Today is the Day! #musings #facebook #event #BeautifulSkin #LGBTQ #AuthorTakeover #writing

So, I had planned on writing some this month, get my act together for this author takeover for Beautiful Skin (thank you Wendy Stone for running it!), and post more about what is going on.

You know how plans go, right?

What’s an author takeover? Well, in Facebook, there’s a group called RGR – M/M and LGBT Book Events that’s attached to RGR (Rainbow Gold Reviews) that I’ve been a reviewer with for the last almost 5 years (it’s been that long, wow). Authors spend scheduled time talking about the theme and their books. Today, we are celebrating the Beautiful Skin Anthology that released late August 2018. Come join us!

Details below. You do have to be a member to participate, but it’s a public group. Join and us admins will add you to it. *wink*
***Author Takeover Event***

Saturday September 22nd here in this group
Stop by to celebrate the “Beautiful Skin’ anthology with these amazing authors!

4:00 – 5:00 T.s. McKinney
5:00 – 5:30 Victoria Sue
5:30 – 6:00 Dora Esquivel
6:00 – 7:00 SJ York
7:00 – 8:00 T.B. Bond
8:00 – 9:00 Eloreen Moon

***All times are EDT***
**Authors are responsible for their own giveaways**

There might be prizes involved with my take over at least. *whistles*

I might just have something to announce/reveal during my takeover too…

Amazon eBook | Amazon Print

I’m working on the next Persons of Color Anthology that’s paranormal-based. I’m not sure when I will finish. I’ll have to see. Work has been… busy. We’ll just leave it at that. There’s some personal family stuff that I’ve been dealing with and so my plate has been full. Since writing relaxes me, I’m going to try to find time to work on stuff this weekend in between things. I will definitely be in a much better place if I can accomplish things. 🙂

As always, I will try to do more blog posts, maybe restart my blog story or start a new one, and be around more. It’s fun to sink into the world of reading and writing. I miss it.



Review of Savior (415 Ink 02) by Rhys Ford #LGBT #Contemporary #Tattoos #Romance

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes Rhys Ford and the next book in the 415 Ink series: Savior. It release day today with it publishing everywhere on September 18th 2018 by Dreamspinner Press, and is approximately 220 pages. See my review for Rebel, the first book in the series here.


The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review.

5 Stars


As I mentioned in the review of Rebel, I binged-read it and Savior with the intent on getting off my duff and publishing an ARC review on the day of release., since I have to read in series order. It doesn’t matter if they are standalone and can be read in any order, I have to read them in order. I just like to have the whole picture. Always been like that. I’ve been known to wait to get all the books in an established series before I start the first one… but I digress.

So, I’ve done it. I’m going to have this review posted the day of release. I feel accomplished. This is in spite of insane work hours and too many dental issues to name, as I recover from the latest root canal writing these posts. And now, the Review:

This is story of 415 Ink tattoo artist apprentice Rob Claussen and Mace Crawford, a San Francisco firefighter who works with Rey from the previous story. Mace’s back story is full of strife and provides Rhys’s signature storytelling and angst that we’ve seen from her prior series. It’s heart-wrenching but worth the high intensity that is Mace and the start of his relationship with Rob, although Mace being an owner and Rob an employee of the shop throws in additional layers of issues these two lovers have to overcome. I especially love the storming sex scene that you will just have to read to appreciate. Their story is on the explosive side where neither one was looking for a relationship, but it fits their personalities and their own ride to their happy ever after they didn’t know they wanted until it was dropped in their laps. We find out more about the brothers and what secrets they are hiding, not only from themselves, but the people they call family. I very much love how family is what you make and not necessarily whom you were born too. They all have issues and trauma from their childhoods. It’s great to find out as they fall in love. I can’t wait for the next pair. Perhaps there will be a threesome in the wings of this series? One can hope. 🙂 (Yes, Rhys, that was a hint.)

