to rub tongues, retreating playfully to earn another nip.
Fuck. This was nice. The video switched over to something random, and he barely
registered it. He couldn’t say how long they kissed, just that he didn’t want
it to ever end.


Purchase at Amazon

Meet the Author




/* Style Definitions */
{mso-style-name:”Table Normal”;
mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
mso-bidi-font-family:”Times New Roman”;


Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance
novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in
the open—no flashlights required! When she’s not adding to her keeper shelf,
she’s a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer. The #OutOfUniform series
joins her critically acclaimed and fan-favorite LGBTQ romance #Gaymers,
#PortlandHeat and #PerfectHarmony series. To find out what she’s working on
next and other fun extras, check out her website: www.annabethalbert.com or
connect with Annabeth on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify! Also, be
sure to sign up for her newsletter for free ficlets, bonus reads, and contests.
The fan group, Annabeth’s Angels, on Facebook is also a great place for bonus
content and exclusive contests.
Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny
stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding
happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights
supporter. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a
rewarding day job and wrangles two active children.


Website | Facebook | Twitter |
| Instagram | Annabeth’s Newsletter | Annabeth’s Angels


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Book Tour + Giveaway: His to Claim (Black Hills Wolves) by @ParisBrandon #PNR #Romance #Giveaway



you’re a newcomer to the Black Hills Wolves community of Los Lobos, welcome! If
you’re a long-time reader, I hope my second story will live up to the evolving
world that the creative authors in this series have continued to expand. I am
truly thankful for being included.
I finished my first Black Hills Wolves story, His to Protect, one of the
characters wouldn’t leave me alone. No, there weren’t any handsome hunks
besides Gunnar Redmond hanging around begging for their own story. Instead, a
secondary character who happened to be a seething mass of rage dared me to peel
away the layers and see the real man. Ray Decker appeared briefly in His to
Protect, but every character has a story and his includes a son, J.D., the hero
of His to Claim.
an author is a little like being a detective, and with each book, uncovering
secrets and discovering what makes my characters tick usually becomes an
addictive adventure. Trust me, there were mornings I couldn’t wait to get to
the computer. The characters took me down a few dark roads but I’m a great
believer in the strength of the human spirit, and above all, love and
forgiveness. I hope you enjoy their journey!
He’s home to find the truth…
he’s over the initial shock of hearing his father hasn’t been dead for the past
twelve years, J.D. Decker vacillates between joy and anger until he returns to
Los Lobos and finds the man who sent him away threatening Bree Redmond, the
only other person he’s ever cared about as much.
years of living under a harsh alpha, Bree Redmond is intent on experiencing
everything life has to offer, and ignoring her family’s wishes that she settle
on a mate and help rebuild the Tao pack. When J.D. Decker jumps out of his
truck, and back into her life, she realizes why she’s never been eager to settle.
aren’t kids anymore and J.D. has Bree howling at the moon and questioning her
desire for nothing more than a sexy romp in the woods. He’s a blunt force and
rough around the edges, but he ignites all of her deepest desires with his
single-minded determination to make her his.
family isn’t happy about her budding romance with the son of a man they feel is
responsible for the death of one of their own. Old wounds are reopened and as
tempers flare Bree must decide whether to let a dark secret from the past
separate them, or defy her family and accept J.D.’s claiming.
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Authors Supporting Authors #cockygate

Indeed. All writers, publishers, cover artists, and anyone else in the book publishing industry needs to take notice.

I Win! #CampNaNoWinner2018 #CarinaPress #BlogCritiqueAcceptance #musings #amwriting


So, I did this thing with #CampNaNoWriMo. I met my goal but my story is not finished yet. I will hopefully finish in the next week or two, send to betas and get it edited. I’m sort of running out of time as it’s due by the end of the month. We’ll see.


I also did this other thing. I submitted an excerpt of a little under 800 words to Carina Press’s Blog Critique scene submission call of a WIP that I’ve been kicking around off and on for awhile now (almost two years).  Did I mention I tend to write slow? 🙂 I just received the email that my story, Sparkle Vampire, was selected randomly for posting to their blog and a Carina editor will provide feedback there! I will let everyone know when it’s posted and if you want to provide feedback, please do.


Wow. I really did win that opportunity. I wasn’t expecting them to accept it, but that’s cool. I’ll get some feedback and maybe I’ll work on it and see about filling it out. Now, to finish my MMM I’m working on. *smile*


In addition to this, and around my Real Life of working full time, I was asked to submit to America’s Emerging Writers (Series) by Z Publishing for Georgia. Their submission deadline is in a couple of weeks. More information is here: https://www.zpublishinghouse.com/blogs/upcoming-books/americas-emerging-writers-series.  It’s intriguing concept, and I may submit. Maximum is 5 stories (excerpts are accepted but they prefer stand-alone stories to 1250 words). I’m not sure if I have time but it is definitely fascinating. Check them out as they are looking for submission for all US states. If they accept your submission, it will be published in the anthology they are compiling for the entire country. They’ve done a poetic one already. I wish I knew about that because that looked fun too. 🙂

Whew! It’s been a fun couple of months for me in the writing world. Now back to my writing. The muse is strong today.
