Welcome to the Moonbeams over Atlanta stop for Defiant: Noble Passions # 5 by Sabrina York. Welcome back, Sabrina! This tour stop makes it my 100th post on Moonbeams over Atlanta. To celebrate, Moonbeams over Atlanta will have a contest that is not a tour contest. Look at the end of the post for instructions on how to enter. This is part of a blast tour with BippityBoppityBook, so be sure to check out the other tour stops to read exclusive excerpts and see what others thought about the book with their review.
*CONTEST ALERT* Sensuous Promo’s Presents: Book Tour for Darkest Magic by Eva Lefoy
Welcome to Sensuous Promo’s Darkest Magic Tour.
Witches vs. Weres – who’s stronger?
Witches or weres – who would you pick to win in a battle? I’ve read enough Urban Fantasy that I’ve seen it done both ways. Sometimes the werewolf overpowers the witch and other times, the witch lays waste to the shifter. Both are equally convincing outcomes. In a battle to the death, who would you pick to win?
But maybe the question isn’t that simple. A single battle doesn’t always win the war and in the battle between good and evil – between good magic and bad magic – winning the battle just means you live to fight another day. Because if there’s anything fairy tales have shown us, it’s that the battle between good and evil takes many forms and is ongoing. A never-ending war that must be waged continually, else the world slides into darkness and mankind loses his light.
Didn’t that sound poetic? * grins *
In Darkest Flowers, my new Beyond Fairytales release from Decadent Publishing, the battle between good and evil is alive and well. Our hero is a beta wolf named Nik and he’s firmly on the good side. But his alpha’s mate, Petrina is secretly an evil witch. Nik must protect the pack from her, his alpha, and his love interest Caroline. He gets help from a good witch and her husband, a dwarf. Unbeknownst to Nik and Caroline, the good witch and the dwarf are protectors of the forest. They, like many fairy tale characters, are no strangers to the concept of good and evil. In the end, when the good side wins and the evil witch is run off, we know in our hearts that the victory is only temporary. Nik and his new mate must stay vigilant, lest the witches win the next round!
For more on Darkest Magic, see below.
Thanks for reading!
EXCERPT: The dwarf lectures Nik on good vs. evil
Nik towered over the dwarf, his arms crossed just under his chest.
“It’s not like that,” Otis said. “Evil never fully disappears. Even children know that much. What I’m telling you is true. One day, Petrina or another witch like her will rear her head and cause havoc.”
“How does that relate to me?” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Caroline emerge from the tree house heading their way. His heart galloped at the sight of her. Inside, his wolf cried for more mating time. Down, boy.
“The forest needs a protector and Estrella and I want to retire.” He dug the blue bag from within the folds of his velvet green jacket. Holding it out toward Nik, he continued. “Take this and use it. It will give you all the power you need to do the job.”
“You mean you want me to become a dwarf?”
Otis snorted. “Of course not. I was born a dwarf, you jackass.”
Caroline came to stand beside him and his nerves settled. Having her near meant he could relax a little and focus on the subject at hand. Sort of. Her fingertips grazed the skin on his shoulder and, embarrassingly, his cock started to harden. Having it right at Otis’s eye level might prove hazardous. He cleared his throat and thought about tofu. “Look, Otis, as beta of a full grown pack of wolves, I have a lot of responsibility already. Why would I want to take on more?”
Otis didn’t seem the least bit bothered by his question. Lifting his chin, he said his next words looking at Caroline, though they were clearly directed at Nik. “Because of her.”
Copyright © Eva Lefoy
Nik Epperstein’s alpha lost his mate two years ago and took an evil witch as his new bride. Ever since then, Eli’s leadership has become violent, bordering on insane. When Eli attacks him, Nik’s healing powers mysteriously vanish. He can’t defend himself, nor protect the wolf he secretly loves. Only through the help of a foul-mouthed witch and an overly-dramatic dwarf will he save her – but their assistance comes at a price.
Caroline has tried for two years to lure Nik into her bed and can’t understand his hesitation. After all, she senses their mating bond loud and clear. Then Nik disappears. She confronts her father who tells her Nik is dead, and she’s next on his chopping block. Without Nik to protect her, she flees the pack and is kidnapped by a man half her size.