Overall, I give Savior 5 out of 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

DreamspinnerAmazon | B&N | Google PlayKoboGoodreads | iTunes

About the Author:

Rhys Ford is an award-winning author with several long-running LGBT+ mystery, thriller, paranormal, and urban fantasy series, including Murder and Mayhem, a 2016 LAMBDA finalist. She is published by Dreamspinner Press and DSP Publications.

She’s also quite skeptical about bios without a dash of something personal and really, who doesn’t mention their cats, dog and cars in a bio? She shares the house with Yoshi, a grumpy tuxedo cat and Tam, a diabetic black pygmy panther, as well as a ginger cairn terrorist named Gus. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep a 1979 Pontiac Firebird and enjoys murdering make-believe people.

Rhys’ Blog:



Rhys Ford’s books can found at Dreamspinner Press (, DSP Publications ( and all major online book stores.

Review of Rebel (415 Ink 01) by Rhys Ford #LGBT #Contemporary #Tattoos #Romance

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes Rhys Ford and the beginning of a new series: 415 Ink with the first book Rebel. It released on December 29th 2017 by Dreamspinner Press, and is approximately 220 pages. Stay tuned tomorrow for a review of Savior, the second book in the series. 🙂


The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review.

5 Stars


When I got the opportunity to receive the ARC for Savior and decide to attempt a release-day review (I try, but sometimes I fall behind), I realized that I hadn’t read and reviewed Rebel’s ARC either. I ultimately bought it and then forgot to do that review. Real Life got in the way and it’s been a helluva year. I’m sure some readers can agree.

So, I think, “Great! I’m a series completionist. I’ll try out this new series of Rhys and get that elusive release-day review in too.” Two birds with one stone, and all that.  (The blurb for Rebel did help tip me over to have a goal of one day in 2018 getting my first tattoo.)

It’s a good thing Rhys sent it early August for Savior so it gave me time to get both of them read. 😀 I just need to work on the scheduling reviews earlier part… and now, on to the review.

We meet Rey Montenegro, firefighter extraordinaire in San Francisco, California and former flame for tattoo artist Gus Scott, who returned to his family’s tattoo shop at 415 Ink to work on his personal demons and issues. One of those demons was how the relationship ended with Rey. In the midst of Rey and Gus circling each other to actually talk about the past, they find that family is key and it’s the family you make that heal your heart. There’s angst as only Rhys does, a romance that is slow to rekindle, and a new world and characters to learn about. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about all of the “brothers” and how they banded together to create the family Gus returns to and Rey becomes a part of. I love how Gus and Rey get together: How Rey helps out Gus with Chris, Gus’s son, with no expectation of returning to the relationship that Rey ended suddenly three years prior. It’s a slow revival of trust as Gus and Rey open themselves to finally allow their relationship to be what they need it to be. It’s not explosive. It’s not sudden. Rey has to earn Gus’s trust again. It’s a great story to set the stage for the rest of the 415 Ink family: Ivo, Bear, Mace, and Luke. I was glad I could run right to the next book in the series to continue the story that gripped my imagination with it’s realism. This is definitely a great world to read about and the romance is hot too. 😉

Overall, I give Rebel 5 out of 5 stars.

Note: As of this blog posting, Rebel is on sale for $1.99 at all retailers. I would snatch it up while you can. I don’t know when the sale will end, so go quick.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

DreamspinnerAmazon | B&N | Google PlayKoboGoodreads | iTunes

About the Author:

Rhys Ford is an award-winning author with several long-running LGBT+ mystery, thriller, paranormal, and urban fantasy series, including Murder and Mayhem, a 2016 LAMBDA finalist. She is published by Dreamspinner Press and DSP Publications.

She’s also quite skeptical about bios without a dash of something personal and really, who doesn’t mention their cats, dog and cars in a bio? She shares the house with Yoshi, a grumpy tuxedo cat and Tam, a diabetic black pygmy panther, as well as a ginger cairn terrorist named Gus. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep a 1979 Pontiac Firebird and enjoys murdering make-believe people.

Rhys’ Blog:



Rhys Ford’s books can found at Dreamspinner Press (, DSP Publications ( and all major online book stores.

Beta’s Surrender (Irresistible Omegas 03) by Nora Phoenix #LGBT #mpreg #Romance #Review #Menage

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes author Nora Phoenix! Published by Nora Phoenix on July 28, 2018 and is approximately 350 pages.

The Blurb:

Sven’s heat is coming, and with his mutative gene, the omega is warned he needs an alpha. The only alpha he trusts is Grayson, who is twenty years his senior. He’s also the only one who’s not afraid to take on Sven’s lover, Lars. What is supposed to be just sex turns into much more for Sven. But what alpha would want two boys?

Lars vowed he’d always take care of Sven, but when his lover’s heat comes, he’s not enough. He has to accept the help of the alpha he hates more than anyone—with the exception of his brother Enar, maybe. When Grayson figures out what the beta really craves, Lars pulls his defensive walls up. Alphas can’t be trusted, no matter what promises they make. Not even if they can offer what he never knew he needed.

Grayson never expected to connect with the sweet omega, and even less with the bratty beta who seems out to defy his authority at every chance. But there’s a reason for Lars’s insolent behavior, and soon the combination of these two boys becomes irresistible for Grayson. Can he be the Daddy these two need?

Beta’s Surrender is an MMM mpreg romance and the third book in the Irresistible Omegas series. It is not a stand-alone but continues the story from the first two books. It ends with an HEA for our three men, but the overall storyline will continue in the next books.

The Review:

Thank you Nora for your ARC Review group. 🙂

5 Stars



This time around, Nora only had a few days prior to release day to provide ARCs. I jumped on it of course. Read it in two days. Then Real Life got involved and I’m just now getting to sit down and write this review. Instead of focusing on the hotness that is between Vieno, Palani, Enar, and Lidon, we get the interesting tale of Grayson, Lars, and Sven. While learning about the overall arc of mutated heats for certain omegas, and new information regarding how they came to be, we watch Sven and Lars fall in love with Grayson with grown sons their age. It’s not as angsty as the other books, very sweet actually, but still has their own issues and confrontations. We do have a birth and an interesting surprise ending. It didn’t actually surprise me, but I saw it coming. You have to read it to know. 😉

I love learning more about this world through the eyes of all seven protagonists. Just like the first four, it was great to see their love evolve from a situation of necessity and choice. The pack continues to develop and more truths are revealed. There is a happy ending for Grayson, Lars, and Sven with Grayson as their Daddy. Very well done, Nora, very well done.

At this point, I have no idea who we are going to follow next. I have my hopes…

Overall, I give Beta’s Surrender 5 out of 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

Amazon | Goodreads

About the Author:

Would you like the long or the short version of my bio?

The short? You got it.

I write steamy gay romance books and I love it. I also love reading books. Books are everything.

How was that?

A little more detail? Gotcha.

I started writing my first stories when I was a teen…on a freaking typewriter. I still have these, and they’re adorably romantic. And bad, haha. Fear of failing kept me from following my dream to become a romance author, so you can imagine how proud and ecstatic I am that I finally overcame my fears and self doubt and did it. I adore my genre because I love writing and reading about flawed, strong men who are just a tad broken..but find their happy ever after anyway.

My favorite books to read are pretty much all MM/gay romances as long as it has a happy end. Kink is a plus… Aside from that, I also read a lot of nonfiction and not just books on writing. Popular psychology is a favorite topic of mine and so are self help and sociology.

Hobbies? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Just kidding. I love traveling, spending time near the ocean, and hiking. But I love books more.

Wanna get first dibs on freebies, updates, sales, and more? Sign up for my newsletter (no spamming your inbox full…promise!):

Come hang out with me in my Facebook Group Nora’s Nook where I share previews, sneak peeks, freebies, and much more:

Stalk me on Twitter or Goodreads where I share recommended books and reviews! You can also find me on Bookbub and Instagram.