Reunited at last, the young wolves have one last chance to ignite their bond. But love must wait when battle looms. Eli and his wife attack, and aren’t above using dirty tricks to win. If Nik and Caroline survive the battle, the dwarf and his wife will require them to make a promise that will change their lives forever…
Author Bio and Contact:
Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.
Author Links: Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook Page | Pinterest
Purchase Links Decadent Publishing | ARe | Amazon | Amazon UK
Muse Charmer PR: Blog Tour: “Abducted” by Adera Orfanelli
1. How did you get the idea for this book?
This book was actually written a long time ago, and then unearthed and polished (quite a bit). However, I wanted to play with the science fiction trope of being abducted by aliens. Instead of the “grey men” doing experiments, I wanted something different. What if the abduction led to a hunky man and a new life?
2. Why do you write science fiction?
I write science fiction because I love the unknown and the possibility of what might be out there. I’m fascinated by space (and weather, among other scientific things), and the belief that we might not be alone.
3. Why should readers pick up this story?
It’s fun. While there are some issues, such as the loss of a friend and starting over, to be dealt with, most of all I wanted Abducted to be a great escape.
4. Who is your favorite science fiction author?
I can’t really count a single favorite. I love David Weber, Elizabeth Moon, Tanya Huff, and Anne McCaffrey.
5. What is your favorite thing about outer space?
I love the stars. I love looking up and seeing all these constellations (man-made) and knowing that they are comprised of stars so vast and distant from each other that it takes hundreds or thousands of years for their light to reach us. We really are looking at a snapshot of history when we look at the night sky.
Getting abducted by a hunky android wasn’t on Jacey’s list of things to do to try and reclaim her life after the death of her best friend and the loss of their business. But when her car crashes during a storm, she’s saved not by any rescue vehicle, but by Aiden Starsek, the Lord of BelaZed who informs her that he must have a wife or face deactivation. Jacey blames herself for her friend’s death. If she can stop another one, even if it means giving up everything she’s ever known, she will.
Aidan knows Deactivation Day nears and unless he’s able to find a human to love him he’ll die.. Unable to find love on his own planet, he discovers the beautiful Jacey on her own world, Earth. Her beauty entices him. Her compassion humbles him. And though in bed their passion is insatiable, he fears that it won’t turn to love in time to save his life. Only her love will save him, not just from Deactivation Day, but also from himself.
Erotic SF Romance, Published by Loose Id
Purchase direct from the publisher.
Twitter: @aderaorfanelli
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aderaorfanelli
Enter using the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.
This blog tour is sponsored and run by Muse Charmer PR, providing superhero promotion for your book. Learn more and enter a special contest by visiting http://www.promoyourmuse.com
Casey Moss’s Open World C.O.V.E.N. book tour and giveaway
The world has broken out in wars. Las Vegas has been ravaged by chemical warfare and is now home to several clans and creatures.
Welcome to I-D-8 Entertainment’s newest game: Clans of Vegas—Endless Night.
Friends and family have gathered for a crunch time playtest of C.O.V.E.N.. When a horrible thunderstorm hits, everyone’s sucked into the game for real. In the MMORPG, Hope Collins is kidnapped by Buzz and forced to submit to his whims. Her boyfriend, Alden, has to delay his quest of defeating a clan’s prince to save her, but time and circumstance don’t seem to be on his side. Faith Collins is bombarded by strange dreams brought on by Buzz. Her boyfriend, Tavis, learns to dream walk, but can he help break the spell she’s under and save her before she’s lost to him?
C.O.V.E.N. is more than just a game. It’s a whole other world.
Excerpt #1 (R – for language)
Perhaps he’d been under too much stress, had too much caffeine, didn’t have enough sleep or information about the guy. More likely a combination of it all. A hodgepodge of shit and no shovel. He didn’t know how much more of all this he could take.
Shaking off the negativity, Alden rotated his head, listening to his spine crackle and pop. Tension released. The quick adjustment perked him up. He plated the burgers, closed the lid to the grill and exhaled a deep breath. First food, then work, and amongst it all, see if I can figure out Mr. Jenkins’s deal. Making his way toward the small group, the tray of hot meat balanced on one hand, he focused in on Cor, noting his body language and how the people around him responded.
Why did I imagine him as the antagonist? The one in the game I need to destroy?
The storyline he had to double check during the playtest dealt with finding the main boss—the Prince of Clan Caesachapel—and defeating him before the cad could cause harm. He’d intended to assist Hope and her family in creating ‘good’ characters, placing them in the clan he belonged to, and have them run the quests, as well. But with the way he’d been feeling, he almost reconsidered that idea.
Thing was he had a job to do. One he aimed to make good on and see through to the end. He’d never been the kind of guy to shirk a duty, and he wasn’t about to start now.
Mr. James Collins, a middle-aged man with graying, strawberry blond hair and ice blue eyes, glanced Den’s way as he approached. James acknowledged him with slight nod, then returned his attention to Cor.
The fact James was only a programmer and not his direct boss—or above him in any authoritative capacity in the organization—pleased Den. The man sure ran hot one moment and cold the next when it came to him. Hope had explained that was one of her father’s personality quirks and not to take it personal.
Some future father-in-law he would turn out to be.
Plastering a smile on his face, he placed the dish of meat on the aluminum table. James and the ladies’ attentions stayed fixed on the gentleman in their midst. Good. No one paid him any mind. More time to assess the situation.
Cor’s intense brown-eyed gaze bored into Hope’s, infiltrating her defenses and working whatever magic the man seemed to possess. Their connection resembled flirting but in a stronger sense. His chest tightened and burned. Mine, his inner voice asserted in a low, rolling growl, reminding him of his in game character’s speech. Alden stepped back before he could choose to put his fist in Cor’s face. His foot crunched on a chip bag that had fallen to the ground.
Hope didn’t flinch, didn’t look away.
Mesmerized. Shit. And not just her. Enthralled by the bean counter, the whole family overlooked him like he didn’t exist.
What the hell is going on?
~ Buy Links ~
Evernight Publishing: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/open-world-by-casey-moss/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Open-World-C-O-V-E-N-Casey-Moss-ebook/dp/B00KCE12JW
All Romance eBooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-openworld-1514409-147.html
BookStrand: http://www.bookstrand.com/open-world
~ Author Bio ~
Casey Moss delves into the darker aspects of life in her writing, sometimes basing the stories on reality, sometimes on myth. No matter the path, her stories will take you on a journey from the light-hearted paranormal to dark things unspeakable. What waits around the corner? Come explore…
~ Author Links ~
Website: http://caseymossbooks.com/
Blog: http://caseymossbooks.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/author.CaseyMoss
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseyMoss_
Leave a comment below (with email address) and your name will be thrown into the hat to win 1 – $25 gift card to either Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
Winners Choice!
Winner will be chosen on June 20th
Bit’N Tour Blog Tour: Second Star on the Right by Elizabeth Los GIVEAWAY and Scavenger Hunt!
Welcome to Day Eight of the Elizabeth Second Star on the Right Blog tour! I’m Eloreen Moon with Moonbeams over Atlanta Blog. Be sure to read the entire post as there is a Giveaway and Scavenger Hunt!
Synopsis: Spawned from an ancient promise, treachery and intrigue follow the protagonists through our world and one lost to the waves. Bound by an invisible bond, they are thrust into a fantastical world of pirates and demons. James Benedict is a just man haunted by evil. Pushed to the edge, everything stripped from him, a new man arises . . . a man whose name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it: “Captain Hook”. Eileen Davis was a timid woman. Through a fateful cruise she finds herself in the company of the Captain of the Mistral Thief. With his guidance, and the meddling of the local barista, she eventually finds her inner strength. Will the two of them unite through time to fulfill the promise of their ancestors or will tempers ignite leading all to failure? Audio Excerpt: http://youtu.be/Z3rU6mDNVXY Author Bio: Elizabeth uses writing as therapy, her release from everyday stress. At night, after work and once the children are finally tucked in bed, for the fifth time, she sits at her laptop and lets her imagination flow. Elizabeth has produced short stories, one of which will be published in an anthology. She’s had fun writing a Sherlock Holmes fan fiction story, A Case of Need, based on the BBC’s Sherlock. By July 2011, her first novel, Second on the Right, had been completed. She spent several years polishing the story in order to provide a high quality product to the public. Second on the Right is her first professional novel.
Author Links: Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Smashwords | Facebook Book Links: ISBN-10: 1492340480 | ISBN-13: 978-1492340485 | eBook ISBN-13: 978-1310988455 Amazon | Goodreads | iTunes | B&N | Createspace
Enter below for the Giveaway
Scavenger Hunt Rules:
Everyone loves a scavenger hunt so jump aboard and collect the clues to form a hidden message pertaining to Second On The Right. Visit all the blogs touring and look for the word in RED in each scavenger hunt graphic. It is a contest after all, so the first person to email the MESSAGE to bitnbooktours@gmail.com wins! For a full schedule of all the blogs participating go here: http://bitnbooktours.wix.com/bitn#!second-on-the-right-by-elizabeth-los/c1y0z
Sensuous Promo’s Blog Tour: Alchemy by Serena Fairfax
Welcome to Day Four of Sensuous Promo’s Alchemy Book Tour.
Warning: Excerpt is smoking hot and recommended for those 18+.
Leave this page if you are younger than 18.
Set against sun-drenched Lake Garda, church mouse Tamsin Heriot, an English rose, pairs off with privileged Luca Leopoldo di Monte Valli, who’s half Italian, half Somali. But Luca isn’t what he seems… Orphaned at seven when his childhood in Mogadishu is brutally destroyed, Luca is left emotionally broken. Ragged and starving he seeks refuge in Italy where kindly aristocrats adopt him.
Ever since she was fifteen, Tamsin has had a crush on Luca and the summer before she goes to university, she’s determined to lose her virginity to him.
It’s eight years before their paths reconverge. Tamsin, still lusting after Luca, receives devastating news that triggers her return to the dilapidated family casa, and fate steps in when an unexpected bond develops between her and Luca’s widowed, adoptive mother. But a strange inheritance alters what started as a dalliance. There’s no shortcut to love, and with everything to lose, the relationship between two wounded people, Luca and Tamsin, is pushed to the breaking point.
Excerpt from Breaching the Lieutenant:
Quickly they ripped off each other’s nightwear until they were both naked.
As he reached for a condom, Tamsin said quietly, “Is protection really necessary now we’re married? Let’s make a honeymoon baby.”
He said quietly. “Very soon, cara mia, but I’m not quite ready. Let’s get used to each other first.” Something like iron shifted in him.
It seemed to be the right response because she took it no further and wrapped her arms round him, settling in to him with a sigh. He pulled her soft curves into him and held her, kissing her fiercely.
Try something new today—the supermarket catchphrase—ran through Tamsin’s thoughts as, with her heartbeat tripling, Luca shot her that look that always gave her a warm, damp rush.
“Signora Leopoldo di Monte Valla.”
She let her legs fall apart. Just the deep cadence of his voice turned her ready. “Do it, make me come.” She knew what his tongue could do, what his cock could do. “I want you now, my prince, my lord.” She swept her hair over his balls, and took one then another into her mouth.
“Wider still and wider for me, babe. I want to see every bit of you.”
‘I hear and I obey.” She shifted and opened up, spreading her sex to him, and a deep growl emerged from somewhere low down in his chest.
“Love that womanhood, love your big, tight ass.” Firm hands clamped the cheeks of her butt, trapping their bodies front to front. He paused, his eyes glittering under the long, black lashes, and then he was dipping his head and she felt the ridge of his tongue slamming inside her, sucking her swollen clit, his breath moist and hot.
She gasped and shut her eyes. “I want to taste you.” Her pussy clenched and throbbed as his hands rested on her thighs, keeping her wide.
“Keep it going.” She whimpered.
She watched him rip the foil and roll on the condom, nudging her with the tip of his warm, smooth cock. She reached for it and took the hardness of his length in her mouth, savoring the nectar, wanting his thickness to enter her, wanting his juices in her, over her.
He wet his fingers in his juices and, circling her labia, she bucked.
“That’s what I like to know.”
“I’m going to…come.”
“Not yet you won’t.” His lips twitched in a smile. “If you do,” he whispered a sweet torture, “that’s it for tonight. Hush now. We’re going there together.”
He slid his fingers deep into her clit, moving in and out, the slick, accepting sound of her desire like a metronome beating time.
He stopped and she felt she’d die. “Move,” she moaned.
His eyes were darker than she’d ever seen before. He bent into her and nibbled a jutting nipple as he eased the head of his silky cock into the peachy damp of her slit. Her cunt flared up around him, waiting, ripe, needy, her heartbeat going wild as he thrust his cock deeper as he marked his territory, staked his claim to her. She was his for the taking.
“Sweetie.” His gaze tangled with hers. And then he was hammering into her, rocking hard and fast and she was spiraling out of control until the orgasm lurking somewhere over the rainbow rushed down to ignite them and they shuddered and shattered round each other as he spilled himself into her with a shout.
With a soft sigh, he eased out and rolled to one side. He realized something else. Tamsin had messed with his emotions. He’d got caught out. He’d have to watch it. He didn’t do emotions.
* * * *
Later that night, Luca turned to Tamsin and murmured, “How about a chaser?” He nuzzled his tongue down her cheek.
She felt her pulse beating in her throat as her lips slid down his cock. And then he was flipping her over onto her belly, running his fingers down her spine. She got on her hands and knees and he slid his tongue into her hole, slicking her, coaxing her with a slow sweetness that made her crave for more. Then bending right over her, his fingers eased in and out of her slippery cunt, fucking her till she came in spasm after spasm.
“The best is yet to be.”
The thought of his swollen cock riding into her ass made her quiver.
He must have sensed her anxiety for he said softly. “It’s going to be all right.”
“No pain, no gain?”
“Honey, trust me.” He slipped one lubricated finger into her ass and pressed down.
Copyright © Serena Fairfax
About Serena
I spent my childhood in India, qualified as a Lawyer in England and joined a large London firm.
Romance is hardwired into my DNA so my novels include a strong romantic theme. However, I broke out of the romance bubble with one (you’ll see which one when you visit the Books page), which is a quirky departure in style and content.
I’ve also authored several short stories that feature on my blog http://www.serenafairfax.com/serena_fairfax_author_blog/.
Fast forward to a sabbatical from the day job when I traded in bricks and mortar for a houseboat which, for a hardened land lubber like me, turned out to be a big adventure.
Apart from writing and reading (all kinds of books), a few of my favourite things are collecting old masks, singing (in the rain) and exploring off the beaten track.
I’m a member of the Romantic Novelists Association, which is a very supportive organisation. My golden retriever, Inspector Morse, who can’t wait to unleash his own Facebook page, and I divide our time between London and rural Kent. (Charles Dickens said: Kent, sir. Everybody knows Kent. Apples, cherries, hops and women).
Connect with Serena:
Website | Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook Page | Google+
Book Links:
Leave a comment below (with email address) and your name will be thrown into the hat to win an eCopy of this hot new release!
Winner will be chosen on June 16th
HAHAT Giveaway Winner! Take Two…
Thank you to all who participated in the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia!
Because the last posted winner did not respond, I have picked a new winner.
I have replied to the lucky commentator and sent an email.
Just to make sure, I’m posting it here too.
The Winner Is…
HAHAT Giveaway Winner!
Thank you to all who participated in the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia!
Sorry this took so long to post. It has been crazy with family and job hunting.
I have replied to the lucky commentator.
Just to make sure, I’m posting it here too.
The Winner Is…
Blog Tour: Possession of my Soul by Kia Carrington-Russell GIVEAWAY and Scavenger Hunt!
Welcome to day four of the Kia Carrington-Russell Wildfire Blog tour! I’m Eloreen Moon with Moonbeams over Atlanta Blog. Be sure to read the entire post as there is a Rafflecopter Giveaway and Scavenger Hunt!
Karla Grey is an ordinary young woman that is taken from her mundane life into a world of blood lust as she begins to struggle with a unique ability. Karla is a Shielder; an exceptional fighter born with the rare ability to project a Shield for protection. However, Shielders are not the only kind that possesses such a talent. The Shielders battle a war that has been raging for centuries against the Starkorfs, who harvest humans and Shielders alike to obtain a near immortality.
Alongside the charming Lucas and selfless Paul, Karla must unravel the purpose of her curse and battle an unknown presence manipulating her thoughts; a mysterious woman who may be dormant for now, but has every intention of possessing Karla-mind, body, and soul.
Within this new reality that Karla faces the search for the Three Immortal Blades begins.
Author Bio:
Kia Carrington-Russell is a young author working on her first series: “The Three Immortal Blades”. Kia began writing at the age of fifteen in high school- finding that all her warped and strange dreams were giving her a fantastic new world- and since then she has never looked back.
Kia was born in a small town in Australia, moving around a lot at a young age until finding a stable town where she finished her schooling. Kia found herself enjoying and expressing herself through poetry, short stories and writing, photography, painting and drawing. All these mediums help Kia express the different world that she is so fond of.
In ‘Senior Art’ Kia focused on feminism and female empowerment; exposing through her work issues and concerns that many people would rather just “sweep under the rug”.
In one art installation, Kia made a bed out of Pokémon cards- the concept being that when she slept a new world would come to life and it was the only one she saw and constantly lived in.
Kia now focuses on her photography, writing and self-help blogs on her website: ‘Precious Living’.
Kia is now keenly working on “The Three Immortal Blades” series knowing that this book has to be shared with the world and that is what she aims to do now.
Kia writes in her Australian home, trying to focus at times on simply what is running through her head, as her cats either terrorize her legs as scratching posts or her puppy barks in her ear for play-time. And as she continues her series, they grow with her book.
Kia is strongly supported by her friends and family and thanks them dearly for being with her along the bumpy road and nothing would please her more than having your support as well.
Author Links:
Website | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook Page
Book Links:
Enter below for the Rafflecopter Giveaway
Scavenger Hunt Rules:
Everyone loves a scavenger hunt so jump aboard and collect the clues to form a hidden message pertaining to Possession Of My Soul. Visit all the blogs touring and look for the word in ORANGE in each scavenger hunt graphic. It is a contest after all, so the first person to get the message emailed to bitnbooktours@gmail.com wins! For a full schedule of all the blogs participating go here: http://bitnbooktours.wix.com/bitn#!possession-of-my-soul-/c202o
Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia Blog Hop (May 17 – 24, 2014)
Welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta as we kick off the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia Blog Hop.
My name is Eloreen Moon and this is my message of HAHAT awareness for you.
Today is
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
May 17, 2014
Why did I decide to host the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia (HAHAT)?
Well, that’s easy. Because it’s the right thing to do.
But then it gets tricky. What can I say or do as an individual who is not gay/lesbian (I’m bi) and never had any wish to be other than the gender I was born with?
Not everyone is built the same or loves traditionally.
And sometimes, all you want to do is fulfill what you know/understand/accept to be what you need to be, regardless of who you love and what sex your body should be. There are those that are born with both genders and society wants them to pick. But, what if you can’t, or don’t, want to pick? Or you need time to make that decision like so many transitioning people who feel they are in the wrong body?
Below is a video someone showed me on Facebook not to long ago. It inspired me to create this post.
It is almost 19 minutes long but I think it is well worth finishing it. He has probably one of the best description/definition for sexual identity and orientation that I’ve heard. They are not the same and it really opens your eyes to understand those that have a different sexual identity and/or sexual orientation.
Then look at the comments and see that even here there is hate. That needs to change.
It opened my eyes to the reality of transgenders and I hope you learned something too.
So, I offer my blog to dedicate to, and provide, change by participating in the HAHAT blog hop for awareness: One blog post at a time.
Because you never know when one person reaching out would make a difference.
I am giving away a $5 Gift Certificate to an e-Retailer of the winner’s choice to buy that must-have LGBT title on your “to be read” list.
To enter, comment on this post your story of Homophobia and/or Transphobia. Inspire us with your courage, perseverance, and understanding. It doesn’t have to be about you personally. If it does not have a happy ending, consider this a hug of love and that things will get better because awareness is spreading. It only takes one person to change the world: Even if that world is your local neighborhood, or a blog post on the internet.
Contest will end at 11:59 pm EDT 5/27/2014 and a randomly chosen commentator (random.org) will win within the next day.
I will be contacting the winner via email and posting the name as well.
Here is the link to the main hop page.