Author takeover… what?! #MMM #BeautifulSkin #Charity #Romance #LGBTQ #Multiauthor #Prizes #musings

Join me for an author take over on FB on 9/22/18 8 pm EDT. You’ll have to be a member of the group to participate. Event starts at 4 PM EDT if you would like to meet other authors. There might be prizes… 😉

Takeover will be devoted to Beautiful Skin, of which, Together is within. You might even see the cover reveal of my individual story…

It’s been a long several months. Work, teeth issues, family drama, traveling… it’s all taken a toll. I hope to be able to finish my paranormal romance of color that’s due end of this month. I can do it. It’s only 15k words. I did start it. Just need to finish. We’ll see.

I’ll try to get a better update here soon. I have a few reviews I owe as well.

Until then… come join me next Saturday for an hour of fun!


Beautiful Skin Anthology Released today! #Amazon #LGBTQ #Romance #MultiplePairings #Diversity

***Now Live ***


Beautiful Skin: A People of Color Anthology



Love is complex.
Love is beautiful.
Love is diverse.
Love is for all.

Beautiful Skin is an anthology of short stories from a diverse group of authors who believe love, in all its many colors, shapes, and forms, is simply stunning. This collection features tales from genres such as contemporary, erotica, paranormal, interracial, M/M, F/M, M/F/M, and M/M/M romance.
Allow us to take you on a journey that will enthrall your mind and leave you desiring more from these authors.

Fifty percent of the proceeds from this anthology will go to a charity with a great initiative: aiding in the fight against sickle cell.

Please be advised that all stories are intended for a mature audience of readers who are 18+ years.

Featuring stories from:

Angela Roe, Remmy Duchene, Isabel Raven, T.B. Bond, Nichelle Gregory, BLMorticia, Theresa Hodge, ML Preston, BA Tortuga, Eloreen Moon, Kait Gamble, Sara York, Kiarra M. Taylor, Sade Rena, Katy Swann, Hadley Raydeen, Kendra Mei Chailyn, Kharma Kelley, AM Cosgrove



Snag your copy here:

Amazon Print


Release Day for Beautiful Skin Anthology by Multiple Authors #OrderNow #PersonsOfColor #Romance #LGBT #NewRelease

*****Beautiful Skin: A People of Color Anthology*****


Release date: 8/23/18 (Amazon Print | Amazon)

Add this wonderfully diverse anthology to your Goodreads TBR list today, because you won’t want to mi!!

Link to Goodreads:

1 Day Until Beautiful Skin Anthology by Multiple Authors #ComingSoon #PreOrder #PersonsOfColor #Romance #LGBT #1Day


*****Beautiful Skin: A People of Color Anthology*****


Release date: 8/23/18 (Coming Soon Print; Pre-Order eBook Amazon)

Add this wonderfully diverse anthology to your Goodreads TBR list today, because you won’t want to miss it when it releases!!

Link to Goodreads:

2 Days Until Beautiful Skin Anthology by Multiple Authors #ComingSoon #PreOrder #PersonsOfColor #Romance #LGBT #2Days


*****Beautiful Skin: A People of Color Anthology*****


Release date: 8/23/18 (Coming Soon Print; Pre-Order eBook Amazon)

Add this wonderfully diverse anthology to your Goodreads TBR list today, because you won’t want to miss it when it releases!!

Link to Goodreads:

3 Days Until Beautiful Skin Anthology by Multiple Authors #ComingSoon #PreOrder #PersonsOfColor #Romance #LGBT #3Days


*****Beautiful Skin: A People of Color Anthology*****


Release date: 8/23/18 (Coming Soon Print; Pre-Order eBook Amazon)

Add this wonderfully diverse anthology to your Goodreads TBR list today, because you won’t want to miss it when it releases!!

Link to Goodreads: